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![]() Vol.27 No.2, April 1995 |
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Appendix I: ACM SIGCHI Audio/video Recording Policy
Audio/Video Recording Policy
Policy -- Conditions:
Appendix III: Approved SIGCHI policy for donating surplus proceedings to qualifying countries:
The Conference Management Committee (CMC) held a concentrated five day workshop.
The following summarizes the major outcomes of the workshop:
The CMC reflected on their vision for the SIGCHI portfolio of conferences. They found that their intention is to promote the field, partly by bringing in new people; maintain technical excellence and increase the recognition of the field. These priorities will be put before SIG development.
This led to examining the CHI conference fee structure. There are three categories of attendees; ACM and/or SIGCHI members, students and non-students. There are also three categories of fee structure; advanced, pre-conference and on site. In order to encourage CHI conference tutorial attendance there is a substantial reduction in fee for the third and fourth tutorial. The intention here is to encourage attendance at tutorials, once again to strengthen the field. The SIGCHI chair will develop and administer the policy on reduced funds for seniors and those who are currently between jobs.
A registration policy was created to replace the policy for giving complimentary registration; only those volunteers who are working at the conference will be given complimentary registration.
All of the above changes are proposed for CHI '96.
The CMC is preparing a statement on the status of various conference publications. The final policy, will be decided by the EC.
The CMC asks the EC to approve their proposal on the process for choosing general and technical co-chairs. Selection of the treasurer and tutorial chair may also become a more formal process.
Carol Klyver will be overseeing the training of committee members starting with CHI '95. The idea here is to allow the success of the conference to rest on independent knowledge, rather than to allow it to reside solely in the minds of the individuals who were committee members in previous years.
Each conference will have a liaison with the CMC.
Whether SIGCHI should have a trade show (whether in conjunction with the CHI conference or separately) is being decided.
A survey of attendee satisfaction was conducted at CHI '94. The CMC is awaiting a full report on the survey results.
The CHI '95 budget has been developed using very conservative assumptions. For example experimental events will not be funded out of the contingency fund. The CHI '95 general co-chairs strongly believe that they can run the conference within the budget they are putting forth.
The amount which the CHI conference should return to SIGCHI will have to be examined over the next year.
By acclamation the EC thanks Gene and the CMC for their hard work.
Scooter is working with ACM publications to specify the logistics of producing and managing electronically available products related to CHI '95. We are waiting for a proposal from Scooter.
Jim asked via the announcements.chi mailing list for volunteers for the SIGCHI 1995 election nominations committee. There was very little response. We are concerned that people are, in general, afraid to volunteer. It was suggested that we might get a better response if we make clear the tasks to be done and the qualifications needed. Importantly we have to ask ourselves what do we want of the volunteers that we say we are seeking. Also we need a structure for placing the volunteers in the tasks in which they are interested.
In exploring paths for recruiting volunteers we noticed that the current members of the EC tended first to be working in HCI and then through that work we came into contact with those who were then the officers of the society. As a result, of this contact they asked us to volunteer.
Members who work on the conference and/or the Bulletin may make good volunteers. What would be a good method of identifying them and then inviting them in?
To make volunteering more attractive and tractable we could establish a list of well-designed tasks to be done and a list of members' interests. The match between these two would then need to managed. We also need to add a reward structure.
Outreach might take the form of recruiting and mentoring. The mentoring would have a component of making sure that people made realistic commitments, honored them and were evaluated.
We can be of service to individual members in the sense of creating a community and disseminating knowledge.
We would like to help define the field and its position within its parent disciplines such as computer science. This will help individuals establish their own professional identities.
We provide products to our members, one of which is the Bulletin. This is one of the means of providing easy access to information; diverse international and interdisciplinary community; professional voice and identity.
We can also act as global advocates for the field. For example by being players in national information infrastructures.
We also provide the infrastructure, enthusiasm, professional identity and energy which occurs when a professional works within a collaborative group.
More concretely the Bulletin and proceedings provide information, a vehicle for expressing our identity, and a forum for members. interactions provides advocacy as well as information. Our discussion lists provide information and fora. Tutorials provide learning situations as do publications. Our ACM affiliation and our project to nominate members to public office, serve to provide advocacy. CHI, along with the rest of the portfolio of conferences we support provide information, identity, learning, advocacy and fora.
