The Meta-Environment API


ALERT - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.Letters
appendLetter(char) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
ASC - Static variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortButtonRenderer
ascButton - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortButtonRenderer


BACKSLASH - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.Letters
BACKSLASH - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter.Letters
BACKSPACE - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.Letters
bridge - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsing
Buffer - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.ColumnBuffer
Buffer - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.DataBuffer
Buffer - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.RawRecordBuffer


calculateUnderLineBounds() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.LocationButtonRenderer
Calculate the bounds of the underline.
CaptureRawRecord - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.UserSettings
CaseSensitive - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.UserSettings
charset - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
charset - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
checkClosed() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
checkClosed() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
checkDataLength() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
checkInit() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
checkInputSignature(ATermList) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsingTool
close() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Closes and releases all related resources.
close(boolean) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
close() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
Closes and releases all related resources.
close(boolean) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
closed - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
closed - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
columnBuffer - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
columnsCount - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
ColumnStart - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.DataBuffer
com.csvreader - package com.csvreader
COMMA - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.Letters
COMMA - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter.Letters
Comment - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.UserSettings
Comment - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter.UserSettings
compare(int, int, int) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.TableSorter
Compare two values in one column, these two values are the values at (column, row1) and (column, row2).
compare(Number, Number) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.TableSorter
Number comparator based on doubles.
convertColumnTypesToStrings(RTypeColumnTypes) - Static method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModel
Converts RTypeColumnTypes to an array of Strings
Count - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.DataBuffer
CR - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.Letters
CR - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter.Letters
createExtensionMenu() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationWindow
Create a menu
createWindow() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportController
Return Table visualization window
createWindow() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationController
Return Table visualization window
createWindow() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.TextVisualizationController
Return Table visualization window
CsvExportController - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport
The CsvExportController class
CsvExportController() - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportController
CsvExportControllerTest - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport
Test class for the TableVisualization Plugin.
CsvExportControllerTest() - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportControllerTest
CsvExportVisualizationWindow - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport
This class represents the window of the CSV Export plugin in the meta environment
CsvExportVisualizationWindow() - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportVisualizationWindow
CsvExportVisualizationWindowTest - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport
JUnit Testcase used to test the TableVisualizationWindow class
CsvExportVisualizationWindowTest() - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportVisualizationWindowTest
CsvReader - Class in com.csvreader
A stream based parser for parsing delimited text data from a file or a stream.
CsvReader(String, char, Charset) - Constructor for class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Creates a CsvReader object using a file as the data source.
CsvReader(String, char) - Constructor for class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Creates a CsvReader object using a file as the data source. Uses ISO-8859-1 as the Charset.
CsvReader(String) - Constructor for class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Creates a CsvReader object using a file as the data source. Uses a comma as the column delimiter and ISO-8859-1 as the Charset.
CsvReader(Reader, char) - Constructor for class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Constructs a CsvReader object using a Reader object as the data source.
CsvReader(Reader) - Constructor for class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Constructs a CsvReader object using a Reader object as the data source. Uses a comma as the column delimiter.
CsvReader(InputStream, char, Charset) - Constructor for class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Constructs a CsvReader object using an InputStream object as the data source.
CsvReader(InputStream, Charset) - Constructor for class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Constructs a CsvReader object using an InputStream object as the data source. Uses a comma as the column delimiter.
CsvReader.ColumnBuffer - Class in com.csvreader
CsvReader.ColumnBuffer() - Constructor for class com.csvreader.CsvReader.ColumnBuffer
CsvReader.ComplexEscape - Class in com.csvreader
CsvReader.ComplexEscape() - Constructor for class com.csvreader.CsvReader.ComplexEscape
CsvReader.DataBuffer - Class in com.csvreader
CsvReader.DataBuffer() - Constructor for class com.csvreader.CsvReader.DataBuffer
CsvReader.HeadersHolder - Class in com.csvreader
CsvReader.HeadersHolder() - Constructor for class com.csvreader.CsvReader.HeadersHolder
CsvReader.Letters - Class in com.csvreader
CsvReader.Letters() - Constructor for class com.csvreader.CsvReader.Letters
CsvReader.RawRecordBuffer - Class in com.csvreader
CsvReader.RawRecordBuffer() - Constructor for class com.csvreader.CsvReader.RawRecordBuffer
CsvReader.StaticSettings - Class in com.csvreader
CsvReader.StaticSettings() - Constructor for class com.csvreader.CsvReader.StaticSettings
CsvReader.UserSettings - Class in com.csvreader
CsvReader.UserSettings() - Constructor for class com.csvreader.CsvReader.UserSettings
CsvWriter - Class in com.csvreader
A stream based writer for writing delimited text data to a file or a stream.
CsvWriter(String, char, Charset) - Constructor for class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
Creates a CsvWriter object using a file as the data destination.
CsvWriter(String) - Constructor for class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
Creates a CsvWriter object using a file as the data destination. Uses a comma as the column delimiter and ISO-8859-1 as the Charset.
CsvWriter(Writer, char) - Constructor for class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
Creates a CsvWriter object using a Writer to write data to.
CsvWriter(OutputStream, char, Charset) - Constructor for class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
Creates a CsvWriter object using an OutputStream to write data to.
CsvWriter.Letters - Class in com.csvreader
CsvWriter.Letters() - Constructor for class com.csvreader.CsvWriter.Letters
CsvWriter.UserSettings - Class in com.csvreader
CsvWriter.UserSettings() - Constructor for class com.csvreader.CsvWriter.UserSettings
currentRecord - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader


