The Meta-Environment API

Uses of Class

Packages that use ATermParseException
nl.cwi.sen1.visbase.rstorecontainer.datatypes Contains all datatypes that represent the data that is communicated over the toolbus between the RStoreContainer and other tools

The datatypes support roundTrip Toolbus creation:
- Create an ATermList from a datatype with toAtermList()
- Create a datatype from an ATermList with ConstructorName(ATermList)

2007-02-14 Ricardo Lindooren 

Uses of ATermParseException in nl.cwi.sen1.visbase.rstorecontainer.datatypes

Constructors in nl.cwi.sen1.visbase.rstorecontainer.datatypes that throw ATermParseException
FactInfo(aterm.ATermList aTermList)
          Contructor that can be used to retrieve RStore FactInfo data from an ATermList representing this data.
FactInfoList(aterm.ATermList termList)
          Constructor that initializes the list from an ATermList.

The Meta-Environment API