The Meta-Environment API

Package nl.cwi.sen1.visbase.rstorecontainer.datatypes

Contains all datatypes that represent the data that is communicated over the toolbus between the RStoreContainer and other tools

The datatypes support roundTrip Toolbus creation:
- Create an ATermList from a datatype with toAtermList()
- Create a datatype from an ATermList with ConstructorName(ATermList)

2007-02-14 Ricardo Lindooren


Class Summary
ATermParseExceptionTest Used to test the ATermParseExceptionTest code
FactInfo This class represents the 'RStore Fact-identification data' being communicated over the ToolBus
FactInfoList This class represents the list of 'RStore Fact-identification data' being communicated over the ToolBus.
FactInfoListTest Tests the FactInfoList code
FactInfoTest Tests the FactInfo class.

Exception Summary
ATermParseException Generic Exception for errors during parsing of ATerm data

Package nl.cwi.sen1.visbase.rstorecontainer.datatypes Description

Contains all datatypes that represent the data that is communicated over the toolbus between the RStoreContainer and other tools

The datatypes support roundTrip Toolbus creation:
- Create an ATermList from a datatype with toAtermList()
- Create a datatype from an ATermList with ConstructorName(ATermList)

2007-02-14 Ricardo Lindooren

Ricardo Lindooren
See Also:

The Meta-Environment API