- Chapter 17: There is a serious mistake in the discussion of mixability
on page 577, before and beneath Equation (17.27). Here
is a better version of the paragraph (this erratum has
already been fixed in the version of Chapter 17 that is
available as a sample chapter on the web, and in the second
printing that will appear March 2009).
- Chapter 3: There is a mistake in the calculation of codelengths
for quasi-uniform description methods (page 90), which leads to a
mistake in the development of the integer-codelength version of the
universal code for the integers (page 100). Here is
a better version of page 90 and here is a
better version of page 100. This erratum has also mostly been fixed
in the second printing of March 2009, although in that
printing, there is still a small mistake in eq. (3.5) on page 90.
Last updated: February 2009.
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