dataBuffer - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
DEC - Static variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortButtonRenderer
decButton - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortButtonRenderer
DECIMAL - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.ComplexEscape
Delimiter - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.UserSettings
Delimiter - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter.UserSettings
displayUnparsedRtuple(String) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsing
displayUnparsedRtuple(String) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsingBridge
displayUnparsedRtuple(String) - Method in interface nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsingTif


endColumn() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
endRecord() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
endRecord() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
Ends the current record by sending the record delimiter.
ESCAPE - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.Letters
ESCAPE_MODE_BACKSLASH - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Use a backslash character before the text qualifier to represent an occurance of the text qualifier.
ESCAPE_MODE_BACKSLASH - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
Use a backslash character before the text qualifier to represent an occurance of the text qualifier.
ESCAPE_MODE_DOUBLED - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Double up the text qualifier to represent an occurance of the text qualifier.
ESCAPE_MODE_DOUBLED - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
Double up the text qualifier to represent an occurance of the text qualifier.
EscapeMode - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.UserSettings
EscapeMode - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter.UserSettings
executeOnLoad() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportVisualizationWindow
Called when the plugin is loaded
export(RTuple, CsvWriter, Exporter.ExportSelection) - Static method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.Exporter
Writes the content of a RTupe to a CSV writer
exportColumnTypes(RTypeColumnTypes, CsvWriter) - Static method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.Exporter
Writes the data types as headers to the CvsWriter
exportData(RTuple, CsvWriter) - Static method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.Exporter
Writes the data of an rTuple to the CvsWriter
Exporter - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport
CSV export functionality for RTuples
Exporter() - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.Exporter
Exporter.ExportSelection - Enum in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport
Enumeration used to indicate which part of a RTuple should be exported to CSV
Exporter.ExportSelection() - Constructor for enum nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.Exporter.ExportSelection
ExporterTest - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport
JUnit Testcase used to test the Exporter class
ExporterTest() - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.ExporterTest
exportToCsv(String) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportVisualizationWindow
Exports the loaded RTuple to a CSV file
exportToFile(RTuple, String, Exporter.ExportSelection) - Static method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.Exporter
Writes the content of a RTuple to an CSV formatted file
exportToRStore(String, int[]) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelExporter
Exports a selection from a table model to an RStore file.
exportToRStore(String) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationWindow
Exports the selected rows from the table to an RStore file.


factory - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsing
fileName - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
fileName - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
finalize() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
finalize() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
firstColumn - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
flush() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
Clears all buffers for the current writer and causes any buffered data to be written to the underlying device.
ForceQualifier - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter.UserSettings
FORM_FEED - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.Letters