For the future, elements such as a set of directories and glossaries and an `information central' phone number would be useful membership products. Our support of a set of standards could provide information and advocacy. If we instituted a recognition and award policy as well as certification procedures they would be types of advocacy and identity for the field.
Use of the development fund as well as the establishment of a trade show could allow us to provide the spectrum of desirable services; information, professional identity, advocacy, learning and fora for expression.
Software clubs, book clubs, book series and a World Wide Web home page would all provide information to members.
Of the above list no one is doing the following: trade shows, net publishing of HCI materials, consultant and membership directories and glossaries, software clubs, logo material, awards and recognition structures.
As to improving the partnership among the CHI conference, SIGCHI and ACM, we can look to the CMC for advice on the relationship through the CMC's focus on oversight and policies. Orientation and training activities also support this.
The CMC is working on a white paper concerning the relationship SIGCHI wants to have with cooperating and related societies. A member of the EC needs to have responsibility for managing whatever policy we settle on.
On the issue of telephone conference calls. The calls would be more efficient if factual statements on the to-be-discussed issues were sent out in advance.
Again we need to commit to sending out and reading information before the meeting. Additionally, we need a way to provide our members with the number for each call.
Concerning the process of EEC meetings, we need to commit to sending out and reading information before the meeting. We also need to structure the meetings as efficiently as possible.
The CHI '95 budget, has been based on explicit and conservative assumptions. As a result, Gene recommends that we accept it as sufficiently low risk. Austin is concerned that the contingency fund is not sufficient to cover the kind of unexpected costs that arise. He would like to relay to the conference committee the need to manage costs very closely, that is without dipping into the contingency fund, which should be held back to protect against unexpected lack of income. Clare-Marie will write a piece for the Bulletin on management of conference finances. It will include an explanation of the fact that close budgeting can lead to a surplus.
Motion: That we approve the CHI '95 budget.
Discussion: If we have high fees to avoid risk and we then generate a large profit it appropriately leads to participant dissatisfaction. Nevertheless the fees are prudent. However, if it is made clear that surpluses are used for projects which foster development of the field the problem is mitigated.
The question was called and then retracted.
Motion: To amend the above motion.
Yes: Beth, Clare-Marie, Austin, Gene
No: Jakob
Abstain: Advisory Board
Motion: That we approve the CHI '95 budget with the following provisos. The 8% contingency is to be reserved to protect against unexpected shortfalls in income. Additionally, recognizing the potential for unexpected profits, the EC in partnership with the CMC and the conference will generate a plan for plowing unexpected profits back into the development of the field.
Yes: Beth, Jakob, Clare-Marie, Austin, Gene, Advisory Board
No: None
Abstain: None
By acclamation we thank all those involved in doing those the very careful and professional work that underlies the CHI '95 budget.
Gene will ask Scooter, to remind CHI '95 to submit a proposal to the EC concerning a CD-ROM version of the conference publications. We do so because the ACM publications board policy cannot, under its current policy, go ahead without this approval and we want to facilitate the process.
Motion: To approve Gerrit van der Veer and Bonnie Nardi as CHI '96 Technical Program co-chairs.
Discussion: The question was raised as to whether Gerrit was already over-committed, in part because of his excellence. However, Gene has discussed this with Gerrit and he does have the time. Additionally, we will be involving Canadians in other aspects of conference functioning so they will be well represented in Vancouver in '96.
Yes: Jakob, Advisory Board, Austin, Gene, Beth
No: None
Abstain: None
Steven has begun this experiment by addressing two questions. First, how much time and effort is required to produce an issue. Second, what quality can be obtained given current technological constraints. At this point it is clear that great attention has been paid to the ease of use and the look of the design.
We will have a progress report for the December meeting which will help us to decide whether the project is feasible.
Additionally, if the electronic version of the Bulletin has pointers to non ACM publications there are copyright issues which will need to be worked out.
By acclamation we thank Steven for his hard work
Jakob is spear-heading an effort to distribute back issues of CHI related proceedings and other SIGCHI publications to countries in which CHI professionals cannot realistically purchase them. ACM has a similar program in place and may be able to provide substantial support to us in implementing the project. This will be voted on at the August 31st phone call.
