The Meta-Environment API

Package toolbus.viewer

Interface Summary
IPerformanceMonitor Listener that can be notified of the arrival of performance statistics messages.
IViewer This interface specifies the events the debug toolbus can fire.
IViewerConstants Contains a list of all possible states the debug ToolBus can be in.

Class Summary
AbstractViewerAdapter This is a convenience class for implementing viewer event listeners.
DebugToolBus A specialized version of the ToolBus, which executes the process logic in debug mode.
PerformanceInformationHandler Handles performance information dispatch and retrieval.
PerformanceInformationHandler.PerformanceStatsEntryHandler Entry handler used for iterating over the arrived performance statistics.
ScriptCodeStore This store provides access to all, for the ToolBus, reachable source code.

The Meta-Environment API