The Meta-Environment API

Uses of Class

Packages that use RecMsg

Uses of RecMsg in toolbus.atom.msg

Methods in toolbus.atom.msg with parameters of type RecMsg
private  boolean SndMsg.matchesPartner(RecMsg recMsg)

Uses of RecMsg in toolbus.matching

Fields in toolbus.matching with type parameters of type RecMsg
private  java.util.Map<aterm.ATerm,java.util.List<RecMsg>> MatchStore.messageMappings
private static java.util.List<RecMsg> MatchStore.NOMESSAGEPARTNERS

Methods in toolbus.matching that return types with arguments of type RecMsg
 java.util.List<RecMsg> MatchStore.findPartnerLessReceiveMessageAtoms()
          Gathers a list of partnerless message receiving atoms.
 java.util.List<RecMsg> MatchStore.getPossibleMessagePartners(aterm.ATerm pattern)
          Gathers the potential partners for the given send message pattern.

Methods in toolbus.matching with parameters of type RecMsg
private  void MatchStore.addReceiveMessagePattern(RecMsg message, java.util.List<aterm.ATerm> receiveMessages)
          Indexes the given receive message atom.
 void MatchStore.deregisterReceiveMessage(RecMsg receiveMessage)
          Deregisteres the given, instantiated, receive message atom.
 void MatchStore.registerReceiveMessage(RecMsg receiveMessage)
          Registers the given, instantiated, receive message atom.

The Meta-Environment API