John will post his proposal to announcements with a request that discussion comments should be sent to vision.CHI. We will specify that this is a final vote and we are near closure. We will vote on the final proposal at the August 31st call.
The email note below summarizes the outcome of our discussion on volunteer development.
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 1994 10:58:38 PDT
From: "D. Austin Henderson"
Subject: Recommendations for next steps for Membership and Volunteers
Here is a summary of the recommendations that an ad hoc committee (Ashlund, Bennett, Henderson, Patterson) are making on our next steps in the arena of Membership and Volunteers. These arose out of a meeting we had last week following up on the discussions begun in Orlando. We want to discuss this during next week's telephone meeting and so are getting this out to you one week (just barely) ahead.
Austin (for the ad hoc M&V committee)
Membership and Volunteers
An ad hoc membership and volunteers "advisory board" (Austin Henderson, Don Patterson, John Bennett) met at 5pm on Tuesday, August 23, with Stacey Ashlund (Chair, Membership and Volunteers Committee). We had volunteered at Orlando to work with Stacey on refinement of the Orlando brainstorming.
We reviewed the extensive discussion held by the EC at Orlando indicating the importance of this area. Our focus was on how the ideas and possibilities discussed at Orlando might be put into practice on a pilot basis. This could become an example of how to build an infrastructure of mutual benefit for those members who seek opportunities for increased participation and for SIGCHI.
Our recommendations to Jim Miller as ACM SIGCHI Chair are:
1) Separate the functions of Membership and of Volunteers into two Committees.
The Membership Committee should be responsible for membership recruitment (for example, leading the development of membership promotion brochures) and membership retention (for example, drafting a letter to be sent out by ACM Headquarters inviting members whose renewal has lapsed to re-join SIGCHI.)
The Volunteers Committee should be responsible for supervising the building and maintenance of an infrastructure for volunteers within SIGCHI. The (multiple) members of this committee would (among other things) maintain a database of people interested in serving as volunteers within SIGCHI and maintain a database of opportunities for serving. We identified multiple ideas for activities leading to participation that individual members could find productive and rewarding and leading to service projects that are beneficial to all SIGCHI members. These were outlined at the Orlando meeting and reinforced at our August 23 meeting.
2) Stacey expressed interest in continuing as Membership Chair. In support of her taking on this more focussed position, we recommend that she attend the ACM Membership Workshop at the next ACM Business Meetings (October?).
3) Austin volunteered to explore with Jim Miller possible people to lead a new Volunteers Committee. We estimated that start-up and contact expenses for the Chair of such a committee might be $500 for the first year.
4) That the volunteer work be initially focussed on setting up an infrastructure (information plus processes) for supporting volunteers. This infrastructure should (of course) itself be volunteer. Therefore the volunteer infrastructure should be supported using its own activity as a starting point (a bootstrap).
Services We Would Like to Provide to Members
We are particularly concerned with the following four categories of activities
Ongoing Activities
Experiments that should and are being conducted
SIGCHI Nomination policy for candidates to public office
New Initiatives
Membership directory
Tutorial videos
Activities in need of a volunteer for start up
HCI launching pad (currently being done)
Terminology glossary
Book and software club
Consultant directory (not implying certification)
We felt we were not in a position to advocate the following: Certification, on the grounds that the field is not sufficiently well-developed to support a certification process. We invite a member to champion this if interested. Standards development, for similar reasons.
Beth will get the systers guidelines for use of email.
Clare-Marie and Diane will set a process for budget creation and spending. They will also state how the process can be made publicly available.
Clare-Marie will write a piece for the Bulletin on management of conference finances. It will include an explanation of the fact that close budgeting can lead to a surplus.
Diane will send Jakob the most recent version of ACM's policy on approval of publications.
Gene will ask Scooter to remind CHI '95 to submit a proposal to the EC concerning the distribution of a CD-ROM version of the conference publications.
Jakob will prepare a proposal on distributing back issues of HCI literature to those in countries who cannot realistically purchase them. This will be ready for the August 31st call.
Beth will circulate the proposal which would allow SIGCHI to nominate candidates for public office by email next week.
