The Meta-Environment API

Class MsgAtom

  extended by toolbus.process.ProcessExpression
      extended by toolbus.atom.Atom
          extended by toolbus.atom.msg.MsgAtom
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
RecMsg, SndMsg

public abstract class MsgAtom
extends Atom

Field Summary
 aterm.ATerm msg
Fields inherited from class toolbus.atom.Atom
Fields inherited from class toolbus.process.ProcessExpression
posInfo, tbfactory
Constructor Summary
MsgAtom(aterm.ATerm msg, TBTermFactory tbfactory, PositionInformation posInfo)
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class toolbus.atom.Atom
activate, compile, computeFirst, contains, copyAtomAttributes, debugExecute, destroy, getAtomArgValue, getAtoms, getDelay, getEnv, getProcess, getTests, getTimeout, getToolBus, gotoNextStateAndActivate, gotoNextStateAndActivate, isEnabled, replaceFormals, setAbsoluteDelay, setAbsoluteTimeout, setAtomArgs, setDelay, setEnv, setTest, setTimeout, toATerm, toString
Methods inherited from class toolbus.process.ProcessExpression
addToFirst, addToFollow, copy, getFirst, getFollow, getPosInfo, setFirst, setFollow
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface toolbus.StateElement
execute, getFollow, getPosInfo

Field Detail


public final aterm.ATerm msg
Constructor Detail


public MsgAtom(aterm.ATerm msg,
               TBTermFactory tbfactory,
               PositionInformation posInfo)

The Meta-Environment API