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Vol.30 No.1, January 1998
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Visualizing Personal Histories

A Workshop, July 21-22, 1997

Ben Shneiderman

Overview and Workshop Summary

Personal history records are central to decision-making in medicine, hiring, personnel reviews, life insurance, and educational admissions. These records are increasingly computerized but on-screen presentations are often more difficult to traverse than paper records. Physicians often fail to review online patient histories and bank officials reject loan applicants rather than digging into an electronic financial history. Visual overviews may enable dramatic improvements in decision-making, much as graphical user interfaces have contributed to desktop publishing, directory browsing, and air traffic control. Visual presentations of personal histories and biographies offer new research challenges in:

The University of Maryland Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory (HCIL) has been working on this topic for three years. Our first effort was in developing a youth history overview prototype for the Maryland Department of Juvenile Justice. This was enthusiastically received by the users and we began to explore other possibilities, especially medical patient histories. For more information see:

In order to explore the state-of-the-art in visualizing personal histories we organized a two-day workshop for researchers and advanced developers. We wanted to ensure an open atmosphere with focused interaction, and therefore limited the range of topics and number of attendees. We invited a few people we knew to be working on the topic and a notice on CHI-Announcements generated many interesting additions (see program below).

The opening talk by Nahum Gershon surveyed the broader area of information visualization. He encouraged attendees to get rid of old metaphors and expand the current "bag of tricks" with thoughtful consideration of effectiveness blended with visual excitement. Several speakers presented striking examples of historical timelines, including Priestley's (1765) first timeline depicting the lifespan of famous figures from antiquity. Each speaker offered varied examples, showing the rich possibilities. Lively discussions ensued, on topics such as taxonomies, implementation tools, and technology transfer.

Four Controversies

Four controversies appeared:

There was a strong desire for standard data formats for personal histories to coordinate development and sample cases so diverse strategies could be compared. The workshop website provides information and links:


Opening Speech: Information Visualization: The Next Frontier
Nahum Gershon, MITRE

An Empirical Study Comparing LifeLines with Tabular Format
Anne Rose, University of Maryland

Using LifeLines for Medical Records: Data Structure Support
Catherine Plaisant, University of Maryland

Providing a usable summary for health care records: Lessons from inpatient and outpatient settings
John Karat, IBM Research

Summarizing Medical Records
Seth Powsner, Yale University

Using compositional visualization methods for complex visual tasks: Automated visual presentation generation for patient medical records
Michelle Zhou, Columbia University

Priestley's Lives to Lifes Lines: With Tom's veggies as an example
Howard Wainer, Educational Testing Service

Characterizing the content and the presentation of timelines
Vijay Kumar Texas A& M University

PadWebMap: A Zooming WWW History Map
Ben Bederson, University of New Mexico

The Worker Profile: Visualizing the Worker Profile at the Quebec Worker Compensation Board
Daniel Lafreniere, GESPRO Group, Quebec

Visualizing Student Histories in HyperCourseware
Kent L. Norman, University of Maryland

Overview and clustering of text-based personal narratives
Sharon Laskowski, National Institute for Standards and Technology

We Make Memories: A revealing personal biography
Abbe Don (In video)

Presenting Historical Biographies: The Web-Bio of David Seymour
Whitney Quesenbery, Cognetics Corp <>
Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland <>


Ben Shneiderman,
Catherine Plaisant,
Anne Rose,
Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 USA

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SIGCHI Bulletin
Vol.30 No.1, January 1998
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