Jim will ask Mike to develop an interim solution by September 15 which will allow us to nominate a U.S. candidate for IFIP's TC13.
John will post his proposal to announcements with a request that discussion comments should be sent to vision.CHI. We will specify that this is a final vote and we are near closure. We will vote on the final proposal at the August 31st call.
John has sent out a revised proposal (see Appendix II). It includes an account of the background and scope of the policy written by Vivienne.
Motion: To accept the Audio/Video policy with the proviso that it will be amended to state that the Vice Chair for Operations will administer and maintain the process.
Vote: 6 0 0
Diane has agreed to take it to the appropriate folks at ACM to have it reviewed to be sure it doesn't conflict existing with ACM Policies.
Jakob has sent out a revised proposal (see Appendix III).
Motion: To accept the proceedings distribution policy with the proviso that it will be amended to state that the Vice Chair for Publications will administer and maintain the process.
Vote: 6 0 0
On administration, Diane will gather information at ACM headquarters on the already existing "Advisory Committee on Economically Disadvantaged World Regions". They will provide resources help to administer distribution of these proceedings. She will notify Jakob, Mike and Jim of her findings.
We are committed to mailing CHI '94 and UIST '94 proceedings as part of the membership package. We needed to identify a third volume to complete the package. CSCW, IWIUI, Multi-Media, Hypertext and VRST were all possibilities. The criteria we included were: fostering both major and burgeoning areas of CHI; timeliness and technical excellence.
Motion: To distribute the proceedings of CSCW'94 to CHI Plus members.
Vote: 6 0 0
We chose this volume because it met all three criteria and left room for choosing one of the others next year, when CSCW will not be held.
Gene, Mike and Jim will draft a statement explaining the decision and get it to Diane by mid-November at the latest.
We have not seen a proposal from the conference committee. Gene will remind Scott Robertson that if we do not have a proposal by the end of September 1994, we will not support the production or distribution of a CHI '95 conference CD-ROM.
The support of Membership and Volunteer infrastructures will be separated. Austin will find member(s) who are willing to work on coordinating volunteer efforts. Susan Dray has expressed some interest. Stacey will continue to work on membership. The point is to build an infrastructure for SIGCHI in these arenas.
Jim will find a chair for the nominating committee by September 15.
Diane will send Vivienne the equipment list.
Jim will get a chair for the nominating committee by September 15.
Vivienne will check with Loraine Borman on the progress of Tutorials To Go.
John and Jakob will send Beth the A/V and Proceedings Distribution policies for publication with the minutes.
Gene, Mike, and Jim will draft a letter explaining the decision to distribute the CSCW'94 proceedings to CHI Plus members. They will send this to Diane by mid-November at the latest.
Diane will gather information at ACM headquarters on the already existing "Advisory Committee on Economically Disadvantaged World Regions". They will provide resources help to administer distribution of back year's proceedings. She will notify Jakob, Mike and Jim of her findings.
Gene will remind Scott Robertson that if we do not have a proposal by the end of September 1994, we will not support the production or distribution of a CHI '95 conference CD-ROM.
Austin will find member(s) who are willing to work on coordinating volunteer efforts.
Effective Date: January 1, 1995
Approved Date: September 7, 1994
Responsible SIGCHI Officer: Vice-Chair for Operations
The ACM SIGCHI Executive Committee (EC) has developed a an Audio/Video (A/V) Recording Policy in order to guide event organizers at conferences. This was recognized as an urgent need because of requests for video recording of conferences (e.g., CHI 'xx) and local meetings (e.g. San Francisco BayCHI) which attract many distinguished speakers.
Video tapes of meetings are useful to the SIGCHI membership because:
People need to see a presentation but were unable to attend a meeting
A particular presentation becomes a "classic" which deserves wide distribution
The policy deals with several questions to which in the past there were no official answers, such as:
The wording of releases from speakers
The copying of tapes
The control of archival material (Who gets copies, what can they do with it? Who polices the program?)
The costs of oversight of a "library" system
The policy evolved in draft form for many months. A proposal ready for a vote by the Executive Committee circulated within the EC and appeared for member comment on Vision.chi in August, 1994. This was also reviewed by ACM headquarters staff. During development of the Policy, the following questions were resolved:
Q: Taping for transcription: would the policy proscribe it?
