The Meta-Environment API
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z _


ABS_DELAY - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
ABS_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
AbstractConnectionHandler - Class in toolbus.communication
Interface that defines all methods that are required for connection handlers.
AbstractConnectionHandler() - Constructor for class toolbus.communication.AbstractConnectionHandler
AbstractJavaTool - Class in
This class facilitates the functions a tool needs to be able to functions.
AbstractJavaTool() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
AbstractTBTerm - Class in toolbus
AbstractTBTerm(TBTermFactory, ATermList, AFun, ATerm[]) - Constructor for class toolbus.AbstractTBTerm
AbstractTool - Class in toolbus.adapter
This class facilitates the functions a tool needs to be able to functions.
AbstractTool() - Constructor for class toolbus.adapter.AbstractTool
Default constructor.
AbstractViewerAdapter - Class in toolbus.viewer
This is a convenience class for implementing viewer event listeners.
AbstractViewerAdapter() - Constructor for class toolbus.viewer.AbstractViewerAdapter
Default constructor.
acceptConnection() - Method in class toolbus.SocketConnectionHandler
Accepts a connection with a remote application.
ACKDO - Static variable in interface toolbus.IOperations
ackEvent() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.JobQueue
Acknowledges the last event that was send from the source this queue is associated with.
AckEvent - Class in toolbus.atom.tool
AckEvent(ATerm, ATerm, ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.tool.AckEvent
ACKEVENT - Static variable in interface toolbus.IOperations
acknowledge() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.JobQueue
Notifies the thread local queue of the acknowledgement and executes the next queued job (if present).
acknowledge() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.ThreadLocalJobQueue
Acknowledges the last job that was send from the source the current thread is associated with.
action_obj - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
Instance of action encapsulation class.
action_table() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
Access to parse-action table.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer.ButtonActionListener
activate() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
activate() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.AckEvent
activate() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.DisConnect
activate() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.Do
activate() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.Eval
activate() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.Event
activate() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.GetPerfStats
activate() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.RecPerfStats
activate() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.RecRequest
activate() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.RecVal
activate() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.SndKill
activate() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.SndResponse
activate() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.Terminate
activate() - Method in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
activate() - Method in class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
activate() - Method in class toolbus.process.Merge
activate() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
activate() - Method in class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
activate() - Method in class toolbus.State
activate() - Method in interface toolbus.StateElement
Activate the StateElement, i.e.
activated - Variable in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
activated - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
activateDynamiclyConnectedTool(String) - Method in class toolbus.ToolInstanceManager
Activates and returns a tool instance of the given type.
activatePendingTool(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.ToolInstanceManager
Attempts to activate the tool instance associated with the given key.
activateTime - Variable in class toolbus.atom.Atom
activeTools - Variable in class toolbus.ToolInstanceManager
actuals - Variable in exception toolbus.exceptions.NoSuchProcessDefinitionException
actuals - Variable in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
actuals - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
addAll(AtomList) - Method in class toolbus.AtomList
addDynamiclyConnectedTool(ToolInstance) - Method in class toolbus.ToolInstanceManager
Adds a connect tool instance to the collection.
addElement(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.State
addPendingTool(ToolInstance) - Method in class toolbus.ToolInstanceManager
Adds a tool instance to the list of which the tool application is currently being started.
addProcess(ProcessCall) - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
Add a process (as ProcessCall); previous two will become obsolete.
addProcess(ProcessCall) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
addProcessBreakPoint(String) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
Adds a breakpoint for all the process instances whos type is identified by the given name.
addProcessDefinition(ProcessDefinition) - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
Add a process definition.
addProcessInstanceBreakPoint(int) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
Adds a breakpoint for the process instance with the given id.
addReceiveMessagePattern(RecMsg, List<ATerm>) - Method in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
Indexes the given receive message atom.
addSendMessagePattern(SndMsg, List<ATerm>) - Method in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
Indexes the given send message atom.
addSendNotePattern(SndNote, List<ATerm>) - Method in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
Indexes the given send note atom.
addSourceCodeBreakPoint(String, int) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
Adds a breakpoint on the given sourcecode coordinates.
addStateElementBreakPoint(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
Adds a breakpoint on the given state element.
addSubscribeNotePattern(Subscribe, List<ATerm>) - Method in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
Indexes the given subscribe atom.
addToFirst(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessExpression
addToFollow(State) - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessExpression
addToolDefinition(ToolDefinition) - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
Add a tool definition.
ALL - Static variable in interface toolbus.logging.ILogger
allAtoms - Variable in class toolbus.State
Alternative - Class in toolbus.process
Alternative is the abstract syntax operator for the choice operator (+) in Tscripts.
Alternative(ProcessExpression, ProcessExpression, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.process.Alternative
apply(ATerm[], ProcessInstance) - Method in class toolbus.FunctionDescriptor
apply(String, ATerm[], ProcessInstance) - Static method in class toolbus.Functions
arg - Variable in class toolbus.atom.Print
arg - Variable in class toolbus.atom.ShutDown
arg(int) - Method in class toolbus.FunctionDescriptor
argNumberStrings - Variable in class toolbus.FunctionDescriptor
argtypes - Variable in class toolbus.FunctionDescriptor
argumentList - Variable in class toolbus.tifs.Communication
arrivedPerformanceStats - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.PerformanceInformationHandler
Assign - Class in toolbus.atom
Assign(ATerm, ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.Assign
ASSIGN - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
assignable - Variable in class toolbus.environment.Binding
assignVar(TBTermVar, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.environment.Environment
assignVar assigns a value to a variable.
Atom - Class in toolbus.atom
The class Atom forms the basic building block of Tscripts.
Atom(TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.Atom
Atom.EmptyProcessInstanceArrayHolder - Class in toolbus.atom
This class holds static reference to an empty process instance array, which can be used as return value in the debugExecute method.
Atom.EmptyProcessInstanceArrayHolder() - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.Atom.EmptyProcessInstanceArrayHolder
Atom.Test - Class in toolbus.atom
This class represents a test associated with an atom.
Atom.Test(ATerm, Environment) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.Atom.Test
atomArgs - Variable in class toolbus.atom.Atom
AtomList - Class in toolbus
AtomList() - Constructor for class toolbus.AtomList
AtomList(Atom) - Constructor for class toolbus.AtomList
atomSet - Variable in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
awaitingAck - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.ThreadLocalJobQueue


beginColumn - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.PositionInformation
beginLine - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.PositionInformation
binaryReader - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
binaryWriter - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
Binding - Class in toolbus.environment
Binding implements one (variable, value) pair.
Binding(TBTermVar, ATerm, boolean) - Constructor for class toolbus.environment.Binding
Binding(TBTermVar, ATerm) - Constructor for class toolbus.environment.Binding
Bindings - Interface in toolbus.environment
The Bindings interface maintains (at least conceptually) a list of Bindings.
bindings - Variable in class toolbus.environment.Environment
bindings - Variable in class toolbus.environment.ListBindings
BlobPlaceholder - Variable in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
BlobType - Variable in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
BLOCKED - Static variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
blockLength - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
BLOCKLENGTHBYTES - Static variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
BoolPlaceholder - Variable in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
BoolType - Variable in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
breakHighlightedRow - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
breakWhileStepping - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
BUFFERSIZE - Static variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
BYTEMASK - Static variable in class toolbus.util.NativeTypeConverter


cache - Variable in class toolbus.State
calculateMatches() - Method in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
Staticly determains all (potential) relations between the atoms.
calculateToolSignature(List<Atom>) - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition
calculateToolSignatures(List<Atom>) - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
callableFunctions - Variable in class
callbackData - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.AckEvent
CALLS - Static variable in interface toolbus.logging.IToolBusLoggerConstants
calls - Variable in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
capitalize(String) - Method in class toolbus.tifs.TifToJava
checkRunTime(ATerm[]) - Method in class toolbus.FunctionDescriptor
checkSignature(ATerm) - Method in class
checkSignature(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
Checks if the tool associated with this tool bridge supplies the given signature.
checkStatic(ATerm[]) - Method in class toolbus.FunctionDescriptor
checkStatic performs a static type check for calls to built-in functions
checkStatic(String, ATerm[]) - Static method in class toolbus.Functions
checkType(ATerm, Environment, boolean) - Static method in class toolbus.Functions
CHOICE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
CLASS - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
className - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition
clearErrorsAndWarnings() - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
clearNoteQueueTable() - Method in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
clearProcessTableModifications() - Method in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
clearStateTable() - Method in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
clearSubscriptionsTable() - Method in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
clearVariablesTable() - Method in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
clone() - Method in interface toolbus.environment.Bindings
clone() - Method in class toolbus.environment.ListBindings
closeConnection(SocketChannel) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolConnectionHandler
closeConnection(SocketChannel) - Method in class toolbus.communication.AbstractConnectionHandler
Closes the connection associated with the given socket channel.
closeConnection(SocketChannel) - Method in class toolbus.SocketConnectionHandler
closeDueToDisconnect(SocketChannel, SocketIOHandler) - Method in class toolbus.communication.AbstractConnectionHandler
Closes the connection associated with the given socket channel.
closeDueToException(SocketChannel, SocketIOHandler) - Method in class toolbus.communication.AbstractConnectionHandler
Closes the connection associated with the given socket channel.
closeStreamWhenDone - Variable in class toolbus.commandline.CommandLine.ToolBusInputStreamHandler
COLON - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
column - Variable in exception toolbus.exceptions.SyntaxErrorException
column - Variable in exception toolbus.parsercup.parser.UndeclaredVariableException
COMMA - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
COMMAND - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
command - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition
CommandLine - Class in toolbus.commandline
CommandLine(ToolBus, InputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class toolbus.commandline.CommandLine
CommandLine.ToolBusInputStreamHandler - Class in toolbus.commandline
CommandLine.ToolBusInputStreamHandler(ToolBus, InputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class toolbus.commandline.CommandLine.ToolBusInputStreamHandler
CommandLineLogger - Class in toolbus.logging
Logger implementation that writes to the command line / std-err.
CommandLineLogger() - Constructor for class toolbus.logging.CommandLineLogger
Default constructor.
CommandLineLogger(int) - Constructor for class toolbus.logging.CommandLineLogger
COMMUNICATION - Static variable in interface toolbus.logging.IToolBusLoggerConstants
Communication - Class in toolbus.tifs
Communication(ATerm) - Constructor for class toolbus.tifs.Communication
CommunicationList - Class in toolbus.tifs
CommunicationList(ATermList) - Constructor for class toolbus.tifs.CommunicationList
communicationList - Variable in class toolbus.tifs.Process
communicationToMethodName(String) - Method in class toolbus.tifs.TifToJava
compatibleTypeList(ATermList, ATerm) - Static method in class toolbus.Functions
compatibleTypeList checks that a list of types is compatible with a given element type
compatibleTypes(ATerm, ATerm) - Static method in class toolbus.Functions
compatibleTypes checks that two types are compatible
compile(ProcessInstance, Stack<String>, State) - Method in class toolbus.atom.Assign
compile(ProcessInstance, Stack<String>, State) - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
compile(ProcessInstance, Stack<String>, State) - Method in class toolbus.atom.Create
compile(ProcessInstance, Stack<String>, State) - Method in class toolbus.atom.msg.RecMsg
compile(ProcessInstance, Stack<String>, State) - Method in class toolbus.atom.note.Subscribe
compile(ProcessInstance, Stack<String>, State) - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.Execute
compile(ProcessInstance, Stack<String>, State) - Method in class toolbus.process.Alternative
compile(ProcessInstance, Stack<String>, State) - Method in class toolbus.process.Disrupt
compile(ProcessInstance, Stack<String>, State) - Method in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
compile(ProcessInstance, Stack<String>, State) - Method in class toolbus.process.IfElse
compile(ProcessInstance, Stack<String>, State) - Method in class toolbus.process.Iteration
compile(ProcessInstance, Stack<String>, State) - Method in class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
compile(ProcessInstance, Stack<String>, State) - Method in class toolbus.process.LetDefinition
compile(ProcessInstance, Stack<String>, State) - Method in class toolbus.process.Merge
compile(ProcessInstance, Stack<String>, State) - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
compile(ProcessInstance, Stack<String>, State) - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessExpression
compile(ProcessInstance, Stack<String>, State) - Method in class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
compile(ProcessInstance, Stack<String>, State) - Method in class toolbus.process.Sequence
compileStaticOrDynamicCall() - Method in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
computeFirst() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
computeFirst() - Method in class toolbus.process.Alternative
computeFirst() - Method in class toolbus.process.Disrupt
computeFirst() - Method in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
computeFirst() - Method in class toolbus.process.IfElse
computeFirst() - Method in class toolbus.process.Iteration
computeFirst() - Method in class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
computeFirst() - Method in class toolbus.process.LetDefinition
computeFirst() - Method in class toolbus.process.Merge
computeFirst() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
computeFirst() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessExpression
computeFirst() - Method in class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
computeFirst() - Method in class toolbus.process.Sequence
concat(ATerm, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
connect(String[]) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.AbstractTool
Connects to the ToolBus.
connect(String[]) - Method in class
Connects to the ToolBus.
Connect - Class in toolbus.atom.tool
Connect(ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation, boolean) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.tool.Connect
CONNECT - Static variable in interface toolbus.IOperations
connectDirectly(ToolBus, String, int) - Method in class
Connects to the ToolBus directly (instead of through TCP/IP).
connectionHandler - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
connectionHandler - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketReadMultiplexer
connectionHandler - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketReadWriteMultiplexer
connectionHandler - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketWriteMultiplexer
connectionHandler - Variable in class toolbus.ToolBus
contains(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
contains(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
contains(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
contains(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.process.Merge
contains(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
contains(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
contains(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
contains(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.State
contains(StateElement) - Method in interface toolbus.StateElement
Check whether a StateElement contains another StateElement.
convertArgument(ATerm) - Method in class
Converts the given aterm to its corresponding Java type object (if needed).
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Assign
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Create
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Delta
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.msg.RecMsg
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.msg.SndMsg
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.note.NoNote
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.note.RecNote
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.note.SndNote
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.note.Subscribe
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.note.UnSubscribe
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Print
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.ShutDown
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Tau
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.AckEvent
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.Connect
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.DisConnect
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.Do
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.Eval
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.Event
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.Execute
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.GetPerfStats
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.RecPerfStats
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.RecRequest
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.RecVal
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.SndKill
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.SndResponse
copy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.Terminate
copy() - Method in class toolbus.environment.Environment
copy() - Method in class toolbus.process.Alternative
copy() - Method in class toolbus.process.Disrupt
copy() - Method in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
copy() - Method in class toolbus.process.IfElse
copy() - Method in class toolbus.process.Iteration
copy() - Method in class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
copy() - Method in class toolbus.process.LetDefinition
copy() - Method in class toolbus.process.Merge
copy() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
copy() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessExpression
copy() - Method in class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
copy() - Method in class toolbus.process.Sequence
copyAtomAttributes(Atom) - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
Create - Class in toolbus.atom
Create(ATerm, ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.Create
CREATE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
create(ATermAppl) - Static method in class toolbus.tifs.Communication
createClassLoader() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition
createCommandLine(ToolBus, InputStream, boolean) - Static method in class toolbus.commandline.CommandLine
createOutputDirectory(String) - Method in class toolbus.tifs.TifToJava
CUP$parser$actions - Class in toolbus.parsercup
Cup generated class to encapsulate user supplied action code.
CUP$parser$actions(parser) - Constructor for class toolbus.parsercup.CUP$parser$actions
CUP$parser$do_action(int, lr_parser, Stack, int) - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.CUP$parser$actions
Method with the actual generated action code.
current - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.JobQueue
currentState - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
currentState - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus


dataHandler - Variable in class toolbus.communication.DirectIOHandler
dataHandler - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
DEBUG - Static variable in interface toolbus.logging.ILogger
debugExecute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
debugExecute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.msg.SndMsg
debugExecute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.note.SndNote
debugExecute() - Method in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
debugExecute() - Method in class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
debugExecute() - Method in class toolbus.process.Merge
debugExecute() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
debugExecute() - Method in class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
debugExecute() - Method in class toolbus.State
Executes one step in debug mode and returns the executed state element as result.
debugExecute() - Method in interface toolbus.StateElement
Executes the state element in debug mode.
DEBUGPERFORMANCESTATS - Static variable in interface toolbus.IOperations
debugStep() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
Executes on step in debug mode, where the state element that was executed is returned as result.
DEBUGSTR - Static variable in interface toolbus.logging.ILogger
DebugToolBus - Class in toolbus.viewer
A specialized version of the ToolBus, which executes the process logic in debug mode.
DebugToolBus(String[], IViewer, IPerformanceMonitor) - Constructor for class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
debugToolBus - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
declaredVaribles - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
DefaultToolExecutor - Class in toolbus.tool.execution
This tool executor implements the default behavior of an executor.
DefaultToolExecutor(ToolInstance, ToolDefinition, ToolBus) - Constructor for class toolbus.tool.execution.DefaultToolExecutor
DefaultToolExecutorFactory - Class in toolbus.tool.execution
This is the default tool executor factory.
DefaultToolExecutorFactory() - Constructor for class toolbus.tool.execution.DefaultToolExecutorFactory
Default constructor.
define(FunctionDescriptor) - Static method in class toolbus.Functions
DEFINE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
defineFuns() - Static method in class toolbus.Functions
defines - Variable in class toolbus.PropertyManager
definition - Variable in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
definition - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
definition - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
delay - Variable in class toolbus.atom.Atom
delElement(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.State
delete(ATerm, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
Delta - Class in toolbus.atom
Delta(TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.Delta
DELTA - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
deregisterCommunicationAtoms(AtomList) - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
deregistered - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
deregisterForRead(SelectableChannel) - Method in interface toolbus.communication.IReadMultiplexer
Deregisters the given channel for reading (if nessecary).
deregisterForRead(SelectableChannel) - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketReadMultiplexer
deregisterForRead(SelectableChannel) - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketReadWriteMultiplexer
deregisterForWrite(SelectableChannel) - Method in interface toolbus.communication.IWriteMultiplexer
Deregisters the given channel for writing (if nessecary).
deregisterForWrite(SelectableChannel) - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketReadWriteMultiplexer
deregisterForWrite(SelectableChannel) - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketWriteMultiplexer
deregisterName(String) - Static method in class toolbus.logging.LoggerFactory
Deregisters the given string as a name, so the messages that are associated with it will no longer be logged.
deregisterReceiveMessage(RecMsg) - Method in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
Deregisteres the given, instantiated, receive message atom.
deregisterSubscribeNote(Subscribe) - Method in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
Deregisters the given, instantiated, subscribe atom.
deregisterType(String) - Static method in class toolbus.logging.LoggerFactory
Deregisters the given string as log type identifier, so the messages that are associated with it will no longer be logged.
destroy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
destroy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.msg.RecMsg
destroy() - Method in class toolbus.atom.note.Subscribe
destroy() - Method in class toolbus.tool.execution.StreamHandler
Forcefully terminates the associated tool process.
determainTermType(ATerm) - Method in class
Determain the class type of the given aterm (depending on its signature).
diff(ATerm, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
DirectConnectionHandler - Class in toolbus
DirectConnectionHandler(ToolBus) - Constructor for class toolbus.DirectConnectionHandler
directConnectionHandler - Variable in class toolbus.ToolBus
DirectIOHandler - Class in toolbus.communication
This class enables direct communication (through java method calls) between a client and a server, under the condition that they are running the the same VM.
DirectIOHandler(IDataHandler) - Constructor for class toolbus.communication.DirectIOHandler
directIOHandler - Variable in class toolbus.communication.DirectIOHandler
DIRECTTOOL - Static variable in class toolbus.adapter.AbstractTool
disconnect(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.AbstractTool
Sends a disconnect request to the ToolBus.
DisConnect - Class in toolbus.atom.tool
DisConnect(ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.tool.DisConnect
DISCONNECT - Static variable in interface toolbus.IOperations
DISCONNECTED - Static variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
DISRUPT - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
Disrupt - Class in toolbus.process
Disrupt is the abstract syntax operator for the disrupt operator (>>) in Tscripts.
Disrupt(ProcessExpression, ProcessExpression, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.process.Disrupt
Do - Class in toolbus.atom.tool
Do(ATerm, ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.tool.Do
DO - Static variable in interface toolbus.IOperations
Do - Class in toolbus.tifs
Do(ATerm) - Constructor for class toolbus.tifs.Do
do_action(int, lr_parser, Stack, int) - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
Invoke a user supplied parse action.
dock(ToolBridge) - Method in class toolbus.DirectConnectionHandler
doDo(ATerm) - Method in class
doDo(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
Executes a DO operation with the given ATerm.
doEval(ATerm) - Method in class
doEval(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
Executes an EVAL operation with the given ATerm.
doGetPerformanceStats() - Method in class
doGetPerformanceStats() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
Retrieves performance statistic information from the tool (if possible).
doneWithBlock - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
doParse(String) - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
doParseInclude(String) - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
doReceiveAckEvent(ATerm) - Method in class
doReceiveAckEvent(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
Executes a RECACKEVENT operation with the given ATerm.
doRun - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
doRun() - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
Notifies the debug toolbus that it should execute normally.
doStep - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
doStep() - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
Notifies the debug toolbus that it should execute one step.
doStop() - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
Notifies the debug toolbus that it should suspend its execution.
doTerminate(ATerm) - Method in class
doTerminate(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
Executes a TERMINATE operation with the given ATerm.
doTerminate() - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
Requests the termination of the ToolBus.
dumpPerformanceStats() - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
Gathers performance statistics and writes them to the console.
dumpUnhandledMessages() - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
Prints all unhandled messages and queued notes to stderr.
duplicate() - Method in class toolbus.TBTermVar
dynamiclyConnectedTools - Variable in class toolbus.ToolInstanceManager
DynamicProcessCall - Class in toolbus.process
DynamicProcessCall(String, ATermList, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall


elements - Variable in class toolbus.AtomList
elements - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
elements - Variable in class toolbus.State
ELSE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
emitHeader(PrintStream) - Method in class toolbus.tifs.TifToJava
EmptyList - Variable in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
emptyTerm - Static variable in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
enabledTime - Variable in class toolbus.atom.Atom
END - Static variable in interface toolbus.IOperations
END_OPC - Static variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
endColumn - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.PositionInformation
ENDIF - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
ENDLET - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
endLine - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.PositionInformation
endLineCharacter - Static variable in class toolbus.logging.FileLogger
enterIfdef(boolean) - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
env - Variable in class toolbus.atom.Atom
env - Variable in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
env - Variable in class toolbus.process.IfElse
env - Variable in class toolbus.process.LetDefinition
env - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
Environment - Class in toolbus.environment
Environments maintain a relation between variables and their values.
Environment(TBTermFactory) - Constructor for class toolbus.environment.Environment
EOF - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
EOF_sym() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
EOF Symbol index.
equals(Object) - Method in class
Custom equals method.
EQUALS - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
equivalent(SharedObject) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermVar
ERROR - Static variable in interface toolbus.logging.ILogger
error - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
error(String, String) - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
error_sym() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
error Symbol index.
ERRORSTR - Static variable in interface toolbus.logging.ILogger
Eval - Class in toolbus.atom.tool
Eval(ATerm, ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.tool.Eval
eval(ATerm, ProcessInstance, Environment) - Static method in class toolbus.Functions
EVAL - Static variable in interface toolbus.IOperations
Eval - Class in toolbus.tifs
Eval(ATerm) - Constructor for class toolbus.tifs.Eval
evalArgs - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
event - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.AckEvent
Event - Class in toolbus.atom.tool
Event(ATerm, ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.tool.Event
EVENT - Static variable in interface toolbus.IOperations
Event - Class in toolbus.tifs
Event(ATerm) - Constructor for class toolbus.tifs.Event
eventsFromTool - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
exceptionOccured() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
exceptionOccured() - Method in class toolbus.communication.DirectIOHandler
exceptionOccured() - Method in interface toolbus.communication.IDataHandler
Notifies the data handler that an exception has occured so it can take the necessary steps.
exceptionOccured() - Method in interface toolbus.communication.IIOHandler
Notifies the I/O handler that an exception has occured so it can take the nessacary steps.
exceptionOccured() - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
exceptionOccured() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
execute(Runnable) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.WorkerQueue
Executes or queues the given runnable for execution.
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Assign
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Create
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Delta
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.msg.RecMsg
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.msg.SndMsg
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.note.NoNote
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.note.RecNote
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.note.SndNote
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.note.Subscribe
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.note.UnSubscribe
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Print
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.ShutDown
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Tau
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.AckEvent
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.Connect
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.DisConnect
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.Do
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.Eval
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.Event
Execute - Class in toolbus.atom.tool
Execute a tool
Execute(ATerm, ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.tool.Execute
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.Execute
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.GetPerfStats
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.RecPerfStats
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.RecRequest
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.RecVal
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.SndKill
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.SndResponse
execute() - Method in class toolbus.atom.tool.Terminate
EXECUTE - Static variable in interface toolbus.logging.IToolBusLoggerConstants
EXECUTE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
execute() - Method in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
execute() - Method in class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
execute() - Method in class toolbus.process.Merge
execute() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
execute() - Method in class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
execute() - Method in class toolbus.State
Execute one step for an element in this state.
execute() - Method in interface toolbus.StateElement
Execute this StateElement
execute() - Method in class toolbus.tool.execution.DefaultToolExecutor
execute() - Method in interface toolbus.tool.execution.IToolExecutor
Executes the tool that will be associated with the tool instance.
execute() - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
The ToolBus's main process loop.
execute() - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
The main process loop of the ToolBus.
executeTool() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Executes the tool that should be associated with this tool instance.
executing - Variable in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
executing - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
exp - Variable in class toolbus.atom.Assign
expectingDisconnect - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
expr - Variable in class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
expr - Variable in class toolbus.process.Merge
expr - Variable in class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
externalNameAsReceivedByTool - Variable in class toolbus.atom.Atom


