Jop Briët
Additive combinatorics (Spring 2024)
Jop Briët Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde Jop Briët, Matthias Christandl, Itai Leigh, Amir Shpilka and Jeroen Zuiddam Preprint. Accepted to ITCS 2024 and QIP 2024. Jop Briët and Davi Castro Silva Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. Extended abstract in EUROCOMB'23. Jop Briët, Harry Buhrman, Davi Castro Silva and Niels Neumann accepted to QIP 2023 and ITCS 2024 Jop Briët and Davi Castro Silva Discrete Analysis. Extended abstract in EUROCOMB'23. Jop Briët, Francisco Escudero Gutiérrez and Sander Gribling Quantum Jop Briët and Francisco Escudero Gutiérrez Proceedings of TQC 2022 Jop Briët, David Holmes and Ross Kang Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde Jop Briët and Ben Green Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Jop Briët and Farrokh Labib Forum of Mathematics, Sigma. Extended abstract in proceedings of ITCS 2021 Tom Bannink, Jop Briët, Farrokh Labib and Hans Maassen Quantum. Proceedings of TQC 2020 (outstanding paper award) Jop Briët Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics Jop Briët and Carlos Palazuelos Discrete Analysis Tom Bannink, Jop Briët, Harry Buhrman, Troy Lee and Farrokh Labib Proceedings of STACS 2019 Srinivasan Arunachalam, Jop Briët and Carlos Palazuelos SIAM journal on computing (SICOMP). Preliminary version in proceedings of ITCS 2018, accepted to QIP 2019 Accompanying note showing that Chebyshev polynomials are completely bounded: PDF Jop Briët and Sivakanth Gopi International Mathematics Research Notices Jop Briët, Zeev Dvir and Sivakanth Gopi Theory of Computing. Preliminary version in proceedings of ITCS 2017 Jop Briët and Shravas Rao Preprint. Jop Briët and Jeroen Zuiddam Quantum Information and Computation Divesh Aggarwal and Jop Briët Proceedings of ISIT 2016 Jop Briët Preprint (2015) Jop Briët, Harry Buhrman, Debbie Leung, Teresa Piovesan and Florian Speelman Proceedings of TQC 2015 Jop Briët, Oded Regev and Rishi Saket Theory of Computing. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of FOCS 2015 Jop Briët, Zeev Dvir, Guangda Hu and Shubhangi Saraf Proceedings of ICALP 2014 Jop Briët, Daniel Dadush and Sebastian Pokutta Mathematical Programming. Preliminary version in Proceedings of ESA 2013 Jop Briët, Harry Buhrman, Monique Laurent, Teresa Piovesan and Giannicola Scarpa IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Preliminary version in proceedings of Eurocomb 2013. Presented at QIP 2014. Jop Briët, Assaf Naor and Oded Regev Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences (2012) Jop Briët, Harry Buhrman and Dion Gijswijt Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2012) Jop Briët and Thomas Vidick Communications in Mathematical Physics (2012). Presented at QIP 2012 (contributed talk) Jop Briët PhD thesis (2011) Winner of the Stieltjes Prize and the Andreas Bonn medal Jop Briët, Harry Buhrman, Troy Lee and Thomas Vidick Journal of Functional Analysis (2012) Jop Briët, Fernando Mário de Oliveira Filho and Frank Vallentin Theory of Computing (2014) Jop Briët, David García-Soriano, Arie Matsliah and Sourav Chakraborty Combinatorica (2012). A preliminary version appeared in the Proceedings of APPROX-RANDOM 2010 Jop Briët, Fernando Mário de Oliveira Filho and Frank Vallentin Proceedings of MTNS 2010 Jop Briët, Fernando Mário de Oliveira Filho and Frank Vallentin Proceedings of ICALP 2010 Jop Briët, Harry Buhrman, Troy Lee and Thomas Vidick Quantum Information and Computation (2013) Adam D'Souza, Jop Briët and David Feder International Journal of Quantum Information (2010) Jop Briët, Harry Buhrman and Ben Toner Communications in Mathematical Physics (2011). Presented at QIP 2009 (long talk) Jop Briët and Peter Harremoës Phys. Rev. A. (2009) Jop Briët and Ronald de Wolf Proceedings of STACS 2009 Jop Briët and David Hobill Technical report |