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5th Honinbo title


There were two preliminaries, one for 5-dans and one for 6- or 7-dans.


In the first column the white player, on the top row the black player.

# player result 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Hashimoto Utaro 5-1 W+R B+1.5 W+R
2. Fujisawa Hosai 3-3 B+R B+R W+R
3. Kitani Minoru 3-3 B+5.5 W+1.5 W+6.5
4. Hasegawa Akira 3-3 B+R W+7.5 B+3.5
5. Hayashi Yutaro 3-3 B+R B+R W+4.5
6. Takagawa Kaku 3-3 B+3.5 W+0.5 B+R
7. Suzuki Kensho 1-5 B+R B+R W+R

5th Honinbo Title

date black white result #mv sgf
1950-03-28,29,30 Iwamoto Kaoru Hashimoto Utaro W+7.5 256 sgf
1950-04-07,08,09 Hashimoto Utaro Iwamoto Kaoru B+3.5 233 sgf
1950-04-20,21,22 Iwamoto Kaoru Hashimoto Utaro W+4.5 271 sgf
1950-04-26,27,28 Hashimoto Utaro Iwamoto Kaoru B+R 195 sgf

Hashimoto Utaro won 4-0.