GenericVisualizationPluginsLoader - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin
This class loads all visualization plugins.
GenericVisualizationPluginsLoader() - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.GenericVisualizationPluginsLoader
Default constructor.
get(int) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Returns the current column value for a given column index.
get(String) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Returns the current column value for a given column header name.
getCaptureRawRecord() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModel
Return the type which is displayed in the given column.
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Gets the count of columns found in this record.
getComment() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Gets the character being used as a comment signal.
getComment() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
getCurrentRecord() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Gets the index of the current record.
getDelimiter() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Gets the character being used as the column delimiter.
getDelimiter() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
Gets the character being used as the column delimiter.
getEscapeMode() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Gets the current way to escape an occurance of the text qualifier inside qualified data.
getEscapeMode() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
getForceQualifier() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
Whether fields will be surrounded by the text qualifier even if the qualifier is not necessarily needed to escape this field.
getHeader(int) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Returns the column header value for a given column index.
getHeaderCount() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Gets the count of headers read in by a previous call to readHeaders().
getHeaders() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Returns the header values as a string array.
getIndex(String) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Gets the corresponding column index for a given column header name.
getIndexes() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModel
Returns the index mapping on which the current sort is based.
getLocation(MouseEvent) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.TableLocationButtonListener
Get the cell's location ATerm at the X and Y coordinates of the mouse.
getName() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.GenericVisualizationPluginsLoader
getName() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsing
getPluginName() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportController
Gets the plugin name [Table Visualization Plugin]
getPluginName() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationController
Gets the plugin name [Table Visualization Plugin]
getPluginName() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.TextVisualizationController
Gets the plugin name [Table Visualization Plugin]
getRawRecord() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
getRecordDelimiter() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
getRecordDelimiter() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
getRElemForRow(int) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModel
Returns an RElem containing the data for a row.
getRTupleRType() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModel
Returns the RType of the set RTuple data.
getRTupleVariable() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModel
Returns the variable of the set RTuple data.
getSafetySwitch() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Safety caution to prevent the parser from using large amounts of memory in the case where parsing settings like file encodings don't end up matching the actual format of a file.
getSkipEmptyRecords() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
getState(int) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortButtonRenderer
Retrieve the current state for a given column.
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportController
Define the supported types.
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationController
Define the supported types.
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.TextVisualizationController
Define the supported types.
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.LocationButtonRenderer
Make the label invisible when its not selected.
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortButtonRenderer
Method inherited from the TableCellRenderer Only the column and value attributes are used.
getTextQualifier() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Gets the character to use as a text qualifier in the data.
getTextQualifier() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
Gets the character to use as a text qualifier in the data.
getTrimWhitespace() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Gets whether leading and trailing whitespace characters are being trimmed from non-textqualified column data.
getUseComments() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Gets whether comments are being looked for while parsing or not.
getUseTextQualifier() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Whether text qualifiers will be used while parsing or not.
getUseTextQualifier() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
Whether text qualifiers will be used while writing data or not.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModel
Retrieve the value for a given postion (row,col).
getValueFromRElem(RElem) - Static method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModel
Converts RElem value to an object.
getValues() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader


handler(ATerm) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsingTool
hasMoreData - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
hasReadNextLine - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
header - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.HeaderListener
HeaderListener - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model
Header listener, class which tranforms the header item to buttons.
HeaderListener(JTableHeader, SortButtonRenderer) - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.HeaderListener
Headers - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.HeadersHolder
headersHolder - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
HEX - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.ComplexEscape
hexToDec(char) - Static method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader


IndexByName - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.HeadersHolder
INITIAL_COLUMN_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.StaticSettings
INITIAL_COLUMN_COUNT - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.StaticSettings
initialize() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.LocationButtonRenderer
Set the visible parameters for this label.
initialized - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
initialized - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
initPatterns() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsingTool
initSigTable() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsingTool
initStudioPlugin(Studio) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.GenericVisualizationPluginsLoader
initStudioPlugin(Studio) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.TextVisualizationController
initStudioPlugin(Studio) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsing
inputStream - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModel
isComplexType(RType) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportController
isQualified - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
isQualified(int) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
isTypeSupported(ATerm) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportController
Check if a type is supported
isTypeSupported(ATerm) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationController
Check if a type is supported
isTypeSupported(ATerm) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.TextVisualizationController
Check if a type is supported


lastLetter - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
lastWindow - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsing
Length - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.HeadersHolder
LF - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.Letters
LF - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter.Letters
LineStart - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.DataBuffer
LocationButtonRenderer - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model
Location button renderer.
LocationButtonRenderer() - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.LocationButtonRenderer


