The Meta-Environment API

Uses of Class

Packages that use ToolBridge.Job

Uses of ToolBridge.Job in toolbus.adapter

Fields in toolbus.adapter declared as ToolBridge.Job
private  ToolBridge.Job ToolBridge.JobQueue.current

Fields in toolbus.adapter with type parameters of type ToolBridge.Job
private  java.util.List<ToolBridge.Job>
private  java.util.List<ToolBridge.Job> ToolBridge.ThreadLocalJobQueue.requests

Methods in toolbus.adapter that return ToolBridge.Job
 ToolBridge.Job ToolBridge.JobQueue.getNext()
          Returns the next job in the queue.
 ToolBridge.Job ToolBridge.ThreadLocalJobQueue.getNext()
          Returns the next job in the queue.
 ToolBridge.Job ToolBridge.ThreadLocalJobQueue.postRequest(aterm.ATerm aTerm, long threadId)
          Schedules the given request for transmission to the ToolBus.

Methods in toolbus.adapter with parameters of type ToolBridge.Job
 void job)
          Schedules the given job for transmission to the ToolBus.
 aterm.ATermAppl ToolBridge.ThreadLocalJobQueue.waitForResponse(ToolBridge.Job job)

The Meta-Environment API