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19th Honinbo title


The finals of the preliminaries were won by Handa Dogen, Yamabe Toshiro, Iwata Tatsuaki, and Shimamura Toshihiro.


In the first column the white player, on the top row the black player.

# player result 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Takagawa Shukaku 6-1 W+5.5 W+R B+R
2. Kitani Minoru 4-3 B+13.5 W+1.5 B+0.5
3. Hashimoto Utaro 4-3 B+R W+2.5 B+R W+R
4. Kajiwara Takeo 2-5 B+R W+8.5 B+1.5 B+2.5
5. Iwata Tatsuaki 2-5 B+R W+R B+1.5 B+R
6. Yamabe Toshiro 4-3 B+R B+R B+R W+R
7. Shimamura Toshihiro 3-4 B+5.5 B+R B+R
8. Handa Dogen 3-4 B+R B+2.5 B+0.5

Iwata Tatsuaki, Kajiwara Takeo, Handa Dogen, and Shimamura Toshihiro are demoted.

19th Honinbo Title

date black white result #mv sgf
1964-04-21,22 Takagawa Shukaku Sakata Eio W+1.5 272 sgf
1964-05-01,02 Sakata Eio Takagawa Shukaku B+R 235 sgf
1964-05-13,14 Takagawa Shukaku Sakata Eio W+R 196 sgf
1964-05-25,26 Sakata Eio Takagawa Shukaku B+R 193 sgf

Sakata Eio won 4-0.