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Vol.27 No.2, April 1995
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Colour plates for "Programmable Applications: Interpreter Meets Interface"

by Michael Eisenberg

Plate 1: A "basins-of-attraction" map created using the dynamical systems package. The colors red, green and blue correspond to the three complex cube roots of 1; points are shaded according to which root they approach under Newton's root- finding method.

Plate 2: Tree-like figures created by iterating "superposition maps" in the dynamical systems package

Plate 3: A hand-drawn bee in a computer-drawn honey-comb

Plate 4: A snake slithers through a simple rotated- octagon figure

Plate 5: A hand-drawn zebra munches on fractal (turtle-drawn) trees

Plate 6: The "dragon curve" decorates a hand- drawn seahorse

Plate 7: Waves generated by the inspi procedure from Abelson and diSessa's book Turtle Geometry

Plate 8: A peacock displays fractal feathers

Plate 9: An Escher-esque tiling of fish and butterflies

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SIGCHI Bulletin
Vol.27 No.2, April 1995
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