FALSE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
False - Variable in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
FATAL - Static variable in interface toolbus.logging.ILogger
FATALSTR - Static variable in interface toolbus.logging.ILogger
fetchArgumentIterator() - Method in class toolbus.tifs.Communication
fetchCommunicationIterator() - Method in class toolbus.tifs.Process
fetchProcessIterator() - Method in class toolbus.tifs.Tif
FI - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
FileLogger - Class in toolbus.logging
Logger implementation that writes to a file.
FileLogger() - Constructor for class toolbus.logging.FileLogger
Default constructor.
FileLogger(int) - Constructor for class toolbus.logging.FileLogger
filename - Variable in exception toolbus.exceptions.SyntaxErrorException
fileName - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
filename - Variable in exception toolbus.parsercup.parser.UndeclaredVariableException
fileName - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.PositionInformation
FILENAME - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
fillProcessTables(ProcessInstance) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
fillVariables(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
filter - Static variable in class toolbus.logging.LoggerFactory
finalize() - Method in class toolbus.logging.FileLogger
Closes this logger.
findMethod(byte, String, Class<?>[]) - Method in class
Returns the tool method that matches the given name, arguments and operation.
findPartnerLessReceiveMessageAtoms() - Method in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
Gathers a list of partnerless message receiving atoms.
findPartnerlessSendMessageAtoms() - Method in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
Gathers a list of partnerless message sending atoms.
findPartnerlessSendNoteAtoms() - Method in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
Gathers a list of partnerless note sending atoms.
findPartnerlessSubscribeAtoms() - Method in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
Gathers a list of partnerless subscribe atoms.
finishCall() - Method in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
fireStateChange(int) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
Sends a notification to the attached Viewer that the ToolBus's state changed.
first - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessExpression
The first (entry) state for the automaton that implements this process expression.
first(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
firstState - Variable in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
firstState - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
FMERGE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
follow - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessExpression
The state that follows (= connected to the exit of) the automaton that implements this process expression.
followsExecute - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.Connect
forcedWrite(ByteBuffer) - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
Forces the writing of the content of the given buffer to the socket channel.
formal - Variable in class toolbus.environment.Binding
formals - Variable in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
formals - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
formals - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessDefinition
frame - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
fullSubstitute(ATerm, Environment) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
Replaces all variables in an ATerm by their value.
fun_TBTermVar - Variable in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
FunctionDescriptor - Class in toolbus
FunctionDescriptor(TBTermFactory, String, ATerm) - Constructor for class toolbus.FunctionDescriptor
FunctionDescriptor(TBTermFactory, String, ATerm, ATerm) - Constructor for class toolbus.FunctionDescriptor
FunctionDescriptor(TBTermFactory, String, ATerm, ATerm, ATerm) - Constructor for class toolbus.FunctionDescriptor
FunctionDescriptor(TBTermFactory, String, ATerm, ATerm, ATerm, ATerm) - Constructor for class toolbus.FunctionDescriptor
Functions - Class in toolbus
Functions() - Constructor for class toolbus.Functions
Funs - Static variable in class toolbus.Functions


generate() - Method in class toolbus.tifs.TifToJava
generateArguments(Communication, PrintStream) - Method in class toolbus.tifs.TifToJava
generateCommunication(Communication, PrintStream) - Method in class toolbus.tifs.TifToJava
generateInitialProcessCalls() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
generateProcessInterface(Process, PrintStream) - Method in class toolbus.tifs.TifToJava
generating() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
get(String) - Method in interface toolbus.environment.Bindings
Return the first binding of for a given key value
get(String) - Method in class toolbus.environment.ListBindings
get(String) - Method in class toolbus.PropertyManager
get(String, String) - Method in class toolbus.PropertyManager
get(ATerm, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
get(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.ToolInstanceManager
Returns the tool with the given id, if it's present in the collection.
GET_PERF_STATS - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
getActuals() - Method in exception toolbus.exceptions.NoSuchProcessDefinitionException
getArgs(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
getAtomArgValue(int) - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
getAtoms() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
getAtoms() - Method in class toolbus.process.Alternative
getAtoms() - Method in class toolbus.process.Disrupt
getAtoms() - Method in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
getAtoms() - Method in class toolbus.process.IfElse
getAtoms() - Method in class toolbus.process.Iteration
getAtoms() - Method in class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
getAtoms() - Method in class toolbus.process.LetDefinition
getAtoms() - Method in class toolbus.process.Merge
getAtoms() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
getAtoms() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessExpression
getAtoms() - Method in class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
getAtoms() - Method in class toolbus.process.Sequence
getBeginColumn() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.PositionInformation
Returns the begin column of the position.
getBeginLine() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.PositionInformation
Returns the begin line of the position.
getBinding(TBTermVar) - Method in class toolbus.environment.Environment
getValue fetches the value of a variable.
getBindingsAsList() - Method in interface toolbus.environment.Bindings
Returns a copy of the content of the bindings as a list.
getBindingsAsList() - Method in class toolbus.environment.Environment
getBindingsAsList() - Method in class toolbus.environment.ListBindings
getClassName() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition
getClassPath() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition
getCode(String) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.ScriptCodeStore
Retrieves the source code of the script indicated by the given path.
getCommand() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition
getCurrentState() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
getDebugToolBus() - Method in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
getDelay() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
getDirectConnectionHandler() - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
getElementsAsList() - Method in class toolbus.State
getEndColumn() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.PositionInformation
Retuns the end column of the position.
getEndLine() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.PositionInformation
Retuns the end line of the position.
getEnv() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
getEventFromTool(ATerm, Environment) - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Attempts to find a event that matches the given signature.
getExecutedStateElement() - Method in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
Returns the last, by this process call, executed state element.
getExecutedStateElement() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
Returns the last, by this process call, executed state element.
getExternalVarName() - Method in class toolbus.TBTermVar
getFactory() - Static method in class toolbus.adapter.AbstractTool
Returns a reference to the aterm factory.
getFactory() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
Returns a reference to the term factory.
getFileName() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.PositionInformation
Returns the name of the file this position is in.
getFirst() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Delta
getFirst() - Method in class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
getFirst() - Method in class toolbus.process.LetDefinition
getFirst() - Method in class toolbus.process.Merge
getFirst() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessExpression
getFirst() - Method in class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
getFollow() - Method in class toolbus.process.LetDefinition
getFollow() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessExpression
getFollow() - Method in interface toolbus.StateElement
getFormals() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessDefinition
getFormattedDateTime() - Static method in class toolbus.logging.CommandLineLogger
Returns a properly formated string containing the date and time.
getHost() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
Returns the adress of the host the ToolBus is running on.
getHostName() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition
getHostName() - Static method in class toolbus.ToolBus
Networking functions
getIncludedScripts() - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
getInputSignature() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition
getInstance() - Static method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
getInterfaceName(Process) - Method in class toolbus.tifs.TifToJava
getKind() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition
getLastDebugPerformanceStats() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Returns the last received batch of debug performance statistics.
getLastExecutedStateElement() - Method in class toolbus.State
Returns the last executed state element in the current state.
getLoadPath() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition
getLogger() - Static method in class toolbus.logging.LoggerFactory
Returns a reference to the instantiated logger.
getLogLevelString(int) - Static method in class toolbus.logging.CommandLineLogger
Returns a string containing a string representation of the log level.
getMatchPattern() - Method in class toolbus.atom.note.Subscribe
getMatchStore() - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
getMessage() - Method in exception toolbus.exceptions.SyntaxErrorException
getMessage() - Method in exception toolbus.parsercup.parser.UndeclaredVariableException
getName() - Method in class toolbus.environment.Binding
getName() - Method in class toolbus.FunctionDescriptor
getName() - Method in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
getName() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
getName() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessDefinition
getName() - Method in class toolbus.tifs.Communication
getName() - Method in class toolbus.tifs.Process
getName() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition
getNameAsPlaceholder() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition
getNext() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.JobQueue
Returns the next job in the queue.
getNext() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.ThreadLocalJobQueue
Returns the next job in the queue.
getNoteFromQueue(ATerm, Environment) - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
getNoteQueue() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
getNoteSignature(ATerm) - Static method in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
getNumberOfFormals() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessDefinition
getOffset() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.PositionInformation
getOriginalProcessExpression() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessDefinition
getOtherSignature() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition
getOutputSignature() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition
getPackageName() - Method in class toolbus.tifs.Tif
getPendingTool(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.ToolInstanceManager
Returns the tool with the given key, if it's present in the pending tool collection.
getPerformanceStats() - Method in class
Gathers performance statistics about this tool, like memory usage and the user-/system-time spend per thread.
getPerformanceStats(ATerm, Environment) - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Attempts to find performance statistics that match the given signature.
GetPerfStats - Class in toolbus.atom.tool
GetPerfStats(ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.tool.GetPerfStats
getPort() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
Returns the port number the ToolBus is running on.
getPort() - Method in class toolbus.SocketConnectionHandler
Returns the port number the ToolBus is currently running on.
getPort() - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
getPosInfo() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessDefinition
getPosInfo() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessExpression
getPosInfo() - Method in interface toolbus.StateElement
Returns the position information associated to the implementing state element.
getPosition() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
getPosition() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
getPositionInformation() - Method in exception toolbus.exceptions.ToolBusExecutionException
getPossibleMessagePartners(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
Gathers the potential partners for the given send message pattern.
getPossibleNotePartners(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
Gathers the potential partners for the given send note pattern.
getPreviousPosition() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
getPrintWriter() - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
Get current PrintWriter.
getProcess() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
getProcess() - Method in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
getProcess() - Method in class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
getProcess() - Method in class toolbus.process.Merge
getProcess() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
getProcess() - Method in class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
getProcess() - Method in interface toolbus.StateElement
getProcessDefinition() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
getProcessDefinition(String, int) - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
Get a process definition by name.
getProcessDefinitions() - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
getProcesses() - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
Get the current list of processes.
getProcessExpression(ATermList) - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessDefinition
getProcessId() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
getProcessName() - Method in exception toolbus.exceptions.NoSuchProcessDefinitionException
getProcessName() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
getProcessState() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
getProperty(String) - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
Getters and setters for global properties
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
getPropertyFile() - Method in class toolbus.PropertyManager
Get the name of the property file to be used
getQueuedEvents() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Returns an array of all queued rec-event terms for this tool instance.
getQueuedRequests() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Returns an array of all queued rec-request terms for this tool instance.
getQueuedValues() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Returns an array of all queued rec-value terms for this tool instance.
getReadMultiplexer() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolConnectionHandler
getReadMultiplexer() - Method in class toolbus.communication.AbstractConnectionHandler
Returns a reference to the read multiplexer.
getReadMultiplexer() - Method in class toolbus.SocketConnectionHandler
getReadyDynamiclyConnectedTool(String) - Method in class toolbus.ToolInstanceManager
Attempts to locate a dynamicly connected tool instance that is ready to be processed by the 'connect atom'.
getRepresentation() - Method in class toolbus.tifs.Communication
getRequestFromTool(ATerm, Environment) - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Attempts to find a request that matches the given signature.
getResultType() - Method in class toolbus.FunctionDescriptor
getResultType() - Method in class toolbus.tifs.Communication
getResultType() - Method in class toolbus.tifs.Eval
getRunTime() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
getRunTime() - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
getScriptNames() - Method in class toolbus.viewer.ScriptCodeStore
Returns the list of absolute paths to all, for the ToolBus, reachable scripts.
getSignature() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition
getStateElements() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
Returns a complete list of state elements in this process instance.
getSubscriptions() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
getSubscriptionSignature(ATerm) - Static method in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
getTBTermFactory() - Method in class toolbus.environment.Environment
getTBTermFactory() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
getTBTermFactory() - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
Get the ATermFactory used.
getTests() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
getTests() - Method in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
getTests() - Method in class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
getTests() - Method in class toolbus.process.Merge
getTests() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
getTests() - Method in class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
getTests() - Method in interface toolbus.StateElement
Returns a collection containing all tests that are associated with this state element.
getTimeout() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
getToolBridge() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.AbstractTool
Returns a reference to the tool bridge that we're using.
getToolBus() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
getToolBus() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
getToolBusPerformanceStats() - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
Gathers performance statistics related to JVM the current ToolBus is running in.
getToolDefinition(String) - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
Get a tool definition by name.
getToolDefinitions() - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
getToolExecutor(ToolInstance, ToolDefinition, ToolBus) - Method in class toolbus.tool.execution.DefaultToolExecutorFactory
getToolExecutor(ToolInstance, ToolDefinition, ToolBus) - Method in interface toolbus.tool.execution.IToolExecutorFactory
Constructs a tool executor.
getToolExecutorFactory() - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
getToolID() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
Returns the tool id of the tool that is associated with this tool bridge.
getToolID() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Returns the id of the tool that is associated with this tool instance.
getToolInstanceManager() - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
getToolKey() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Returns the key of the tool that is associated with this tool instance.
getToolName() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
Returns the tool name of the tool that is associated with this tool bridge.
getToolName() - Method in class toolbus.tifs.Tif
getToolName() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Returns the name of the tool that is associated with this tool instance.
getType() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
Returns what type of connection we have with the ToolBus.
getType() - Method in class toolbus.TBTermVar
getUnhandledMessages() - Method in class toolbus.State
getUserSpecifiedPort() - Method in class toolbus.PropertyManager
getVal() - Method in class toolbus.environment.Binding
getValue(TBTermVar) - Method in class toolbus.environment.Environment
getValue fetches the value of a variable.
getValueFromTool(ATerm, Environment) - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Attempts to find a value that matches the given signature.
getVar() - Method in class toolbus.environment.Binding
getVariableSignature(ATerm) - Static method in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
getVarName() - Method in class toolbus.TBTermVar
getVarType(TBTermVar) - Method in class toolbus.environment.Environment
getVarType() - Method in class toolbus.TBTermVar
getVersion() - Method in class toolbus.tifs.Tif
getWriteMultiplexer() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolConnectionHandler
getWriteMultiplexer() - Method in class toolbus.communication.AbstractConnectionHandler
Returns a reference to the write multiplexer.
getWriteMultiplexer() - Method in class toolbus.SocketConnectionHandler
goConnected() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Notifies this tool instance that the tool connected.
goDisconnected() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Notifies this tool instance that the tool has disconnected.
goKilled() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Notifies this tool instance that the tool has been killed.
goReady() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Notifies this tool instance that the tool is ready to receive a new DO or EVAL request.
goTerminated() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Notifies this tool instance that the tool has terminated.
gotoNextStateAndActivate() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
gotoNextStateAndActivate(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
gotoNextStateAndActivate() - Method in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
gotoNextStateAndActivate(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
gotoNextStateAndActivate() - Method in class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
gotoNextStateAndActivate(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
gotoNextStateAndActivate() - Method in class toolbus.process.Merge
gotoNextStateAndActivate(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.process.Merge
gotoNextStateAndActivate() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
gotoNextStateAndActivate(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
gotoNextStateAndActivate() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
gotoNextStateAndActivate(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
gotoNextStateAndActivate() - Method in class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
gotoNextStateAndActivate(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
gotoNextStateAndActivate() - Method in class toolbus.State
gotoNextStateAndActivate(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.State
gotoNextStateAndActivate() - Method in interface toolbus.StateElement
gotoNextStateAndActivate(StateElement) - Method in interface toolbus.StateElement
Get the successor of the StateElement for a given other StateElement elem.
goUnreachable() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Notifies this tool instance that the tool has become unreachable.