A: If transcribed, the recording would be cleared for transcription purposes only: it should be stated explicitly if the tape is edited.
Q: "Future use": does SIGCHI have to go back to the speaker for permission every time a tape is shown?
A: No. The permission should state "any and all future use, unless revoked." If the product is to be used for any different use than the one for which it was originally released, permission must be sought for the different use from all speakers involved.
Q: What happens when someone withdraws permission after a tape is made?
A: SIGCHI would appoint a person to communicate with the speaker and resolve the issue.
Q: Do we have to get permission from people who ask questions from the audience?
A: No one should be recorded without permission of some sort, including questioners. If an announcement is made that the session is being recorded, then individuals in the audience who choose to participate give their implicit permission. No releases are required.
Q: What is the copyright status of the tapes?
A: ACM owns the copyright.
As can be seen from this short excerpt, many of the questions raised by consideration of an A/V policy are complex and involve legal and liability issues which are very important to the whole organization.
The SIGCHI EC would like to thank the many SIGCHI members and ACM staff who contributed to the evolution of this policy.
Special Interest Group for Computer Human Interaction, ACM
Approved - 7 September 1994
The SIGCHI Executive Committee (EC) recognizes the value of maintaining audio and/or video records of some SIGCHI events for educational and archival purposes or for subsequent transcription into an edited form.
Creation of an audio/video record should be secondary to the purpose of the event being recorded. The fact and process of recording should be planned so as to have minimal impact on the nature of the conference or event.
If a verbatim recording is being made (for whatever purpose), that fact must be known to all involved, and permission must be obtained in advance. ACM Headquarters supplies and maintains permission and release forms. Sample release forms current at the time of policy approval are attached as an Appendix. Personal rights to privacy must be maintained, and conversational spontaneity should be preserved to the largest extent possible.
If it is determined at some future time that the SIGCHI policy and administrative procedure outlined here and ACM policy and administrative procedure conflict, ACM policy and procedure shall be followed.
Any recording of a SIGCHI event is subject to the following conditions:
1. All audio or video (audio/video) records of conference events are made at the discretion of the Conference Chair(s). Similarly, audio/video records of other SIGCHI events may be created at the discretion of the event chair(s). Conference Chairs and event chairs may seek guidance from the EC.
2. Creation of an audio/video record requires that an ACM authorization and release form be signed by the speaker(s) prior to recording (see the Appendix.) This release may be revoked post-facto after the participants have reviewed the draft results.
3. Future use of archive audio/video records beyond the original agreement requires that those in the original record must sign new releases specifying the new purpose.
4. Any costs connected with the creation of an audio/video record must be budgeted and are to be paid by the organizers of the event (i.e. Conference) unless funding is specifically authorized by the SIGCHI EC. Similarly, distribution or sale must be budgeted in a way that recovers costs unless the SIGCHI EC specifically sets up a budget item to cover such use.
The SIGCHI EC recommends creating a video record of all plenary talks at CHI conferences. If a recording is made, a complimentary copy should be made available to the speaker for "non-commercial use."
The SIGCHI EC recommends adoption of a similar policy by local SIGs for creating archival records of their events as, and if, resources are available for this purpose.
Maintenance and administration of this policy is the responsibility of the Vice-Chair for Operations.
Approval must be obtained from session participants with the understanding that the recording is ONLY for transcription purpose unless otherwise cleared (as in the policy). It is the responsibility of the Conference Chair or the chair of the event to supervise the process.
The resulting edited transcript will be reviewed and cleared by those whose activities were recorded.
The form of the release (one time only, blanket) will depend on the event (see Appendix.) The broadest form would allow any and all SIGCHI future use.
If an announcement is made that the session is being recorded, then individuals in the audience who choose to participate give their implicit permission. No releases are required. We suggest that a statement to this effect appear in the event program and be announced at each session.
Private recording is not allowed without permission. The event chair is authorized to request that the recording be stopped.
Publication of any record requires the approval of all participants whose material is represented in the record.
Questions of archives, formats, retrieval procedures, expenses for distribution, etc. are beyond the scope of this policy. The SIGCHI Chair is authorized to establish ad hoc procedures which may eventually be incorporated in a revised policy and administrative procedure.
