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SIGCHI Bulletin
Vol.27 No.1, January 1995
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SIGCHI Extended Executive Committee, Telephone Conference Call June 29, 1994

SIGCHI Extended Executive Committee, Telephone Conference Call June 29, 1994

Beth Adelson, Vice Chair for Communications (minutes)
Mike Atwood, Executive Vice Chair
John Bennett, Advisory Board
Diane Darrow, ACM SIGs Program Director
Robin Jeffries, Special Needs Chair
Gene Lynch, Vice Chair for Conference Management
Jim Miller, Chair
Scooter Morris, Information Chair
Jakob Nielsen, Vice Chair for Publications
Don Patterson, Advisory Board
Steven Pemberton, SIGCHI Bulletin Editor

Future Meeting Plans

The Executive Committee is meeting in Orlando Florida from Friday July 29th to Sunday July 31.

Jim expects that at a minimum, we will be talking about champions, membership surveys, CHI Plus, financial planning, vision and nominations (e.g., for TC13 representative).

Conference Proceedings Sales at CHI '94 of back issues of the CHI and CSCW conference proceedings were minimal.

Jakob is therefore planning to institute a plan for donating some volumes to Eastern European institutions and individuals.

Conference Management

The Conference management committee (CMC) has held a training session for the leaders of the CHI '96 meeting. This included the chairs and treasurer. The next step will be for Gene, Diane and Carol Klyver to prioritize the aspects of the training.

Jim suggests that each group that led a vision workshop at CHI '94 establish a plan for implementation.

We are expecting CHI '94 to provide an update on its financial status around September.

The CHI '95 budget is being revised. The committee has committed to issuing the new version by July 15th. Diane will then present the budget to the ACM Executive Director and Executive Committee.

Electronic Publishing

The CHI '95 call is now available through Scooter would like to have an electronic SIGCHI home page put up as well.

CHI '95 is expecting to have a CD containing the proceedings and companion material for distribution at the conference. A distribution plan is needed from the CHI '95 committee. There are issues concerning the viewer which will be used; Mosaic was suggested but turns out to be prohibitively expensive. An alternative proposal is to create an internet version using a Superbook kind of viewer. This leads to the larger issue of what sort of content we would like to see distributed. It calls for close cooperation between the Executive Committee and the Conferences, since there is mutual impact and implicit establishment of precedent in these kind of activities.

Action Items

Jakob will present a plan to distribute back conference proceedings at the July meeting in Orlando.

Each group leading the four vision issues will establish a plan for implementation.

Steven will present a report on the state of the electronic version of the Bulletin at the July meeting in Orlando.

Scooter will talk to Peter Polson about post CHI '95 electronic distribution of conference materials and then present the EEC with a proposal outlining principles and process.

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SIGCHI Bulletin
Vol.27 No.1, January 1995
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