handle(ToolInstance, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.PerformanceInformationHandler.PerformanceStatsEntryHandler
handleComandLineArguments(String[]) - Method in class toolbus.PropertyManager
handleDisconnect() - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
Handles the received disconnect.
handleRetrievedData() - Method in class toolbus.viewer.PerformanceInformationHandler
Invoked by the debug toolbus when it wishes to process all currently received performance data.
handShakeBuffer - Variable in class toolbus.SocketConnectionHandler
HANDSHAKEBUFFERSIZE - Static variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolConnectionHandler
HANDSHAKEBUFFERSIZE - Static variable in class toolbus.SocketConnectionHandler
hashCode() - Method in class
Custom hashcode function.
hasMoreToWrite() - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
Checks if there is data left that needs to be written.
hasNext() - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus.ProcessInstanceIterator
hasNotes() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
host - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
HOST - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
hostName - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition


IDataHandler - Interface in toolbus.communication
DataHandlers proces the data and supply the data for ioHandlers.
IDENT - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
IF - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
IFDEF - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
ifdefStack - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
IfElse - Class in toolbus.process
IfElse is the abstract syntax operator for the if-then-else-fi operator in Tscripts.
IfElse(ATerm, ProcessExpression, ProcessExpression, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.process.IfElse
IFNDEF - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
IfThen - Class in toolbus.process
IfThen(ATerm, ProcessExpression, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.process.IfThen
IIOHandler - Interface in toolbus.communication
IOHandlers facilitate the transfer of terms from and to the ToolBus and tools.
ILogger - Interface in toolbus.logging
IN - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
INCLUDE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
INCLUDE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
includedFiles - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
includes - Variable in class toolbus.PropertyManager
index - Variable in class toolbus.atom.msg.SndMsg
index(ATerm, int) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
index - Variable in class toolbus.ToolBus.ProcessInstanceIterator
INFO - Static variable in interface toolbus.logging.ILogger
INFOSTR - Static variable in interface toolbus.logging.ILogger
init(TBTermFactory) - Static method in class toolbus.Functions
init_actions() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
Action encapsulation object initializer.
initArgumentList() - Method in class toolbus.tifs.Communication
initCallableMethods() - Method in class
Reads all the callable methods of the tool associated with this tool bridge.
initCommunicationList(ATermList) - Method in class toolbus.tifs.CommunicationList
initDynamicCall() - Method in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
initialize(List<Atom>) - Method in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
Initializes this match store with the given set of atoms.
initialize() - Method in class toolbus.SocketConnectionHandler
Initializes the connection handler.
initialize(int) - Method in class toolbus.SocketConnectionHandler
Initializes the connection handler on a user specified port.
initialState - Variable in class toolbus.process.Merge
initialState - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
initProcessList() - Method in class toolbus.tifs.Tif
initState() - Method in class toolbus.process.Merge
inputSignature - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition
instance - Static variable in class toolbus.TBTermFactory.InstanceKeeper
INT - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
inter(ATerm, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
IntPlaceholder - Variable in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
introduceBinding(TBTermVar, ATerm, boolean) - Method in class toolbus.environment.Environment
introduceBinding adds a new variable for the case of formal/actual correspondence in process calls.
introduceBinding(TBTermVar, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.environment.Environment
introduceBindings(ATermList, ATermList, boolean) - Method in class toolbus.environment.Environment
introduceBindings adds new (formal.actual) bindings
introduceVars(ATermList) - Method in class toolbus.environment.Environment
introduceVars adds a list of variables to the environment.
IntType - Variable in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
invokeMethod(byte, ATerm) - Method in class
Invokes the method associated with the given term and operation.
ioHandler - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
ioHandler - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
IOperations - Interface in toolbus
This interface holds all the operation codes that are used to identify the request / response types.
IPerformanceMonitor - Interface in toolbus.viewer
Listener that can be notified of the arrival of performance statistics messages.
IReadMultiplexer - Interface in toolbus.communication
Implement this interface if you're a multiplexer that is able to select on read events.
IS - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
isAnyVar(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
isAppl(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
isAssignable() - Method in class toolbus.environment.Binding
isBlob(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
isBoolean(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
isCommandLineSwitch(String, String, String) - Static method in class toolbus.tifs.TifToJava
isConnected() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Checks if the tool is connected.
isDeclaredAsStringVar(TBTermVar) - Method in class toolbus.environment.Environment
isDirectlyStartableJavaNGTool() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition
isDisconnected() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Checks if the tool has disconnected.
isEnabled() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
isEnabled() - Method in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
isEnabled() - Method in class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
isEnabled() - Method in class toolbus.process.Merge
isEnabled() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
isEnabled() - Method in class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
isEnabled() - Method in class toolbus.State
isEnabled() - Method in interface toolbus.StateElement
Is this StateElelement enabled for execution, i.e., are its associated tests all true? If enabled, the StateElement is ready for execution.
isExecutedTool() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Checks if the tool that is associated with this tool instance was executed or connected on it's own initiative.
isFalse(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
isFormal() - Method in class toolbus.environment.Binding
isImplementationOf(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class
Checks the the given class satisfies the given interface.
isInt(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
isKilled() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Checks if the tool has been killed.
isList(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
isReady() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Checks if the tool is ready.
isReal(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
isResultVar(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
isResultVar() - Method in class toolbus.TBTermVar
isRunning() - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketReadMultiplexer
Checks if this multiplexer is running or not.
isRunning() - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketReadWriteMultiplexer
Checks if this multiplexer is running or not.
isRunning() - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketWriteMultiplexer
Checks if this multiplexer is running or not.
isRunning() - Method in class toolbus.SocketConnectionHandler
Checks if this handler is running or not.
isStr(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
isTerminated() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
isTerminated() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Checks if the tool has been terminated.
isTrue(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
isUnreachable() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Checks if the tool has become unreachable.
isVar(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
ITER - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
Iteration - Class in toolbus.process
Iteration implements the process expression P1 * P2.
Iteration(ProcessExpression, ProcessExpression, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.process.Iteration
iterator() - Method in class toolbus.AtomList
IToolBusLoggerConstants - Interface in toolbus.logging
This interface specifies some log types that are specific for the ToolBusNG.
IToolExecutor - Interface in toolbus.tool.execution
Interface all tool executors must implement.
IToolExecutorFactory - Interface in toolbus.tool.execution
Interface all tool executor factories much implement.
IViewer - Interface in toolbus.viewer
This interface specifies the events the debug toolbus can fire.
IViewerConstants - Interface in toolbus.viewer
Contains a list of all possible states the debug ToolBus can be in.
IWriteMultiplexer - Interface in toolbus.communication
Implement this interface if you're a multiplexer that is able to select on write events.


JavaToolBridge - Class in
This class is a specialized ToolBridge version for Java tools.
JavaToolBridge(PureFactory, AbstractTool, String, int, InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class
JavaToolBridge(PureFactory, AbstractTool, String, int, ToolBus) - Constructor for class
JavaToolBridge.CallableMethodSignature - Class in
This class represents a signature of a method (Name + return type + params).
JavaToolBridge.CallableMethodSignature() - Constructor for class
JavaToolBridge.MethodInvokationException - Exception in
Custom exception.
JavaToolBridge.MethodInvokationException(String) - Constructor for exception
JavaToolBridge.MethodInvokationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
JavaToolBridge.MethodInvokationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
jobs - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.JobQueue
join(ATerm, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory


kill() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Forcefully terminates the with this tool instance associated tool.
killButton - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
KILLED - Static variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
killExecutedToolsNow() - Method in class toolbus.ToolInstanceManager
Kills all known executed tools immidiately.
KIND - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
kind - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition


LANGLE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
lastDebugPerformanceStats - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
lastElement - Variable in class toolbus.State
lastExecutedProcessInstanceField - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
lastExecutedStateElementField - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
LBRACE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
leaveIfdef() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
left - Variable in class toolbus.process.Alternative
left - Variable in class toolbus.process.Disrupt
left - Variable in class toolbus.process.IfElse
left - Variable in class toolbus.process.Iteration
LEFT - Variable in class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
LEFT - Variable in class toolbus.process.Merge
LEFT - Variable in class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
left - Variable in class toolbus.process.Sequence
LeftBiasedAlternative - Class in toolbus.process
LeftBiasedAlternative implements the the asymmetric choice operator operator <+.
LeftBiasedAlternative(ProcessExpression, ProcessExpression, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
LEFTCHOICE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
leftLast - Variable in class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
leftLast - Variable in class toolbus.process.Merge
lengthReadBuffer - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
lengthWriteBuffer - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
LET - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
LetDefinition - Class in toolbus.process
LetDefinition(ATermList, ProcessExpression, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.process.LetDefinition
level - Variable in class toolbus.logging.CommandLineLogger
level - Variable in class toolbus.logging.FileLogger
Lexer - Class in toolbus.parsercup
This class is a scanner generated by JFlex 1.3.5 on 7/3/08 11:06 AM from the specification file file:/export/scratch1/lankamp/metaClipse/toolbus-ng/src/toolbus/parsercup/toolbus.jflex
Lexer(Reader) - Constructor for class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
Creates a new scanner There is also a version of this constructor.
Lexer(InputStream) - Constructor for class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
Creates a new scanner.
line - Variable in exception toolbus.exceptions.SyntaxErrorException
line - Variable in exception toolbus.parsercup.parser.UndeclaredVariableException
list - Variable in class toolbus.ToolBus.ProcessInstanceIterator
ListBindings - Class in toolbus.environment
ListBindings uses a simple LinkedList to implement the Bindings interface.
ListBindings() - Constructor for class toolbus.environment.ListBindings
ListBindings(ListBindings) - Constructor for class toolbus.environment.ListBindings
ListPlaceholder - Variable in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
ListType - Variable in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
locals - Variable in class toolbus.process.LetDefinition
lock - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.WorkerQueue
log(String, int) - Method in class toolbus.logging.CommandLineLogger
log(String, Throwable, int) - Method in class toolbus.logging.CommandLineLogger
log(String, int) - Method in class toolbus.logging.FileLogger
log(String, Throwable, int) - Method in class toolbus.logging.FileLogger
LOG - Static variable in interface toolbus.logging.ILogger
log(String, int) - Method in interface toolbus.logging.ILogger
Logs the given message (but only if the message is 'important' enough).
log(String, Throwable, int) - Method in interface toolbus.logging.ILogger
Logs the given message, including the given stacktrace (but only if the message is 'important' enough).
log(String, String, String) - Static method in class toolbus.logging.LoggerFactory
Convenience method for debugging.
log(String, int, String) - Static method in class toolbus.logging.LoggerFactory
Convenience method for logging.
log(String, Throwable, int, String) - Static method in class toolbus.logging.LoggerFactory
Convenience method for logging.
logger - Static variable in class toolbus.logging.LoggerFactory.LoggerKeeper
LoggerFactory - Class in toolbus.logging
Factory for creating a logger.
LoggerFactory() - Constructor for class toolbus.logging.LoggerFactory
Default constructor.
LoggerFactory.LoggerKeeper - Class in toolbus.logging
Instance keeper; for ensuring thread-safe, lazy intialization of the logger.
LoggerFactory.LoggerKeeper() - Constructor for class toolbus.logging.LoggerFactory.LoggerKeeper
LOGSTR - Static variable in interface toolbus.logging.ILogger
LPAR - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
LSQUARE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym


