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SIGCHI Bulletin
Vol.29 No.1, January 1997
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CHI 97 Workshops

Workshops provide an extended forum for small groups (15-20 people) to exchange ideas on a specific topic of common interest. CHI 97 offers workshops covering a wide range of HCI topics. Workshops will be held on Sunday and Monday, March 23 and 24, 1997.

Workshops require prospective participants to submit a position paper to the organizers prior to CHI 97. Position statements are typically expected to be two to four pages long and to outline participants' views on the workshop theme and reasons for interest in the topic. Check each workshop for more specific information.

Position statements should be submitted directly to the designated contact person. The contact person can also answer questions and provide additional information upon request. Unless otherwise noted, position statements must be received by 15 January 1997. Submitters will be notified of their selection by mid February 1997.

Accepted workshop participants will be charged a special registration fee of $50 for each one-day workshop or $100 for each two-day workshop. If you are invited to attend a workshop, you will receive a separate registration form, which you should fill out and send with payment to the address provided on that form no later than DATE!. It is advised that you do not wait for the outcome of your workshop submission to register for the conference as a whole, as you may miss the early deadline if you do so.

To share the important issues and outcomes from the workshops with the rest of the CHI community, organizers will have an opportunity and are encouraged to create posters and show them during the conference.

For full details of CHI 97 and the workshops, please see the CHI 97 Advance Program, at

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SIGCHI Bulletin
Vol.29 No.1, January 1997
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