The Meta-Environment API

Uses of Class

Packages that use ToolBridge
toolbus This package implements the ToolBus coordination architecture. 

Uses of ToolBridge in toolbus

Methods in toolbus with parameters of type ToolBridge
 void DirectConnectionHandler.dock(ToolBridge toolBridge)

Uses of ToolBridge in toolbus.adapter

Fields in toolbus.adapter declared as ToolBridge
protected  ToolBridge AbstractTool.toolBridge
          This variable MUST be set before tool interaction can take place.

Methods in toolbus.adapter that return ToolBridge
 ToolBridge AbstractTool.getToolBridge()
          Returns a reference to the tool bridge that we're using.

Methods in toolbus.adapter with parameters of type ToolBridge
 void AbstractTool.setToolBridge(ToolBridge toolBridge)
          Sets the reference ot the tool bridge we're using.
private  void ToolConnectionHandler.shakeHands(java.nio.channels.SocketChannel socketChannel, ToolBridge toolBridge)
          Negotiates with the ToolBus (about some stuff) and checks if the tool adheres to the expected interface.

Constructors in toolbus.adapter with parameters of type ToolBridge
ToolConnectionHandler(ToolBridge toolBridge, host, int port)

Uses of ToolBridge in

Subclasses of ToolBridge in
 class JavaToolBridge
          This class is a specialized ToolBridge version for Java tools.

The Meta-Environment API