Main - Class in toolbus
Main() - Constructor for class toolbus.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class toolbus.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class toolbus.parsercup.TestParser
main(String[]) - Static method in class toolbus.tifs.TifToJava
main(String[]) - Static method in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
makeBytesFromInt(int) - Static method in class toolbus.util.NativeTypeConverter
Splits the given int value into four separate bytes (little endian encoded).
makeBytesFromUnsignedShort(int) - Static method in class toolbus.util.NativeTypeConverter
Splits the given unsigned short value into two separate bytes (little endian encoded).
makeInt(byte[]) - Static method in class toolbus.util.NativeTypeConverter
Merges four (little endian encoded) bytes into a int value.
makePattern(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
Transform a term into a pattern that can be used by tool interfaces.
makePosInfo(Symbol, Symbol) - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.CUP$parser$actions
makePosInfoWithEndColumnOffset(Symbol, Symbol, int) - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.CUP$parser$actions
makeTBTermResVar(String, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
makeTBTermVar(String, ATerm, ATerm, ATermList) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
makeTBTermVar(String, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
makeTBTermVar(String, ATerm, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
makeUnsignedShort(byte[]) - Static method in class toolbus.util.NativeTypeConverter
Merges two (little endian encoded) bytes into a unsigned short value.
match(ATerm, Environment, ATerm, Environment) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
matchesPartner(RecMsg) - Method in class toolbus.atom.msg.SndMsg
matchListPlaceholder(ATermList, ATermPlaceholder, boolean) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
matchPatternToValue(ATerm, Environment, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
matchPlaceholder(ATermAppl, ATermPlaceholder, boolean) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
MatchStore - Class in toolbus.matching
This store keeps track of all links between sending and receiving communication atoms.
MatchStore(TBTermFactory) - Constructor for class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
matchStore - Variable in class toolbus.ToolBus
MatchStore.MappingRefCount - Class in toolbus.matching
Reference count structure.
MatchStore.MappingRefCount() - Constructor for class toolbus.matching.MatchStore.MappingRefCount
member(ATerm, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
Merge - Class in toolbus.process
Merge(ProcessExpression, ProcessExpression, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.process.Merge
mergeState - Variable in class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
mergeState - Variable in class toolbus.process.Merge
mergeState - Variable in class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
message - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.SndKill
messageLinks - Variable in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
messageLock - Variable in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
messageMappings - Variable in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
MESSAGES - Static variable in interface toolbus.logging.IToolBusLoggerConstants
methodName - Variable in class
mightMatch(ATerm, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
mkResVar(ATerm, String, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
mkVar(ATerm, String, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
MSECS - Static variable in class toolbus.atom.Atom
msg - Variable in class toolbus.atom.msg.MsgAtom
MsgAtom - Class in toolbus.atom.msg
MsgAtom(ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.msg.MsgAtom
msgpat - Variable in class toolbus.atom.note.NoNote
msgpat - Variable in class toolbus.atom.note.UnSubscribe


name - Variable in class toolbus.environment.Binding
name - Variable in class toolbus.FunctionDescriptor
NAME - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
name - Variable in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
name - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
name - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessDefinition
nameAsVar - Variable in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
NativeTypeConverter - Class in toolbus.util
This class handles the conversion of native types from and to their byte representation.
NativeTypeConverter() - Constructor for class toolbus.util.NativeTypeConverter
Default constructor.
nElements - Variable in class toolbus.State
nerrors - Variable in class toolbus.ToolBus
next(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
next() - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus.ProcessInstanceIterator
next_token() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
Resumes scanning until the next regular expression is matched, the end of input is encountered or an I/O-Error occurs.
nextBoolean() - Static method in class toolbus.process.Merge
Generate next random boolean.
nextTime - Variable in class toolbus.ToolBus
nextTime - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
NO_NOTE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
NOATOMARGS - Static variable in class toolbus.atom.Atom
NOMESSAGEPARTNERS - Static variable in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
NoNote - Class in toolbus.atom.note
NoNote(ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.note.NoNote
noNoteInQueue(ATerm, Environment) - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
NONOTEPARTNERS - Static variable in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
NoSuchProcessDefinitionException - Exception in toolbus.exceptions
NoSuchProcessDefinitionException(String, int) - Constructor for exception toolbus.exceptions.NoSuchProcessDefinitionException
noteLinks - Variable in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
noteLock - Variable in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
noteMappings - Variable in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
notePattern - Variable in class toolbus.atom.note.RecNote
notePattern - Variable in class toolbus.atom.note.SndNote
notePattern - Variable in class toolbus.atom.note.Subscribe
noteQueueTableModel - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
NOTES - Static variable in interface toolbus.logging.IToolBusLoggerConstants
notes - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
nrOfMappings - Variable in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore.MappingRefCount
nrOfRegisteredNames - Static variable in class toolbus.logging.LoggerFactory
numberOfConnectedTools() - Method in class toolbus.ToolInstanceManager
Counts the number of connected tools that are registered with this tool instance manager.


OFF - Static variable in interface toolbus.logging.ILogger
offset - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.PositionInformation
openOutputFile(Process) - Method in class toolbus.tifs.TifToJava
operation - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.Job
operation - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
operation - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler.OperationTermPair
OPERATIONBYTES - Static variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
operationReadBuffer - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
originalActuals - Variable in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
originalActuals - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
otherSignature - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition
out - Variable in class toolbus.ToolBus
outputBaseDir - Variable in class toolbus.tifs.TifToJava
outputSignature - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition


pack(ATerm) - Static method in class toolbus.adapter.AbstractTool
Packs the given term.
PACKBUFFERSIZE - Static variable in class toolbus.adapter.AbstractTool
parameters - Variable in class
parsecup() - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
parsecup1(HashSet<String>, List<ATerm>, String) - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
Parse a Tscript from file and add definitions to this ToolBus.
parseIncludes - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
parseIncludes(boolean) - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
parser - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.CUP$parser$actions
parser - Class in toolbus.parsercup
CUP v0.11a beta 20060608 generated parser.
parser() - Constructor for class toolbus.parsercup.parser
Default constructor.
parser(Scanner) - Constructor for class toolbus.parsercup.parser
Constructor which sets the default scanner.
parser(Scanner, SymbolFactory) - Constructor for class toolbus.parsercup.parser
Constructor which sets the default scanner.
parser(HashSet<String>, List<ATerm>, String, Reader, ToolBus) - Constructor for class toolbus.parsercup.parser
ToolBus specific constructor
parser(ToolBus, String) - Constructor for class toolbus.parsercup.parser
ToolBus specific constructor
parser(ToolBus, String, Reader) - Constructor for class toolbus.parsercup.parser
ToolBus specific constructor
parser.UndeclaredVariableException - Exception in toolbus.parsercup
parser.UndeclaredVariableException(String, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for exception toolbus.parsercup.parser.UndeclaredVariableException
PARSING - Static variable in interface toolbus.logging.IToolBusLoggerConstants
patternMatchesToValue(ATerm, Environment, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
pcall - Variable in class toolbus.atom.Create
PE - Variable in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
PE - Variable in class toolbus.process.LetDefinition
PE - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
PE - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessDefinition
PEinit - Variable in class toolbus.process.LetDefinition
pendingTools - Variable in class toolbus.ToolInstanceManager
PerformanceInformationHandler - Class in toolbus.viewer
Handles performance information dispatch and retrieval.
PerformanceInformationHandler(IPerformanceMonitor) - Constructor for class toolbus.viewer.PerformanceInformationHandler
PerformanceInformationHandler.PerformanceStatsEntryHandler - Class in toolbus.viewer
Entry handler used for iterating over the arrived performance statistics.
PerformanceInformationHandler.PerformanceStatsEntryHandler(IPerformanceMonitor) - Constructor for class toolbus.viewer.PerformanceInformationHandler.PerformanceStatsEntryHandler
performanceInformationRetriever - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
performanceMonitor - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.PerformanceInformationHandler
performanceMonitor - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.PerformanceInformationHandler.PerformanceStatsEntryHandler
PERFORMANCESTATS - Static variable in interface toolbus.IOperations
performanceStats - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
performanceStatsArrived(ToolInstance, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.AbstractViewerAdapter
performanceStatsArrived(ToolInstance, ATerm) - Method in interface toolbus.viewer.IPerformanceMonitor
Fired when the performance statistics that were requested by the debug ToolBus arrived.
performanceStatsEntryHandler - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.PerformanceInformationHandler
performMatch(ATerm, Environment, List<Binding>, ATerm, Environment, List<Binding>) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
performPatternMatch(ATerm, Environment, ATerm, List<Binding>) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
port - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
port - Variable in class toolbus.PropertyManager
portNumber - Variable in class toolbus.ToolBus
posInfo - Variable in exception toolbus.exceptions.ToolBusExecutionException
posInfo - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessDefinition
posInfo - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessExpression
Position information (i.e., source code location) of this process expression.
position - Variable in exception toolbus.exceptions.SyntaxErrorException
position - Variable in exception toolbus.parsercup.parser.UndeclaredVariableException
PositionInformation - Class in toolbus.parsercup
Like the name implies, this class contains position information (filename + begin and end line / column).
PositionInformation(String, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class toolbus.parsercup.PositionInformation
post(ToolBridge.Job) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.JobQueue
Schedules the given job for transmission to the ToolBus.
postEvent(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
Posts the given event.
postEvent(ATerm, long) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.ThreadLocalJobQueue
Schedules the given event for transmission to the ToolBus.
postRequest(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
Posts the given request.
postRequest(ATerm, long) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.ThreadLocalJobQueue
Schedules the given request for transmission to the ToolBus.
prepare() - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
prepare() - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
previousYYchar - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
Print - Class in toolbus.atom
Print(ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.Print
PRINTF - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
printPartnerlessCommunicationAtoms() - Method in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
Dumps a list of partnerless communication atoms to standard out.
printPartnerlessReceivers() - Method in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
Dumps a list of partnerless receiving atoms to standard out.
printPartnerlessSenders() - Method in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
Dumps a list of partnerless sending atoms to standard out.
printQueueTerms() - Method in class toolbus.ToolInstanceManager
Prints all currently queued values, events and requests.
printStream - Variable in class toolbus.logging.CommandLineLogger
procdefs - Variable in class toolbus.ToolBus
PROCESS - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
Process - Class in toolbus.tifs
Process(ATerm) - Constructor for class toolbus.tifs.Process
process - Variable in class toolbus.tool.execution.StreamHandler
processBreakPointHit(ProcessInstance) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.AbstractViewerAdapter
processBreakPointHit(ProcessInstance) - Method in interface toolbus.viewer.IViewer
Informs the viewer that a registered breakpoint on a process or process instance was hit.
processBreakPointHit(ProcessInstance) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
processBreakPoints - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
ProcessCall - Class in toolbus.process
ProcessCall implements a call to a process P(f1, f2, ...).
ProcessCall(String, ATermList, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
ProcessCall(ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
ProcessCall(String, ATermList, boolean, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
ProcessDefinition - Class in toolbus.process
ProcessDefinition describes the name, formal parameters and body of a defined process.
ProcessDefinition(String, ATermList, ProcessExpression, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.process.ProcessDefinition
processes - Variable in class toolbus.ToolBus
processesScrollPane - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
processesTable - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
processesTableHeader - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
processesTableModel - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
ProcessExpression - Class in toolbus.process
ProcesssExpression represents abstract syntax operators for operators in process expressions of Tscripts.
ProcessExpression(TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.process.ProcessExpression
processId - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
processIdCounter - Variable in class toolbus.ToolBus
processInstance - Variable in class toolbus.atom.Atom
processInstance - Variable in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
processInstance - Variable in class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
processInstance - Variable in class toolbus.process.Merge
processInstance - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
ProcessInstance - Class in toolbus.process
ProcessInstance(ToolBus, ProcessCall, int) - Constructor for class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
processInstance - Variable in class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
processInstanceBreakPoints - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
processInstanceStarted(ProcessInstance) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.AbstractViewerAdapter
processInstanceStarted(ProcessInstance) - Method in interface toolbus.viewer.IViewer
Fired when a new process instance is started.
processInstanceStarted(ProcessInstance) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
processInstanceTerminated(ProcessInstance) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.AbstractViewerAdapter
processInstanceTerminated(ProcessInstance) - Method in interface toolbus.viewer.IViewer
Fired when a process instance is terminated.
processInstanceTerminated(ProcessInstance) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
processList - Variable in class toolbus.tifs.Tif
processLock - Variable in class toolbus.ToolBus
processLock - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
processName - Variable in exception toolbus.exceptions.NoSuchProcessDefinitionException
processName - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
processName - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
production_table() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
Access to production table.
properties - Variable in class toolbus.PropertyManager
propertyFileName - Variable in class toolbus.PropertyManager
PropertyManager - Class in toolbus
PropertyManager(String[]) - Constructor for class toolbus.PropertyManager
propertyManager - Variable in class toolbus.ToolBus
put(String, Binding) - Method in interface toolbus.environment.Bindings
Introduce a new (key, binding) pair
put(String, Binding) - Method in class toolbus.environment.ListBindings
put(ATerm, ATerm, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
putNoteInQueue(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance


QUESTION - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
queue - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.WorkerQueue
queues - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge


rand - Static variable in class toolbus.process.Merge
RANGLE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
RBRACE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
read() - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
This method triggers the reading of data from the socket.
read(SelectionKey) - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketReadMultiplexer
Notifies the with the selection key associated I/O handler that we are able to receive data.
read(SelectionKey) - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketReadWriteMultiplexer
Notifies the with the selection key associated I/O handler that we are able to receive data.
READ - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
readBuffer - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
reader - Variable in class toolbus.commandline.CommandLine.ToolBusInputStreamHandler
readFromChannel(ByteBuffer) - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
Reads bytes from the socket channel and inserts them into the given byte buffer.
readMultiplexer - Variable in class toolbus.SocketConnectionHandler
readTermFromChannel(PureFactory, SocketChannel, ByteBuffer) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolConnectionHandler
Reads a term from the given channel, using the given buffer.
readTermFromChannel(PureFactory, SocketChannel, ByteBuffer) - Method in class toolbus.SocketConnectionHandler
Reads a term from the given channel, using the given buffer.
READY - Static variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
READY_STATE - Static variable in interface toolbus.viewer.IViewerConstants
REAL - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
RealPlaceholder - Variable in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
RealType - Variable in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
REC_CONNECT - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
REC_DISCONNECT - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
REC_EVENT - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
REC_MSG - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
REC_NOTE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
REC_PERF_STATS - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
REC_REQUEST - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
REC_VALUE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
receive(byte, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
receive(byte, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.communication.DirectIOHandler
receive(byte, ATerm) - Method in interface toolbus.communication.IDataHandler
Receives a term from the associated ioHandler.
receive(byte, ATerm) - Method in interface toolbus.communication.IIOHandler
Receives a term from the remote location.
receive(byte, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
receive(byte, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
receiveAckEvent(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.AbstractTool
Receives an acknowledgement message.
receiveBlockLength() - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
Reads the data block length from the socket channel (2 bytes, little endian encoded).
receiveDataBlock() - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
Reads the data from the current data block from the socket channel.
receiveOperation() - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
Reads the operation byte from the socket channel.
receiveTerminate(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.AbstractTool
Receives a termination message.
RecMsg - Class in toolbus.atom.msg
RecMsg(ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.msg.RecMsg
RecNote - Class in toolbus.atom.note
RecNote(ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.note.RecNote
RecPerfStats - Class in toolbus.atom.tool
RecPerfStats(ATerm, ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.tool.RecPerfStats
RecRequest - Class in toolbus.atom.tool
RecRequest(ATerm, ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.tool.RecRequest
recResponse(ATermAppl) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.JobQueue
Acknowledges the last request that was send from the source this queue is associated with.
RecVal - Class in toolbus.atom.tool
RecVal(ATerm, ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.tool.RecVal
reduce_table() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
Access to reduce_goto table.
Ref - Class in toolbus.atom
Ref(ATerm) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.Ref
registeredNames - Static variable in class toolbus.logging.LoggerFactory
registeredTypes - Static variable in class toolbus.logging.LoggerFactory
registerForRead(SelectableChannel, SocketIOHandler) - Method in interface toolbus.communication.IReadMultiplexer
Registers the given channel for reading.
registerForRead(SelectableChannel, SocketIOHandler) - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketReadMultiplexer
registerForRead(SelectableChannel, SocketIOHandler) - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketReadWriteMultiplexer
registerForWrite(SelectableChannel, SocketIOHandler) - Method in interface toolbus.communication.IWriteMultiplexer
Registers the given channel for writing.
registerForWrite(SelectableChannel, SocketIOHandler) - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketReadWriteMultiplexer
registerForWrite(SelectableChannel, SocketIOHandler) - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketWriteMultiplexer
registerName(String) - Static method in class toolbus.logging.LoggerFactory
Registers the given string as a name.
registerPartners() - Method in class toolbus.atom.msg.RecMsg
registerPartners() - Method in class toolbus.atom.note.Subscribe
registerReceiveMessage(RecMsg) - Method in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
Registers the given, instantiated, receive message atom.
registerSubscribeNote(Subscribe) - Method in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
Registers the given, instantiated, subscribe atom.
registerType(String) - Static method in class toolbus.logging.LoggerFactory
Registers the given string as a log type identifier.
registrationLock - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketReadWriteMultiplexer
REL_DELAY - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
REL_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
REMOTETOOL - Static variable in class toolbus.adapter.AbstractTool
remove(String) - Method in interface toolbus.environment.Bindings
Remove the first binding for key
remove(String) - Method in class toolbus.environment.ListBindings
remove() - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus.ProcessInstanceIterator
remove(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.ToolInstanceManager
Removes the tool instance that is associated with the given id from the collection.
removeBindings(ATermList) - Method in class toolbus.environment.Environment
removeBindings deletes variables introduced by introduceVars and introduceBindings.
removeDynamiclyConnectedTool(ToolInstance) - Method in class toolbus.ToolInstanceManager
Removes the given tool instance from the dynamicly connected tools list (if present).
removePendingTool(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.ToolInstanceManager
Removes the given tool instance from the pending tools list (if present).
removeProcessBreakPoint(String) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
Removes the breakpoints for the process instances whos type is identified by the given name (if present).
removeProcessInstanceBreakPoint(int) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
Removes the breakpoint on the process instance with the given id (if present).
removeSourceCodeBreakPoint(String, int) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
Removes the breakpoint from the given source code coordinates (if present).
removeStateElementBreakPoint(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
Removes the breakpoint from the given state element (if present).
replace(ATerm, int, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
replaceAssignableVar(TBTermVar, Environment) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
replaceFormal(TBTermVar) - Method in class toolbus.environment.Environment
replaceFormals(Environment) - Method in class toolbus.atom.Assign
replaceFormals(Environment) - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
replaceFormals(Environment) - Method in class toolbus.process.Alternative
replaceFormals(Environment) - Method in class toolbus.process.Disrupt
replaceFormals(Environment) - Method in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
replaceFormals(Environment) - Method in class toolbus.process.IfElse
replaceFormals(Environment) - Method in class toolbus.process.Iteration
replaceFormals(Environment) - Method in class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
replaceFormals(Environment) - Method in class toolbus.process.LetDefinition
replaceFormals(Environment) - Method in class toolbus.process.Merge
replaceFormals(Environment) - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
replaceFormals(Environment) - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessExpression
replaceFormals(Environment) - Method in class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
replaceFormals(Environment) - Method in class toolbus.process.Sequence
replaceFormals(ATerm, Environment) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
Replace the formals in ATerm t by their values using Environment env.
report_error(String, Object) - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
representation - Variable in class toolbus.tifs.Communication
representation - Variable in class toolbus.tifs.Process
representation - Variable in class toolbus.tifs.Tif
request - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.Do
request - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.Eval
request - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.RecRequest
request - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.Terminate
REQUEST - Static variable in interface toolbus.IOperations
requests - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.ThreadLocalJobQueue
requestsFromTool - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
reset() - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus.ProcessInstanceIterator
response - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.Job
response - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.SndResponse
RESPONSE - Static variable in interface toolbus.IOperations
result - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.Event
result - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.RecPerfStats
result - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.RecVal
resultType - Variable in class toolbus.FunctionDescriptor
returnType - Variable in class
right - Variable in class toolbus.process.Alternative
right - Variable in class toolbus.process.Disrupt
right - Variable in class toolbus.process.IfElse
right - Variable in class toolbus.process.Iteration
RIGHT - Variable in class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
RIGHT - Variable in class toolbus.process.Merge
RIGHT - Variable in class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
right - Variable in class toolbus.process.Sequence
RightBiasedAlternative - Class in toolbus.process
RightBiasedAlternative(ProcessExpression, ProcessExpression, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
RIGHTCHOICE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
rightLast - Variable in class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
RPAR - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
RSQUARE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
run() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
Executes the ToolBridge.
run() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.WorkerQueue.Worker
The main execution loop.
run() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolConnectionHandler
Starts the multiplexer.
run() - Method in class toolbus.commandline.CommandLine.ToolBusInputStreamHandler
run() - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketReadMultiplexer
The main loop of this multiplexer.
run() - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketReadWriteMultiplexer
The main loop of this multiplexer.
run() - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketWriteMultiplexer
The main loop of this multiplexer.
run() - Method in class toolbus.SocketConnectionHandler
Main loop of this handler.
run() - Method in class toolbus.tool.execution.StreamHandler
runButton - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
running - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.WorkerQueue.Worker
running - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketReadMultiplexer
running - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketReadWriteMultiplexer
running - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketWriteMultiplexer
running - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
running - Variable in class toolbus.SocketConnectionHandler
running - Variable in class toolbus.ToolBus
running - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
RUNNING_STATE - Static variable in interface toolbus.viewer.IViewerConstants
rvar - Variable in class toolbus.atom.Create
rvar - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.Execute


