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SIGCHI Bulletin
Vol.30 No.1, January 1998
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SIGCHI Conferences

Gerrit C. van der Veer
Vice-Chair for Conference Planning

A New Conference Management Committee

Following my election as VC for Conference Planning, I invited a group of SIGCHI conference veterans to help me with their experience in various aspects of conference management. The CMC ( now consists of:
Austin Henderson, Jim Miller, Kevin Schofield, Michael Tauber, Thea Turner, and ACM Program Director David Riederman.

The new CMC does not have to start from scratch, though. Gene Lynch, my predecessor, and his committee have left us a rich legacy of conference policies and well documented knowledge to build on.

Looking to the Future

CHI 99 will be in the Convention Center in Pittsburgh, PA, May 15 - 20, 1999. The site has been carefully investigated, and seems to be great for our conference. The summary of the site visit says it all "Pittsburgh is an excellent choice". The Conference co-chairs are Marian Williams and Mark Altom, two seasoned SIGCHI volunteers who have prior served as student volunteer chairs (CHI 94) and as tutorial chairs (CHI 96).

CHI 2000 is intended to be in Europe. At the deadline date for this Bulletin we are still waiting some information to make a final decision on the actual location. Anyhow, it will be in a place with a strong International flavor, easily reachable from all over Europe as well as elsewhere.

Video Policy

The Conference management Committee and SIGCHI Executive Committee are finalizing a view on how video as a medium can be more integrated in the CHI conference presentations and publications. In the future, video will be both a medium for paper presentations ("video papers"), and a complementary way of presenting demonstrations ("dynamic presentations"). CHI 99 will probably be the first conference where this integration will be experimentally implemented.

Gerrit C. van der Veer

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Vol.30 No.1, January 1998
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