As with the general rule for ACM materials, ACM maintains ownership of the copyright.
Attached are forms current at the time of the establishment of this Policy. If ACM Headquarters concurs, special forms may created to meet special needs.
ACM Office of Publications (as of February, 1994)
Event: __________________________
I understand that this event is being videotaped, and I hereby grant permission for the ACM to include my presentations and comments, in any and all forms, in these records and recordings. I further grant permission for the ACM to transcribe and reproduce these records and recordings, if ACM chooses to, and for ACM to distribute or sell these records, recordings and transcripts, in complete or partial form, and in translation, on videocassette, broadcast, cablecast, CDROM, laser disc, multimedia, print, electronic text, and any other media format now or hereafter known.
I agree that ACM has the right to use my image, voice, pronouncements, and likeness recorded herein, and my name and any and all biographical material submitted by me in connection with the Event named above, for purposes of the reproduction and distribution described above, and for any associated advertising or exhibition, whether used in excerpts or in full.
I understand that ACM and others will invest considerable resources in reliance on the permissions and releases herein. I understand that the ACM is under no obligation to exercise any or all of the rights, licenses, or privileges herein granted. I hereby release and discharge ACM and other Event sponsors, funders, and organizers from any and all liability arising out my participation in the Event, or in connection with the performance of any of the activities described in this document as permitted herein, including but not limited to my rights of privacy or publicity, copyrights, patent rights, trade secret rights, moral rights, or trademark rights.
All permissions granted by me and all releases by me herein shall be effective in perpetuity and throughout the universe. All permissions and releases herein extend and apply to the ACM and its assigns, contractors, sublicensees, distributors, successors, and agents.
In the event that any materials used in my presentation contain the work of other individuals or organizations (including any copyrighted musical compositions or excerpts thereof), I understand that it is my responsibility to secure any necessary permissions and/or licenses. Small performing rights licenses must be secured for the public performance of any copyrighted musical compositions in film or video presentations.
Yes ___ No ____ I have the necessary rights and/or permissions to use the works of others
Signature and Date: _______________________________
ACM Office of Publications (as of February, 1994)
Event: __________________________
The ACM may audiotape the session in which you appear as a speaker to make it available to those who are unable to attend the meeting. Before we can duplicate and disseminate the audio of the session, we require a signed release from you.
The undersigned does hereby give consent to and authorize the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and its licensees to make recordings and transcriptions of that part of the annual meeting noted below, and to sell, use, and reuse the program and recordings in whole or in part, in any media now or hereafter known.
It is understood that no substantive editing of the content will be done. Any editing will be of a mechanical nature including but not limited to attaching leaders, deleting pauses, and such.
It is hereby acknowledged that any opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and in no matter reflect policies or opinions of the ACM.
It is understood that in the event that any materials used in this presentation contain the work of other individuals or organizations (including any copyrighted musical compositions or excerpts thereof), it the responsibility of the undersigned to secure any necessary permissions and/or licenses. Small performing rights licenses must be secured for public performance of any copyrighted musical composition.
Name of Conference _______________________________
Name of Session _______________________________
Signature and Date _______________________________
I must decline to be audiotaped because _______________________________
Jakob Nielsen
0. This policy will be maintained and administered by the SIGCHI Vice Chair for Publications.
1. The term "qualifying countries" will refer to countries with substantially lower GNP per resident than the average for industrialized countries. It will also refer to countries with currency restrictions making it hard or impossible to buy books from abroad.
2. Every year, SIGCHI will donate a number of old proceedings to institutions in qualifying countries if it is determined by the Vice Chair for Publications that our inventory holds significantly more copies of old volumes than can likely be sold. In addition to proceedings, other society publications like curriculum reports may be donated if it is deemed appropriate.
3. Recipient institutions can be libraries, universities; research laboratories; scientific, technical, or engineering societies; chapters of the ACM, SIGCHI, or other respected professional societies; or any other entity that is operated substantially on a not-for-profit basis. In any case, the recipient institution must sign a statement to the effect that the donated publications will be made publicly available.