scriptCodeCache - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.ScriptCodeStore
ScriptCodeStore - Class in toolbus.viewer
This store provides access to all, for the ToolBus, reachable source code.
ScriptCodeStore(ToolBus) - Constructor for class toolbus.viewer.ScriptCodeStore
scriptsNames() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
scriptsNames - Variable in class toolbus.ToolBus
SECS - Static variable in class toolbus.atom.Atom
selectionPreventionLatch - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketReadMultiplexer
selectionPreventionLatch - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketReadWriteMultiplexer
selectionPreventionLatch - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketWriteMultiplexer
selector - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketReadMultiplexer
selector - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketReadWriteMultiplexer
selector - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketWriteMultiplexer
send(byte, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
send(byte, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.communication.DirectIOHandler
send(byte, ATerm) - Method in interface toolbus.communication.IDataHandler
Forwards a term to the associated ioHandler.
send(byte, ATerm) - Method in interface toolbus.communication.IIOHandler
Sends a term to the remote location.
send(byte, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
Adds the term to the list of terms that needs to be send.
send(byte, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
sendAckEvent(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Sends an ack event to the with this tool instance associated tool.
sendBlockLength(int) - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
Writes the block length to the socket channel.
sendDataBlock() - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
Writes a block of data to the socket channel.
sendDebugPerformanceStatsRequest() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Sends a debug performance statistics request to the with this tool instance associated tool.
sendDo(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Sends a do request to the with this tool instance associated tool.
sendEval(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Sends an evaluation request to the with this tool instance associated tool.
sendEvent(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.AbstractTool
Posts an event to the ToolBus.
sendOperation(byte) - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
Writes the operation byte to the stream.
sendPerformanceStatsRequest(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Sends a performance statistics request to the with this tool instance associated tool.
sendRequest(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.AbstractTool
Posts a request to the ToolBus.
sendResponse(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Sends an response to the with this tool instance associated tool.
sendTerminate(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Sends a termination request to the with this tool instance associated tool.
SEQ - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
Sequence - Class in toolbus.process
Sequence(ProcessExpression, ProcessExpression, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.process.Sequence
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception toolbus.exceptions.NoSuchProcessDefinitionException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception toolbus.exceptions.SyntaxErrorException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception toolbus.exceptions.ToolBusError
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception toolbus.exceptions.ToolBusException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception toolbus.exceptions.ToolBusExecutionException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in error toolbus.exceptions.ToolBusInternalError
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception toolbus.parsercup.parser.UndeclaredVariableException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class toolbus.tifs.CommunicationList
serverSocketChannel - Variable in class toolbus.SocketConnectionHandler
set(String, String) - Method in class toolbus.PropertyManager
setAbsoluteDelay(ATermList) - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
setAbsoluteTimeout(ATermList) - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
setAssignable(boolean) - Method in class toolbus.environment.Binding
setAssignable(TBTermVar) - Method in class toolbus.environment.Environment
setAtomArgs(Ref[]) - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
setBreakWhileStepping(boolean) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
Tells the debug toolbus whether or not it should fire 'breakPointHit' events while stepping.
setDelay(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
setDirectIOHandler(DirectIOHandler) - Method in class toolbus.communication.DirectIOHandler
Links this I/O handler with its counter part.
setEnv(Environment) - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
setEvalArgs(boolean) - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
setFirst(State) - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessExpression
setFollow(State) - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessExpression
setFormal(boolean) - Method in class toolbus.environment.Binding
setIOHandler(IIOHandler) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
Associates an I/O handler with this tool bridge.
setIOHandler(IIOHandler) - Method in interface toolbus.communication.IDataHandler
Associates an ioHandler with the data handler.
setIOHandler(IIOHandler) - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
setNextTime(long) - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
Notifies the ToolBus that an atom with a delay on it, which could not be executed, has just been touched.
setNextTime(long) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
setStreamHandler(StreamHandler) - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Sets the stream handler for this tool instance.
setTest(ATerm, Environment) - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
setTest(ATerm, Environment) - Method in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
setTest(ATerm, Environment) - Method in class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
setTest(ATerm, Environment) - Method in class toolbus.process.Merge
setTest(ATerm, Environment) - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
setTest(ATerm, Environment) - Method in class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
setTest(ATerm, Environment) - Method in class toolbus.State
setTest(ATerm, Environment) - Method in interface toolbus.StateElement
Add a test to this state element.
setTimeout(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
setTimestamp(boolean) - Method in class toolbus.logging.CommandLineLogger
setTimestamp(boolean) - Method in class toolbus.logging.FileLogger
setTimestamp(boolean) - Method in interface toolbus.logging.ILogger
Toggle timestamp printing in messages
setToolBridge(ToolBridge) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.AbstractTool
Sets the reference ot the tool bridge we're using.
setToolExecutorFactory(IToolExecutorFactory) - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
setToolID(int) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
Sets the tool id to the given values.
setVarType(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermVar
shakeHands(SocketChannel, ToolBridge) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolConnectionHandler
Negotiates with the ToolBus (about some stuff) and checks if the tool adheres to the expected interface.
shakeHands(SocketChannel) - Method in class toolbus.SocketConnectionHandler
shortName() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
shouldLog(int) - Method in class toolbus.logging.CommandLineLogger
Method for checking if we should log a message.
shouldLog(int) - Method in class toolbus.logging.FileLogger
Method for checking if we should log a message.
showAutomaton() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
showStatus() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
showStatus() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Returns the status of this tool instance in string format.
showStatus() - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
Dumps the current state of all the processes in the ToolBus and the state of all the tools to stderr.
showStatus() - Method in class toolbus.ToolInstanceManager
shutDown() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
Informs the tool that it was shut down by the toolbus.
ShutDown - Class in toolbus.atom
ShutDown(ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.ShutDown
shutDown() - Method in class toolbus.communication.DirectIOHandler
shutDown() - Method in interface toolbus.communication.IDataHandler
Shuts down this dataHandler.
shutDown() - Method in interface toolbus.communication.IIOHandler
Shuts down this ioHandler and it's associated datahandler.
shutDown() - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
SHUTDOWN - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
shutDown() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
shutdown(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
Shutdown of this ToolBus.
shutDown(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.ToolInstanceManager
Notifies all tools that the ToolBus was shut down, by sending a terminate(\) message.
shutdown(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
Terminates the ToolBus.
shutdownLock - Variable in class toolbus.ToolBus
SHUTDOWNTIMEOUT - Static variable in class toolbus.ToolBus
shuttingDown - Variable in class toolbus.ToolBus
signatureIsSet - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition
size() - Method in class toolbus.AtomList
size() - Method in interface toolbus.environment.Bindings
size() - Method in class toolbus.environment.Environment
size() - Method in class toolbus.environment.ListBindings
size() - Method in class toolbus.State
size(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
SND_ACK_EVENT - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
SND_CANCEL - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
SND_DO - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
SND_EVAL - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
SND_KILL - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
SND_MSG - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
SND_NOTE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
SND_RESPONSE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
SND_TERMINATE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
SndKill - Class in toolbus.atom.tool
SndKill(ATerm, ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.tool.SndKill
SndMsg - Class in toolbus.atom.msg
SndMsg(ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.msg.SndMsg
SndNote - Class in toolbus.atom.note
SndNote(ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.note.SndNote
SndResponse - Class in toolbus.atom.tool
SndResponse(ATerm, ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.tool.SndResponse
socketChannel - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
SocketConnectionHandler - Class in toolbus
This class handles the establishing and closing of all TCP/IP connections.
SocketConnectionHandler(ToolBus) - Constructor for class toolbus.SocketConnectionHandler
SocketIOHandler - Class in toolbus.communication
This class handles all communication with remote applications through sockets.
SocketIOHandler(IDataHandler, AbstractConnectionHandler, SocketChannel) - Constructor for class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
SocketIOHandler.OperationTermPair - Class in toolbus.communication
A structure that links a term with an operation.
SocketIOHandler.OperationTermPair() - Constructor for class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler.OperationTermPair
SocketReadMultiplexer - Class in toolbus.communication
This class handles the multiplexing of socket channels that we are registered for read operations.
SocketReadMultiplexer(AbstractConnectionHandler) - Constructor for class toolbus.communication.SocketReadMultiplexer
socketReadWriteMultiplexer - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolConnectionHandler
SocketReadWriteMultiplexer - Class in toolbus.communication
This class handles the multiplexing of socket channels that we are registered for either read or write operations.
SocketReadWriteMultiplexer(AbstractConnectionHandler) - Constructor for class toolbus.communication.SocketReadWriteMultiplexer
SocketWriteMultiplexer - Class in toolbus.communication
This class handles the multiplexing of socket channels that we are registered for write operations.
SocketWriteMultiplexer(AbstractConnectionHandler) - Constructor for class toolbus.communication.SocketWriteMultiplexer
sourceBreakPointHit(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.AbstractViewerAdapter
sourceBreakPointHit(StateElement) - Method in interface toolbus.viewer.IViewer
Informs the viewer that a registered breakpoint on a sourcecode coordinate was hit.
sourceBreakPointHit(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
sourceCodeBreakPoints - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
sprintf(ATermList) - Method in class toolbus.atom.Print
start() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.WorkerQueue
Starts the worker thread.
start_production() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
Indicates start production.
start_state() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
Indicates start state.
startHandling() - Method in class toolbus.commandline.CommandLine
startMonitoringTool(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
Initiates the monitoring of the tool associated with the given tool key (in case performance monitoring is enabled for this debug ToolBus).
startMonitoringTool(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.PerformanceInformationHandler
Initiates the monitoring of the tool associated with the given tool key.
startMonitorToolType(String) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
Initiates the monitoring of the given tool type (in case performance monitoring is enabled for this debug ToolBus).
startMonitorToolType(String) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.PerformanceInformationHandler
Initiates the monitoring of the given tool type.
startTime - Variable in class toolbus.ToolBus
state - Variable in class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
state - Variable in class toolbus.process.Merge
state - Variable in class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
State - Class in toolbus
class State represents one state in the state diagram of a process.
State() - Constructor for class toolbus.State
state - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
StateElement - Interface in toolbus
The interface StateElement captures all operations that can be performed on an element of a State.
stateElementBreakPointHit(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.AbstractViewerAdapter
stateElementBreakPointHit(StateElement) - Method in interface toolbus.viewer.IViewer
Informs the viewer that a registered breakpoint on a state element was hit.
stateElementBreakPointHit(StateElement) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
stateElementBreakPoints - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
stateLock - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
stateTable - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
stateTableHeader - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
stateTableModel - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
statistics() - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
status - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
step() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
stepButton - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
stepExecuted(ProcessInstance, StateElement, ProcessInstance[]) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.AbstractViewerAdapter
stepExecuted(ProcessInstance, StateElement, ProcessInstance[]) - Method in interface toolbus.viewer.IViewer
Fired after the successfull completion of a step.
stepExecuted(ProcessInstance, StateElement, ProcessInstance[]) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
stepHighlightedRow - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
STEPPING_STATE - Static variable in interface toolbus.viewer.IViewerConstants
stopButton - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
stopMonitoringTool(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
Stops monitoring the tool associated with the given tool key.
stopMonitoringTool(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.PerformanceInformationHandler
Stops monitoring the tool associated with the given tool key.
stopMonitoringToolType(String) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
Stops monitoring tools of the given type.
stopMonitoringToolType(String) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.PerformanceInformationHandler
Stops monitoring tools of the given type.
STOPPING_STATE - Static variable in interface toolbus.viewer.IViewerConstants
stopRunning() - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketReadMultiplexer
Stops the execution of this multiplexer after then next iteration.
stopRunning() - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketReadWriteMultiplexer
Stops the execution of this multiplexer after then next iteration.
stopRunning() - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketWriteMultiplexer
Stops the execution of this multiplexer after then next iteration.
stopRunning() - Method in class toolbus.SocketConnectionHandler
Stops the execution of this handler.
StreamHandler - Class in toolbus.tool.execution
Handles the output and error streams of a tool process.
StreamHandler(Process, String) - Constructor for class toolbus.tool.execution.StreamHandler
streamHandler - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
STRING - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
lexical states
string - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
STRING - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
StrPlaceholder - Variable in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
StrType - Variable in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
Subscribe - Class in toolbus.atom.note
Subscribe(ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.note.Subscribe
SUBSCRIBE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
subscribe(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
subscriptions - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
subscriptionsTableModel - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
subset(ATerm, ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
substitute(ATerm, Environment) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
Replace all variables in an ATerm by their value.
substituteTerm(ATerm, int) - Static method in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
swapMatch(ATerm, ATerm, boolean) - Method in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
sym - Variable in exception toolbus.exceptions.SyntaxErrorException
sym - Class in toolbus.parsercup
CUP generated class containing symbol constants.
sym() - Constructor for class toolbus.parsercup.sym
symbol(int) - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
symbol(int, Object) - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
SYMBOL_SAF - Static variable in class toolbus.adapter.AbstractTool
syntax_error(Symbol) - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
SyntaxErrorException - Exception in toolbus.exceptions
SyntaxErrorException(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for exception toolbus.exceptions.SyntaxErrorException
SyntaxErrorException(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for exception toolbus.exceptions.SyntaxErrorException