m_csvExportVisualizationWindow - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportVisualizationWindowTest
m_data - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModel
m_exporter - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelExporterTest
m_fact - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportVisualizationWindow
m_factory - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportControllerTest
m_factory - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.ExporterTest
m_factory - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelExporter
m_factory - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelExporterTest
m_factory - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelTest
m_factory - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationWindowTest
m_fileName - Static variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationControllerTest
m_indexes - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModel
m_lineHeight - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.LocationButtonRenderer
m_lineWidth - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.LocationButtonRenderer
m_message - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportVisualizationWindow
m_model - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelExporter
m_model - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelExporterTest
m_model - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelTest
m_model - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationWindow
m_rTupleRType - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModel
m_rTupleVariable - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModel
m_sorter - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModel
m_table - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.TableLocationButtonListener
m_table - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationWindow
m_tableVisualizationController - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportControllerTest
m_tableVisualizationController - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationControllerTest
m_testFilename - Static variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelExporterTest
m_testFilename - Static variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationWindowTest
m_testRTuple - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelExporterTest
m_testRTuple - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelTest
m_testRTuple - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationWindowTest
m_testRTupleSelection - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelExporterTest
m_text - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.TextVisualizationWindow
m_window - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.TableLocationButtonListener
m_window - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationController
m_window - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationWindowTest
m_window - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.TextVisualizationController
makeATerm(String) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportControllerTest
Creates an ATerm
makeATerm(String) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationControllerTest
MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.StaticSettings
MAX_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.StaticSettings
model - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.TableSorter
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.TableLocationButtonListener
Handle the mouse click only if is clicked on a cell with a location link.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.TableLocationButtonListener
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.TableLocationButtonListener
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.TableLocationButtonListener
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.TableLocationButtonListener
Change the mousecursor if it moves over a location link.
mouseOverCursor - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.TableLocationButtonListener
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.HeaderListener
Handle the incoming mouse event from the header button.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.TableLocationButtonListener
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.HeaderListener
Handle the mouse released from the header button.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.TableLocationButtonListener


nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin - package nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin
nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport - package nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport
nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table - package nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table
nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model - package nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model
nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text - package nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text
NONE - Static variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortButtonRenderer
notInInputSignature(ATerm) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsingTool
NULL - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.Letters
NULL - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter.Letters


OCTAL - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.ComplexEscape
outputStream - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter


paint(Graphics) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.LocationButtonRenderer
Overwrite the paint method, call super to paint the label itself.
parse(String) - Static method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Creates a CsvReader object using a string of data as the source. Uses ISO-8859-1 as the Charset.
PdisplayUnparsedRtuple0 - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsingTool
Position - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.ColumnBuffer
Position - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.DataBuffer
Position - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.RawRecordBuffer
POUND - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.Letters
POUND - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter.Letters
PrecAckEvent0 - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsingTool
PrecTerminate0 - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsingTool


QUOTE - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.Letters
QUOTE - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter.Letters


rawBuffer - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
rawRecord - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
readFile(String) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelExporterTest
Reads an entire file and returns the contents as a string.
readFile(String) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationWindowTest
Reads an entire file and returns the contents as a string.
readHeaders() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Read the first record of data as column headers.
readRecord() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Reads another record.
recAckEvent(ATerm) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsing
recAckEvent(ATerm) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsingBridge
recAckEvent(ATerm) - Method in interface nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsingTif
RecordDelimiter - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.UserSettings
RecordDelimiter - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter.UserSettings
recTerminate(ATerm) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsing
recTerminate(ATerm) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsingBridge
recTerminate(ATerm) - Method in interface nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsingTif
RElemToString(RElem) - Static method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.Exporter
Converts the value of a simple RElem to a String
render(RTuple) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportVisualizationWindow
Returns JPanel including JTable with Data.
render(RTuple) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationWindow
Returns JPanel including JTable with Data.
render(RTuple) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.TextVisualizationWindow
renderer - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.HeaderListener
replace(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
rTupleToCsv(RTuple, Exporter.ExportSelection) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.ExporterTest
Converts a RTuple to CSV formatted text by calling: Exporter.export(rTuple, csvWriter)