4. The VC Pubs will determine which proceedings and other SIGCHI publications should be donated in any given year, based on the following guidelines: (a) no publication that is less than two years old will be donated. (b) no publication will be donated unless there are significantly more copies in inventory than can be expected to sell given earlier sales patterns. Based on these and other relevant considerations, the VC Pubs will select a set of publications for donation. All recipients in a given year will receive the same set of publications, and each recipient will receive one copy of each of the publications that are being donated.
5. The VC Pubs will appoint one or more individuals to manage the donation process. The appointed person(s) will serve until replaced by the VC Pubs.
6. SIGCHI will pay the mailing costs for surface mail by the lowest available rate as well as any handling costs charged by ACM HQ.
7. The number of sets of publications that will be donated in a given year will be determined by dividing the budget allocated by the SIGCHI EEC for this purpose by the estimated mailing and handling costs per set.
8. Every year, the person managing the donation process will announce the application procedures in a SIGCHI Bulletin with a publication date that is at least five months before the chosen deadline for applications. The person managing the donation process may also chose to post this announcement in other relevant media. The announcement will state that applications must include a signed statement that any donated publications will be made publicly available. Other information that should be listed in the applications includes a description of HCI activities in the applying institution. The person managing the donation process may request additional information.
9. Upon receipt of the applications, the person managing the donation process will determine the most worthy applicants. This decision will be final and there will be no appeals procedure. Even if the number of institutions that apply is smaller than the budgeted number of publication sets for donation, there will be no obligation to give to all applicants. 10. No recipients will be selected from countries to which U.S. export regulations prohibit the shipment of the publications in question. 11. One set of the selected publications will be mailed to each selected applicant. Even if this mailing is not received or if it arrives in damaged condition, no additional publications will be sent. 12. Any import duties and other costs associated with receiving the donated publications will be the responsibility of the receiving institution.
Elected Officers (Voting)
Jim Miller, Chair
Mike Atwood, Executive Vice Chair
Beth Adelson, Vice Chair for Communication
Vivienne Begg, Vice Chair for Operations
Austin Henderson, Past Chair
Clare Marie Karat, Vice Chair for Finances
Gene Lynch, Vice Chair for Conference Management
Jakob Nielsen, Vice Chair for Publications
Chair's Appointees (Sharing one vote)
John Bennett, Member, Advisory Board
Don Patterson, Member, Advisory Board
Stacey Ashlund, Adjunct Chair for Membership
Robin Jeffries, Adjunct Chair for Special Needs
Steven Pemberton, SIGCHI Bulletin Editor
Rosemary Wick Stevens, Adjunct Chair for Public Relations
ACM Staff
Diane Darrow, ACM SIGs Program Director
Jim Miller, Don Patterson and Austin Henderson have formed a nominations committee for the up-coming election. They will be inviting additional members of the community to participate in developing a set of nominees.
Gene would like us to identify potential chairs for CHI '97.
Mary Ellen Lipsky has proposed a Tutorials Express program for videotaping and marketing HCI tutorials. Vivienne's assessment is that the Express program's goals are distinct from our To Go program. As a result, To Go will probably not be a joint venture. A champion for this project is still being sought.
Diane reported that 249 conference companion proceedings have been sold from CHI '94. We had put aside 1,000 copies. These have been bought mostly by individual members. Institutions had not been targeted as buyers. In targeting members, a letter was sent to all SIGCHI members offering a special price of $10, including postage.
For the past several years, the fund balances of the SIGs have been frozen to insure that the SIGs were able to build up a financial base sufficient to support their programs and guard against unexpected losses. As a result, the financial conditions of ACM and the SIGs in general have improved significantly, and the SIGs have now been authorized to spend 25% of the amount by which their fund balance exceeds the ACM-recommended minimum fund balance. In addition, the SIG chairs have requested a plan specifying how the remaining amounts of the fund balance will be unfrozen.
A SIG Discretionary Fund has been created, to sponsor and fund projects proposed by SIGs and SIG members. This fund will be created by contributions from the SIGs. Details of how proposals will be submitted, evaluated, and selected for funding will be specified later.
Austin would like to put together a plan to reflect on our current vision for the upcoming December meeting.
Clare-Marie reported that the SIGCHI fund balance is $100,000 short of the ACM recommended fund balance for an organization of SIGCHI's size and activity.