Tau - Class in toolbus.atom
Tau(TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.Tau
TAU - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
tbfactory - Variable in class toolbus.AbstractTBTerm
tbfactory - Variable in class toolbus.environment.Environment
tbfactory - Variable in class toolbus.FunctionDescriptor
tbfactory - Static variable in class toolbus.Functions
tbFactory - Variable in class toolbus.matching.MatchStore
tbfactory - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
tbfactory - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessDefinition
tbfactory - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessExpression
The term factory to be used.
tbfactory - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
tbfactory - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition
tbfactory - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
tbfactory - Variable in class toolbus.ToolBus
tbFactory - Static variable in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
tbscript - Variable in class toolbus.PropertyManager
TBTermFactory - Class in toolbus
TBTermFactory() - Constructor for class toolbus.TBTermFactory
TBTermFactory.InstanceKeeper - Class in toolbus
TBTermFactory.InstanceKeeper() - Constructor for class toolbus.TBTermFactory.InstanceKeeper
TBTermVar - Class in toolbus
TBTermVar(TBTermFactory, ATermList, AFun, ATerm[]) - Constructor for class toolbus.TBTermVar
term - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.Job
term - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler.OperationTermPair
termFactory - Static variable in class toolbus.adapter.AbstractTool
termFactory - Variable in class
termFactory - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
terminate() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.AbstractTool
Terminated this Tool.
terminate() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
Requests the termination of this tool, so it can perform an orderly shutdown on the toolbus side.
terminate() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.WorkerQueue
Terminates the worker thread as soon as is gracefully possible.
terminate() - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.WorkerQueue.Worker
Terminates this worker thread after the current iteration.
Terminate - Class in toolbus.atom.tool
Terminate(ATerm, ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.tool.Terminate
terminate() - Method in class toolbus.communication.DirectIOHandler
terminate() - Method in interface toolbus.communication.IDataHandler
Requests the termination of this dataHandler.
terminate() - Method in interface toolbus.communication.IIOHandler
Requests the termination of this ioHandler.
terminate() - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
Terminates the connection with the in this socket I/O handler contained socket channel in an orderly manner.
TERMINATE - Static variable in interface toolbus.IOperations
terminate() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
terminate() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
TERMINATED - Static variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
TermPlaceholder - Variable in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
TermType - Variable in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
test - Variable in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
test - Variable in class toolbus.process.IfElse
testEnv - Variable in class toolbus.atom.Atom.Test
testEnv - Variable in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
testExpr - Variable in class toolbus.atom.Atom.Test
TestParser - Class in toolbus.parsercup
TestParser() - Constructor for class toolbus.parsercup.TestParser
tests - Variable in class toolbus.atom.Atom
THEN - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
threadId - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.Job
threadLocalQueues - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
Tif - Class in toolbus.tifs
Tif(ATerm) - Constructor for class toolbus.tifs.Tif
tif - Variable in class toolbus.tifs.TifToJava
TifToJava - Class in toolbus.tifs
TifToJava(Tif, String) - Constructor for class toolbus.tifs.TifToJava
timeExpr - Variable in class toolbus.atom.Atom
timeout - Variable in class toolbus.atom.Atom
timeoutTime - Variable in class toolbus.atom.Atom
timestamp - Variable in class toolbus.logging.CommandLineLogger
timestamp - Variable in class toolbus.logging.FileLogger
toATerm() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
toMethodName(String) - Static method in class
tool - Variable in class
tool - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.Execute
TOOL - Static variable in interface toolbus.logging.IToolBusLoggerConstants
TOOL - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
toolBridge - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.AbstractTool
This variable MUST be set before tool interaction can take place.
ToolBridge - Class in toolbus.adapter
This class supplies an interface for the tool towards the ToolBus and handles the invokation of methods on the tool.
ToolBridge(PureFactory, String, int, InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
ToolBridge(PureFactory, String, int, ToolBus) - Constructor for class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
ToolBridge.Job - Class in toolbus.adapter
A job.
ToolBridge.Job(byte, ATerm, long) - Constructor for class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.Job
ToolBridge.JobQueue - Class in toolbus.adapter
This job queue holds all the jobs that are send from a single source.
ToolBridge.JobQueue() - Constructor for class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.JobQueue
Default constructor.
ToolBridge.ThreadLocalJobQueue - Class in toolbus.adapter
This job queue holds all the jobs that are posted by a certain thread.
ToolBridge.ThreadLocalJobQueue() - Constructor for class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.ThreadLocalJobQueue
Default constructor.
ToolBridge.WorkerQueue - Class in toolbus.adapter
The queue that is meant to take care of the asynchroneous execution and queueing of anything that invokes stuff on a tool.
ToolBridge.WorkerQueue() - Constructor for class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.WorkerQueue
Default constructor.
ToolBridge.WorkerQueue.Worker - Class in toolbus.adapter
The worker thread of this queue.
ToolBridge.WorkerQueue.Worker(ThreadGroup) - Constructor for class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.WorkerQueue.Worker
Default constructor.
toolbus - package toolbus
This package implements the ToolBus coordination architecture.
toolbus - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
toolbus - Variable in class toolbus.commandline.CommandLine.ToolBusInputStreamHandler
toolbus - Variable in class toolbus.DirectConnectionHandler
toolbus - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
TOOLBUS - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
toolbus - Variable in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
toolbus - Variable in class toolbus.SocketConnectionHandler
toolbus - Variable in class toolbus.tool.execution.DefaultToolExecutor
toolbus - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition
toolbus - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
ToolBus - Class in toolbus
ToolBus implements the behaviour of one ToolBus.
ToolBus(String[], PrintWriter) - Constructor for class toolbus.ToolBus
Constructor with explicit PrintWriter
ToolBus(String[]) - Constructor for class toolbus.ToolBus
Constructor with implicit PrintWriter
ToolBus(String[], StringWriter) - Constructor for class toolbus.ToolBus
Constructor with explicit StringWriter
toolbus - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.ScriptCodeStore
toolbus.adapter - package toolbus.adapter - package
toolbus.atom - package toolbus.atom
toolbus.atom.msg - package toolbus.atom.msg
toolbus.atom.note - package toolbus.atom.note
toolbus.atom.tool - package toolbus.atom.tool
toolbus.commandline - package toolbus.commandline
toolbus.communication - package toolbus.communication
toolbus.environment - package toolbus.environment
toolbus.exceptions - package toolbus.exceptions
toolbus.logging - package toolbus.logging
toolbus.matching - package toolbus.matching
toolbus.parsercup - package toolbus.parsercup
toolbus.process - package toolbus.process
ToolBus.ProcessInstanceIterator - Class in toolbus
Custom iterator class.
ToolBus.ProcessInstanceIterator(List<ProcessInstance>) - Constructor for class toolbus.ToolBus.ProcessInstanceIterator
toolbus.tifs - package toolbus.tifs
toolbus.tool - package toolbus.tool
toolbus.tool.execution - package toolbus.tool.execution
toolbus.util - package toolbus.util
toolbus.viewer - package toolbus.viewer
ToolBusError - Exception in toolbus.exceptions
ToolBusError(String) - Constructor for exception toolbus.exceptions.ToolBusError
ToolBusException - Exception in toolbus.exceptions
ToolBusException(String) - Constructor for exception toolbus.exceptions.ToolBusException
Constructor for ToolBusRunTimeException.
ToolBusException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception toolbus.exceptions.ToolBusException
ToolBusExecutionException - Exception in toolbus.exceptions
ToolBusExecutionException(String, PositionInformation) - Constructor for exception toolbus.exceptions.ToolBusExecutionException
toolBusInputStreamHandler - Variable in class toolbus.commandline.CommandLine
ToolBusInternalError - Error in toolbus.exceptions
ToolBusInternalError(String) - Constructor for error toolbus.exceptions.ToolBusInternalError
toolbusProcessCalls - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
toolbusStarting() - Method in class toolbus.viewer.AbstractViewerAdapter
toolbusStarting() - Method in interface toolbus.viewer.IViewer
Fired right before the debug ToolBus starts executing the process logic.
toolbusStarting() - Method in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
toolbusTerminating() - Method in class toolbus.viewer.AbstractViewerAdapter
toolbusTerminating() - Method in interface toolbus.viewer.IViewer
Fired right before then debug ToolBus shuts down.
toolbusTerminating() - Method in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
toolClasspaths - Variable in class toolbus.PropertyManager
TOOLCOM - Static variable in interface toolbus.logging.IToolBusLoggerConstants
toolCommunicationTriggered(ToolInstance, int) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.PerformanceInformationHandler
Invoked by the debug toolbus when communication with a tool instance occured.
toolConnected(ToolInstance) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.AbstractViewerAdapter
toolConnected(ToolInstance) - Method in interface toolbus.viewer.IPerformanceMonitor
Fired when a tool connects.
toolConnectionClosed(ToolInstance) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.AbstractViewerAdapter
toolConnectionClosed(ToolInstance) - Method in interface toolbus.viewer.IPerformanceMonitor
Fired when a connection with a tool is terminated.
ToolConnectionHandler - Class in toolbus.adapter
This class handles the opening and closing of the tool's connection with the ToolBus and provides access to the multiplexers that are handling network I/O.
ToolConnectionHandler(ToolBridge, InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class toolbus.adapter.ToolConnectionHandler
toolDef - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
toolDefinition - Variable in class toolbus.tool.execution.DefaultToolExecutor
ToolDefinition - Class in toolbus.tool
ToolDefinition(String, String, String, String, String, ToolBus) - Constructor for class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition
tooldefs - Variable in class toolbus.ToolBus
toolExecutorFactory - Variable in class toolbus.ToolBus
toolID - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
toolId - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.AckEvent
toolId - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.Connect
toolId - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.DisConnect
toolId - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.Do
toolId - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.Eval
toolId - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.Event
toolId - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.GetPerfStats
toolId - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.RecPerfStats
toolId - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.RecRequest
toolId - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.RecVal
toolId - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.SndKill
toolId - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.SndResponse
toolId - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.Terminate
toolID - Variable in class toolbus.tool.execution.StreamHandler
toolID - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
toolInstance - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.AckEvent
toolInstance - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.DisConnect
toolInstance - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.Do
toolInstance - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.Eval
toolInstance - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.Event
toolInstance - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.GetPerfStats
toolInstance - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.RecPerfStats
toolInstance - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.RecRequest
toolInstance - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.RecVal
toolInstance - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.SndKill
toolInstance - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.SndResponse
toolInstance - Variable in class toolbus.atom.tool.Terminate
TOOLINSTANCE - Static variable in interface toolbus.logging.IToolBusLoggerConstants
toolInstance - Variable in class toolbus.tool.execution.DefaultToolExecutor
ToolInstance - Class in toolbus.tool
Provides the interface to a tool instance.
ToolInstance(ToolDefinition, ToolBus) - Constructor for class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
toolInstanceManager - Variable in class toolbus.ToolBus
ToolInstanceManager - Class in toolbus
This class manages all the tool instances.
ToolInstanceManager() - Constructor for class toolbus.ToolInstanceManager
Default constructor.
toolInstancesToMonitor - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.PerformanceInformationHandler
toolKey - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
toolName - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
toolName - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolDefinition
toolNr - Static variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
toolTypesToMonitor - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.PerformanceInformationHandler
toString() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom.Test
toString() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Atom
toString() - Method in class toolbus.atom.Ref
toString() - Method in class toolbus.AtomList
toString() - Method in class toolbus.environment.Binding
toString() - Method in interface toolbus.environment.Bindings
toString() - Method in class toolbus.environment.Environment
toString() - Method in class toolbus.environment.ListBindings
toString() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.PositionInformation
Returns the serial representation of this position in the following format: filename : beginline,begincolumn - endline,endcolumn
toString() - Method in class toolbus.process.Alternative
toString() - Method in class toolbus.process.DynamicProcessCall
toString() - Method in class toolbus.process.IfElse
toString() - Method in class toolbus.process.Iteration
toString() - Method in class toolbus.process.LeftBiasedAlternative
toString() - Method in class toolbus.process.LetDefinition
toString() - Method in class toolbus.process.Merge
toString() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessCall
toString() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessDefinition
toString() - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
toString() - Method in class toolbus.process.RightBiasedAlternative
toString() - Method in class toolbus.process.Sequence
toString() - Method in class toolbus.State
toString() - Method in class toolbus.tifs.Do
toString() - Method in class toolbus.tifs.Eval
toString() - Method in class toolbus.tifs.Event
toString() - Method in class toolbus.tifs.Process
toString() - Method in class toolbus.tifs.Tif
TRUE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
True - Variable in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
tryDoEval() - Method in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
Notifies the tool instance that you want to send a DO or EVAL request to the tool and checks if this is possible.
type - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge


UNCONNECTED - Static variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
undeclaredVariableError(Symbol) - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
UNDEFINED - Static variable in interface toolbus.IOperations
UNDEFINED - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
Undefined - Variable in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
union(AtomList) - Method in class toolbus.AtomList
union(State) - Method in class toolbus.State
UNKNOWN_STATE - Static variable in interface toolbus.viewer.IViewerConstants
UNKNOWNSTR - Static variable in interface toolbus.logging.ILogger
unpack(ATerm) - Static method in class toolbus.adapter.AbstractTool
Unpacks the given term.
UNREACHABLE - Static variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
UnSubscribe - Class in toolbus.atom.note
The unsubscribe atom
UnSubscribe(ATerm, TBTermFactory, PositionInformation) - Constructor for class toolbus.atom.note.UnSubscribe
UNSUBSCRIBE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.sym
unsubscribe(ATerm) - Method in class toolbus.process.ProcessInstance
updateState(int) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.AbstractViewerAdapter
updateState(int) - Method in interface toolbus.viewer.IViewer
Informs the viewer about what the debug toolbus is currently doing.
updateState(int) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer


val - Variable in class toolbus.environment.Binding
value - Variable in class toolbus.atom.Ref
VALUE - Static variable in interface toolbus.IOperations
valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer.TableSelectionListener
valuesFromTool - Variable in class toolbus.tool.ToolInstance
var - Variable in class toolbus.atom.Assign
var - Variable in class toolbus.environment.Binding
var - Variable in exception toolbus.parsercup.parser.UndeclaredVariableException
VAR - Static variable in class toolbus.TBTermFactory
A term of type VAR
variablesTableModel - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
viewer - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
Viewer - Class in toolbus.viewer
Viewer(String[]) - Constructor for class toolbus.viewer.Viewer
Viewer.ButtonActionListener - Class in toolbus.viewer
Viewer.ButtonActionListener() - Constructor for class toolbus.viewer.Viewer.ButtonActionListener
Viewer.TableSelectionListener - Class in toolbus.viewer
Viewer.TableSelectionListener() - Constructor for class toolbus.viewer.Viewer.TableSelectionListener


waitForResponse(ToolBridge.Job) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.ThreadLocalJobQueue
WAITING_STATE - Static variable in interface toolbus.viewer.IViewerConstants
waitTillShutdown() - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
WARNING - Static variable in interface toolbus.logging.ILogger
WARNINGSTR - Static variable in interface toolbus.logging.ILogger
withConsole - Variable in class toolbus.PropertyManager
withConsole() - Method in class toolbus.PropertyManager
workArrived(ToolInstance, byte) - Method in class toolbus.ToolBus
Notifies the ToolBus that work has arrived.
workArrived(ToolInstance, byte) - Method in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
worker - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge.WorkerQueue
workerQueue - Variable in class toolbus.adapter.ToolBridge
workHasArrived - Variable in class toolbus.ToolBus
workHasArrived - Variable in class toolbus.viewer.DebugToolBus
write() - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
This method triggers the writing of data from the socket.
write(SelectionKey) - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketReadWriteMultiplexer
Notifies the with the selection key associated I/O handler that we are able to send data.
write(SelectionKey) - Method in class toolbus.communication.SocketWriteMultiplexer
Notifies the with the selection key associated I/O handler that we are able to send data.
writeBuffer - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
writeMultiplexer - Variable in class toolbus.SocketConnectionHandler
writeQueue - Variable in class toolbus.communication.SocketIOHandler
writer - Variable in class toolbus.logging.FileLogger
writeTermToChannel(ATerm, SocketChannel, ByteBuffer) - Method in class toolbus.adapter.ToolConnectionHandler
Transmits the term to the given socket channel, using the given buffer.
writeTermToChannel(ATerm, SocketChannel, ByteBuffer) - Method in class toolbus.SocketConnectionHandler
Transmits the term to the given socket channel, using the given buffer.


yy_atEOF - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
yy_atEOF == true <=> the scanner is at the EOF
YY_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
YY_ATTRIBUTE[aState] contains the attributes of state aState
yy_buffer - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
this buffer contains the current text to be matched and is the source of the yytext() string
YY_BUFFERSIZE - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
initial size of the lookahead buffer
yy_currentPos - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
the current text position in the buffer
yy_do_eof() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
Contains user EOF-code, which will be executed exactly once, when the end of file is reached
yy_endRead - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
endRead marks the last character in the buffer, that has been read from input
yy_eof_done - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
denotes if the user-EOF-code has already been executed
YY_ERROR_MSG - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
yy_lexical_state - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
the current lexical state
yy_markedPos - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
the textposition at the last accepting state
YY_NO_MATCH - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
yy_packed0 - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
The packed transition table of the DFA (part 0)
yy_pushbackPos - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
the textposition at the last state to be included in yytext
yy_reader - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
the input device
yy_refill() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
Refills the input buffer.
yy_rowMap - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
Translates a state to a row index in the transition table
yy_ScanError(int) - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
Reports an error that occured while scanning.
yy_startRead - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
startRead marks the beginning of the yytext() string in the buffer
yy_state - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
the current state of the DFA
YY_UNKNOWN_ERROR - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
yy_unpack() - Static method in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
Unpacks the split, compressed DFA transition table.
yy_unpack(String, int, int[]) - Static method in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
Unpacks the compressed DFA transition table.
yy_unpack_cmap(String) - Static method in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
Unpacks the compressed character translation table.
yybegin(int) - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
Enters a new lexical state
yychar - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
the number of characters up to the start of the matched text
yycharat(int) - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
Returns the character at position pos from the matched text.
yyclose() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
Closes the input stream.
yycmap - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
Translates characters to character classes
yycmap_packed - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
Translates characters to character classes
yycolumn - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
the number of characters from the last newline up to the start of the matched text
YYEOF - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
This character denotes the end of file
YYINITIAL - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
yylength() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
Returns the length of the matched text region.
yyline - Variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
number of newlines encountered up to the start of the matched text
yyreset(Reader) - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
Closes the current stream, and resets the scanner to read from a new input stream.
yystate() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
Returns the current lexical state.
yytext() - Method in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
Returns the text matched by the current regular expression.
yytrans - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.Lexer
The transition table of the DFA


ZEROPARTNERS - Static variable in class toolbus.atom.Atom.EmptyProcessInstanceArrayHolder


_action_table - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
Parse-action table.
_production_table - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
Production table.
_reduce_table - Static variable in class toolbus.parsercup.parser
reduce_goto table.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z _
The Meta-Environment API