The Meta-Environment API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IIOHandler

Uses of IIOHandler in toolbus.adapter

Fields in toolbus.adapter declared as IIOHandler
private  IIOHandler ToolBridge.ioHandler

Methods in toolbus.adapter with parameters of type IIOHandler
 void ToolBridge.setIOHandler(IIOHandler ioHandler)
          Associates an I/O handler with this tool bridge.

Uses of IIOHandler in toolbus.communication

Classes in toolbus.communication that implement IIOHandler
 class DirectIOHandler
          This class enables direct communication (through java method calls) between a client and a server, under the condition that they are running the the same VM.
 class SocketIOHandler
          This class handles all communication with remote applications through sockets.

Methods in toolbus.communication with parameters of type IIOHandler
 void IDataHandler.setIOHandler(IIOHandler ioHandler)
          Associates an ioHandler with the data handler.

Uses of IIOHandler in toolbus.tool

Fields in toolbus.tool declared as IIOHandler
private  IIOHandler ToolInstance.ioHandler

Methods in toolbus.tool with parameters of type IIOHandler
 void ToolInstance.setIOHandler(IIOHandler ioHandler)

The Meta-Environment API