The Multi-Media conference looks like it will be financially successful. It is not clear what our relationship with the conference will be in the future. The conference may be co-located with some other relevant conference such as Hypertext.
Mike will report this to John and Jim will report this to Stu Zweben.
The Conference Management Committee (CMC) which is chaired by Gene recommended that conference attendees receive the CD. Additionally, it recommends that Jakob and Bob Mack form an evaluation committee of the CD after the conference. We would need some report on the evaluation for the July meeting.
We need a review process which does not violate the constraints of the conference budget. The conference must be able to provide funding for review process. We will sell it at the conference but not after. We also need to get a contact point who is known to ACM to give users help with the disk. The CD must include the same content as the proceedings, although the proceedings will be the official conference document. The CD will be seen and distributed as an experiment.
We appreciate the challenge that the CHI '95 committee has defined for itself.
Motion: To approve the production plan for the CHI '95 CD ROM as distributed on September 19.
Vote: Passed by acclamation
The results the vote will be conveyed to CHI '95 by Jim.
Mike will report to John Karat his nomination as SIGCHI's IFIP TC13 U.S. Representative. Jim will report the nomination to Stu Zweben.
Austin will put together a plan to reflect on our current vision for the upcoming December meeting.
Jim and Mike will send Diane a statement from SIGCHI for CSCW.
Austin is looking for a member to coordinate volunteer activities.
Beth and Clare Marie will circulate an up dated version of the policy on supporting candidates for public positions.
Elected Officers (Voting)
Jim Miller, Chair
Mike Atwood, Executive Vice Chair
Beth Adelson, Vice Chair for Communication
Vivienne Begg, Vice Chair for Operations
Gene Lynch, Vice Chair for Conference Management
Jakob Nielsen, Vice Chair for Publications
Chair's Appointees (Voting)
Don Patterson, Member, Advisory Board
Stacey Ashlund
Scooter Morris, Adjunct Chair for Information
Steven Pemberton, Editor-in-Chief, SIGCHI Bulletin
ACM Staff
Diane Darrow, ACM SIGs Program Director
SIGCHI Development Fund Proposal
Mike will continue to work on the proposal. Currently he is focussing on defining the fund's mission and dealing with the logistics of funding multi-year proposals in the face of changing fiscal circumstances and EEC membership. Mike has requested feedback from the EEC on his current draft so that we can approve the proposal at the December meeting.
Vivienne has contacted Elizabeth Buie to see if she is interested in being SIGCHI's liaison to NII activities. We would like Elizabeth, if interested, to work with Vivienne in developing a project which includes goals, time lines and mechanisms. Vivienne will follow up on the contact.
An obituary written by Gerrit Van der Veer will appear in the SIGCHI Bulletin. Steven is sending the family six copies. Jim is writing a letter to the family.
Motion: To include a message from the EEC in Jim's letter.
Vote: By acclamation
We need to finalize a first draft of the fiscal 1996 budget by December 15. We have so far received three budget proposals. The first concerns the SIGCHI Development Fund. The second concerns publicity for SIGCHI. The third concerns support of standards activities.
Scooter expects to send us a proposal concerning putting the CHI '95 proceedings on the Web. The request would be for approximately $2500.
All proposals must be in by Friday, November 25th.
Friday December 2 is the deadline for sending in materials to be circulated at the EEC meeting.
Jim would like to receive agenda items as soon as possible.
Topics for the Meeting Include:
- A report from the nominations committee.
- A report on the status of CHI PLUS
- A conference policy update.
- Some topics for discussion at ACM HQ on Friday:
Electronic proceedings
Electronic publishing plans
Financial update
A report on interactions
Meeting with Donna Baglio, the new Director of SIG Services at ACM Headquarters
Mike will present the SDF proposal at the December meeting.
Vivienne will follow up on her contact with Elizabeth Buie with respect to the NII. The follow up will be coordinated with ACM activities.
Scooter expects to send us a proposal concerning the CHI '95 proceedings on the web.
Beth and Clare Marie will present the next draft of the nominations policy.
Gene will send the EC the resumes of the nominated doctoral consortium chairs for CHI '96 so that we can vote on approval. EC members should send in their votes by Friday, November 25th.
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![]() Vol.27 No.2, April 1995 |
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