The Meta-Environment API

Interface IIOHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
DirectIOHandler, SocketIOHandler

public interface IIOHandler

IOHandlers facilitate the transfer of terms from and to the ToolBus and tools.

Arnold Lankamp

Method Summary
 void exceptionOccured()
          Notifies the I/O handler that an exception has occured so it can take the nessacary steps.
 void receive(byte operation, aterm.ATerm aTerm)
          Receives a term from the remote location.
 void send(byte operation, aterm.ATerm aTerm)
          Sends a term to the remote location.
 void shutDown()
          Shuts down this ioHandler and it's associated datahandler.
 void terminate()
          Requests the termination of this ioHandler.

Method Detail


void send(byte operation,
          aterm.ATerm aTerm)
Sends a term to the remote location.

operation - The operation associated with the term we need to send.
aTerm - The term that needs to be send.


void receive(byte operation,
             aterm.ATerm aTerm)
Receives a term from the remote location.

operation - The operation associated with the term we received.
aTerm - The term that was received.


void terminate()
Requests the termination of this ioHandler.


void shutDown()
Shuts down this ioHandler and it's associated datahandler. IMPORTANT: This method should not be called from outside the ioHandler. Manual invokation will lead to undefined behaviour.


void exceptionOccured()
Notifies the I/O handler that an exception has occured so it can take the nessacary steps.

The Meta-Environment API