SafetySwitch - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.UserSettings
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.LocationButtonRenderer
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModel
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortButtonRenderer
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationWindow
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.TextVisualizationWindow
setCaptureRawRecord(boolean) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
setComment(char) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Sets the character to use as a comment signal.
setComment(char) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
setDelimiter(char) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Sets the character to use as the column delimiter.
setDelimiter(char) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
Sets the character to use as the column delimiter.
setEscapeMode(int) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Sets the current way to escape an occurance of the text qualifier inside qualified data.
setEscapeMode(int) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
setForceQualifier(boolean) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
Use this to force all fields to be surrounded by the text qualifier even if the qualifier is not necessarily needed to escape this field.
setHeaders(String[]) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
setRecordDelimiter(char) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Sets the character to use as the record delimiter.
setRecordDelimiter(char) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
Sets the character to use as the record delimiter.
setRTupleData(RTuple) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModel
Sets the data of the table model to the data contained in the RTuple.
setSafetySwitch(boolean) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Safety caution to prevent the parser from using large amounts of memory in the case where parsing settings like file encodings don't end up matching the actual format of a file.
setSelectedColumn(int) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortButtonRenderer
Set the column on which the current sort is based.
setSkipEmptyRecords(boolean) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
setText(String) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.TextVisualizationWindow
setTextQualifier(char) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Sets the character to use as a text qualifier in the data.
setTextQualifier(char) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
Sets the character to use as a text qualifier in the data.
setTrimWhitespace(boolean) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Sets whether leading and trailing whitespace characters should be trimmed from non-textqualified column data or not.
setUp() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportControllerTest
Fixture setup.
setUp() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportVisualizationWindowTest
Fixture setup.
setUp() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.ExporterTest
This method is executed before the start of a test
setUp() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelExporterTest
Set-up code for the unit tests.
setUp() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelTest
Set-up code for the tests.
setUp() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationControllerTest
Fixture setup.
setUp() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationWindowTest
Set-up code for the unit tests.
setUseComments(boolean) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Sets whether comments are being looked for while parsing or not.
setUseTextQualifier(boolean) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Sets whether text qualifiers will be used while parsing or not.
setUseTextQualifier(boolean) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
Sets whether text qualifiers will be used while writing data or not.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModel
Set the value for a given postion (row,col).
sigTable - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsingTool
SkipEmptyRecords - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.UserSettings
skipLine() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Skips the next line of data using the standard end of line characters and does not do any column delimited parsing.
skipRecord() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
Skips the next record of data by parsing each column. Does not increment getCurrentRecord().
sort(int, boolean) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.TableSorter
Sort the table on a given column and an order.
SortableTableModel - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model
Table model supporting column sortings.
SortableTableModel() - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModel
SortableTableModelExporter - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model
Provides exporting functions for data in the SortableTableModel.
SortableTableModelExporter(SortableTableModel) - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelExporter
Default constructor.
SortableTableModelExporterTest - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model
Tests the SortableTableModelExporter class.
SortableTableModelExporterTest() - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelExporterTest
SortableTableModelTest - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model
JUnit Testcase used to test the TableVisualizationWindow class.
SortableTableModelTest() - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelTest
SortButtonRenderer - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model
Sort button renderer.
SortButtonRenderer() - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortButtonRenderer
sortByColumn(int, boolean) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModel
Retrieve the value for a given postion (row,col).
SPACE - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.Letters
SPACE - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter.Letters
startedColumn - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
startedWithQualifier - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
state - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortButtonRenderer


