The Meta-Environment API

Interface IViewer

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractViewerAdapter, Viewer

public interface IViewer

This interface specifies the events the debug toolbus can fire.

Arnold Lankamp

Method Summary
 void processBreakPointHit(ProcessInstance processInstance)
          Informs the viewer that a registered breakpoint on a process or process instance was hit.
 void processInstanceStarted(ProcessInstance processInstance)
          Fired when a new process instance is started.
 void processInstanceTerminated(ProcessInstance processInstance)
          Fired when a process instance is terminated.
 void sourceBreakPointHit(StateElement stateElement)
          Informs the viewer that a registered breakpoint on a sourcecode coordinate was hit.
 void stateElementBreakPointHit(StateElement stateElement)
          Informs the viewer that a registered breakpoint on a state element was hit.
 void stepExecuted(ProcessInstance processInstance, StateElement executedStateElement, ProcessInstance[] partners)
          Fired after the successfull completion of a step.
 void toolbusStarting()
          Fired right before the debug ToolBus starts executing the process logic.
 void toolbusTerminating()
          Fired right before then debug ToolBus shuts down.
 void updateState(int state)
          Informs the viewer about what the debug toolbus is currently doing.

Method Detail


void updateState(int state)
Informs the viewer about what the debug toolbus is currently doing. A list of possible states can be found in toolbus.viewer.IViewerConstants

state - The state that identifies what the debug toolbus is currently doing.
See Also:


void stepExecuted(ProcessInstance processInstance,
                  StateElement executedStateElement,
                  ProcessInstance[] partners)
Fired after the successfull completion of a step.

processInstance - The process instance in which a state element was executed.
executedStateElement - The state element that was executed.
partners - All the process instances that cooperated during the execution of the state element.


void processInstanceStarted(ProcessInstance processInstance)
Fired when a new process instance is started.

processInstance - The process instance that was started.


void processInstanceTerminated(ProcessInstance processInstance)
Fired when a process instance is terminated.

processInstance - The process instance that was terminated.


void processBreakPointHit(ProcessInstance processInstance)
Informs the viewer that a registered breakpoint on a process or process instance was hit. The debug toolbus will not suspend it's execution by itself; the action that will be taken is completely up to the viewer implementation. In case the execution needs to be paused this will need to be done explicitly by calling the doStop method.

processInstance - The process instance that matches the breakpoint.


void stateElementBreakPointHit(StateElement stateElement)
Informs the viewer that a registered breakpoint on a state element was hit. The debug toolbus will not suspend it's execution by itself; the action that will be taken is completely up to the viewer implementation. In case the execution needs to be paused this will need to be done explicitly by calling the doStop method.

stateElement - The state element on which the breakpoint was set.


void sourceBreakPointHit(StateElement stateElement)
Informs the viewer that a registered breakpoint on a sourcecode coordinate was hit. The debug toolbus will not suspend it's execution by itself; the action that will be taken is completely up to the viewer implementation. In case the execution needs to be paused this will need to be done explicitly by calling the doStop method.

stateElement - The executed state element which's position information corresponded to a breakpoint set on a sourcecode coordinate.


void toolbusStarting()
Fired right before the debug ToolBus starts executing the process logic.


void toolbusTerminating()
Fired right before then debug ToolBus shuts down.

The Meta-Environment API