The Meta-Environment API

Class FactBrowser

  extended by nl.cwi.sen1.gui.plugin.DefaultStudioPlugin
      extended by nl.cwi.sen1.visbase.factbrowser.FactBrowser
All Implemented Interfaces:
nl.cwi.sen1.gui.plugin.StudioPlugin, FactbrowserTif

public class FactBrowser
extends nl.cwi.sen1.gui.plugin.DefaultStudioPlugin
implements FactbrowserTif

This class is the main entry point for the toolbus FactBrowserInterface script. It also listens to event from the FactBrowserWindow with the visual tree containing the RStores DataManager This method has a dataManager which takes care of the registration of new Rstores/Facts/FactTypes and VisualisationPlugins. RTypes decoding For the decoding of the given Facts with Rtypes, the rstore-container FactInfoList()is used. This will get a container class with all the nessecary information about the Facts.

Renze de Vries

Field Summary
private  FactbrowserBridge bridge
private  nl.cwi.sen1.gui.component.StudioComponent component
private  nl.cwi.sen1.configapi.Factory configFactory
private  FactBrowserDataManager dataManager
private static int DOUBLE_CLICK
private  FactBrowserWindow factBrowserWindow
private static org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
private  nl.cwi.sen1.util.DefaultPopupImpl popup
private  nl.cwi.sen1.gui.Studio studio
private static java.lang.String TOOL_NAME
Constructor Summary
          This is the default constructor it creates the dataManager and the visualisationClass
Method Summary
private  void addFactBrowserComponent()
          This method will initialize the layout and add it to the MetaStudio environment
private  aterm.ATerm createEventId(aterm.ATerm moduleId)
 void fbAddVisualizationPlugin(aterm.ATerm pluginType, int pluginIdentifier, java.lang.String pluginName)
          ToolbusInterface This method is a toolBus interface required implementation.
 void fbRstoreUnloaded(int rstoreIdentifier)
          Removes the rstore with the specified rstoreIdentifier from the tree.
 void fbShowRstoreFacts(java.lang.String rstoreName, int rstoreIdentifier, aterm.ATerm rstoreFacts)
          ToolbusInterface This method is an interface for the toolbus communications.
 java.lang.String getName()
          This method returns the name of this Tool for the metaStudio.
 aterm.ATerm getSelectedRstoreid()
private  aterm.ATerm getSelectedRStoreId()
 void initStudioPlugin(nl.cwi.sen1.gui.Studio metaStudio)
          This is the entry method for the FactBrowser.
private  void mouseDoubleClick(java.awt.event.MouseEvent mouseEvent)
          Handles the double click actions on a rstore tree node and a visualization treenode.
 void recAckEvent(aterm.ATerm t0)
          Method must be implemented as part of toolbus compliance
 void recTerminate(aterm.ATerm t0)
          Method will be called when the connection with the toolbus is terminated
 void showPopup(int RStoreId, aterm.ATerm menuList)
Methods inherited from class nl.cwi.sen1.gui.plugin.DefaultStudioPlugin
addStudioPluginListener, fireStudioPluginClosed, removeStudioPluginListener
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private static final int DOUBLE_CLICK
See Also:
Constant Field Values


private FactBrowserDataManager dataManager


private static final java.lang.String TOOL_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static final org.apache.commons.logging.Log log


private nl.cwi.sen1.configapi.Factory configFactory


private nl.cwi.sen1.gui.Studio studio


private nl.cwi.sen1.gui.component.StudioComponent component


private FactbrowserBridge bridge


private FactBrowserWindow factBrowserWindow


private nl.cwi.sen1.util.DefaultPopupImpl popup
Constructor Detail


public FactBrowser()
This is the default constructor it creates the dataManager and the visualisationClass

Method Detail


public void fbAddVisualizationPlugin(aterm.ATerm pluginType,
                                     int pluginIdentifier,
                                     java.lang.String pluginName)
ToolbusInterface This method is a toolBus interface required implementation. It gets as parameters the type of the visualisation, name and the identifier for the plugin. It passes the visualisation to the dataManager and signals the visualisationWindow to redraw.

Specified by:
fbAddVisualizationPlugin in interface FactbrowserTif
pluginType -
pluginIdentifier -
pluginName1 -


public void fbShowRstoreFacts(java.lang.String rstoreName,
                              int rstoreIdentifier,
                              aterm.ATerm rstoreFacts)
ToolbusInterface This method is an interface for the toolbus communications. It's task is to add a passed Rstore with all it's children facts to the dataStore which is managed by the (caching) dataManager.

Specified by:
fbShowRstoreFacts in interface FactbrowserTif
rstoreName -
rstoreIdentifier -
rstoreFacts -


public void fbRstoreUnloaded(int rstoreIdentifier)
Removes the rstore with the specified rstoreIdentifier from the tree.

Specified by:
fbRstoreUnloaded in interface FactbrowserTif
rstoreIdentifier -


public void recAckEvent(aterm.ATerm t0)
Method must be implemented as part of toolbus compliance

Specified by:
recAckEvent in interface FactbrowserTif


public void recTerminate(aterm.ATerm t0)
Method will be called when the connection with the toolbus is terminated

Specified by:
recTerminate in interface FactbrowserTif


public java.lang.String getName()
This method returns the name of this Tool for the metaStudio.

Specified by:
getName in interface nl.cwi.sen1.gui.plugin.StudioPlugin


private aterm.ATerm createEventId(aterm.ATerm moduleId)


public void initStudioPlugin(nl.cwi.sen1.gui.Studio metaStudio)
This is the entry method for the FactBrowser. When the meta-environment is started this will be called to add the factBrowser to the studio. It calls a method which will load the layout with the menu's.

Specified by:
initStudioPlugin in interface nl.cwi.sen1.gui.plugin.StudioPlugin
metaStudio - This is the instance of the metaStudio


private void addFactBrowserComponent()
This method will initialize the layout and add it to the MetaStudio environment


private void mouseDoubleClick(java.awt.event.MouseEvent mouseEvent)
Handles the double click actions on a rstore tree node and a visualization treenode. Only the messages will be send, the data itself will not be handled here. Scenario 1: If the user double clicks on a rstore tree node a message will be send to the toolbus and requests all the facts within the rstore. Scenario 2: If the user double clicks on a fact tree node a message will be send to the toolbus to request all the possible visualizations for the given fact.


public void showPopup(int RStoreId,
                      aterm.ATerm menuList)
Specified by:
showPopup in interface FactbrowserTif


public aterm.ATerm getSelectedRstoreid()
Specified by:
getSelectedRstoreid in interface FactbrowserTif


private aterm.ATerm getSelectedRStoreId()

The Meta-Environment API