TAB - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.Letters
TAB - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter.Letters
TableLocationButtonListener - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model
This class listens for mouse events in the JTable.
TableLocationButtonListener(TableVisualizationWindow, JTable) - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.TableLocationButtonListener
TableSorter - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model
Table sorter.
TableSorter(SortableTableModel) - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.TableSorter
TableVisualizationController - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table
The TableVisualizationController class
TableVisualizationController() - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationController
Default constructor.
TableVisualizationControllerTest - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table
Test class for the TableVisualization Plugin.
TableVisualizationControllerTest() - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationControllerTest
TableVisualizationWindow - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table
The TableVisualizationWindows class.
TableVisualizationWindow() - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationWindow
TableVisualizationWindowTest - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table
Test class for the TableVisualizationWindow.
TableVisualizationWindowTest() - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationWindowTest
tearDown() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.ExporterTest
This method is executed after the end of a test
testCreateWindow() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportControllerTest
Tests if a visualization window can be created.
testCreateWindow() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationControllerTest
Tests if a visualization window can be created.
testCsvExportVisualizationWindow() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportVisualizationWindowTest
Tests if the window is created.
testExportFromRTupleStrInt() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.ExporterTest
Export from a RTuple with "String Integer"-relation
testExportFromRTupleStrStr() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.ExporterTest
Export from a RTuple with "String String"-relation
testExportToRStore() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationWindowTest
Tests the exportToRStore() method.
testExportToRStoreEntireTable() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelExporterTest
Tests the exportToRStore() function while exporting the entire table.
testExportToRStoreTableSelection() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelExporterTest
Tests the exportToRStore() function while exporting only the first and third row.
testGetColumnCount() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelTest
Tests the getColumnCount() method to see if it's initialized properly by setRTupleData().
testGetColumnName() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelTest
Tests the getColumnName() method to see if it's initialized properly by setRTupleData().
testGetPluginName() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportControllerTest
Tests if the right plugin name is given when requested.
testGetPluginName() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationControllerTest
Tests if the right plugin name is given when requested.
testGetRElemForRow() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelTest
Tests the getRElemForRow() method.
testGetRElemForRowWithSorting() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelTest
Tests the getRElemForRow() method after sorting on second column.
testGetRTupleRType() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelTest
Tests the getRTupleRType() method.
testGetRTupleVariable() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelTest
Tests the getRTupleVariable() method.
testGetSupportedTypes() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportControllerTest
Tests if there will no list of supported types will be given when asked.
testGetValueAt() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.model.SortableTableModelTest
Tests the getValueAt() method.
testIsTypeSupported() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportControllerTest
Test for the supported types.
testIsTypeSupported() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationControllerTest
Test for the supported types.
testTableVisualizationController() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.CsvExportControllerTest
Tests if the TableVisualizationController has been created succesfully
testTableVisualizationController() - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationControllerTest
Tests if the TableVisualizationController can be created succesfully
TextQualifier - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.UserSettings
TextQualifier - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter.UserSettings
TextVisualizationController - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text
The TableVisualizationController class
TextVisualizationController() - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.TextVisualizationController
Default constructor.
TextVisualizationWindow - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text
TextVisualizationWindow(VisPluginTextUnparsing) - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.TextVisualizationWindow
tool - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsingBridge
TrimWhitespace - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.UserSettings


UNICODE - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.ComplexEscape
unparser - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.TextVisualizationController
unparser - Variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.TextVisualizationWindow
unparseRTuple(TextVisualizationWindow, RTuple) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsing
updateCurrentValue() - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
UseComments - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.UserSettings
useCustomRecordDelimiter - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
useCustomRecordDelimiter - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
userSettings - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
userSettings - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
UseTextQualifier - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.UserSettings
UseTextQualifier - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter.UserSettings


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.Exporter.ExportSelection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values - Variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader
values() - Static method in enum nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.csvexport.Exporter.ExportSelection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VERTICAL_TAB - Static variable in class com.csvreader.CsvReader.Letters
VisPluginTextUnparsing - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text
VisPluginTextUnparsing() - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsing
VisPluginTextUnparsingBridge - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text
VisPluginTextUnparsingBridge(ATermFactory, VisPluginTextUnparsingTif) - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsingBridge
VisPluginTextUnparsingTif - Interface in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text
VisPluginTextUnparsingTool - Class in nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text
VisPluginTextUnparsingTool(ATermFactory) - Constructor for class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.text.VisPluginTextUnparsingTool
VISUALIZATIONPLUGIN - Static variable in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.GenericVisualizationPluginsLoader
vpFileDialogResult(int, String) - Method in class nl.cwi.sen1.visplugin.table.TableVisualizationController
Called when a file open dialog is accepted.


write(String, boolean) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
Writes another column of data to this record.
write(String) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
Writes another column of data to this record. Does not preserve leading and trailing whitespace in this column of data.
writeComment(String) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
writeRecord(String[], boolean) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
Writes a new record using the passed in array of values.
writeRecord(String[]) - Method in class com.csvreader.CsvWriter
Writes a new record using the passed in array of values.

The Meta-Environment API