The Meta-Environment API

Uses of Class

Packages that use AtomList
toolbus This package implements the ToolBus coordination architecture. 

Uses of AtomList in toolbus

Methods in toolbus that return AtomList
 AtomList AtomList.union(AtomList atomList)

Methods in toolbus with parameters of type AtomList
private  void AtomList.addAll(AtomList atomList)
 AtomList AtomList.union(AtomList atomList)

Uses of AtomList in toolbus.atom

Methods in toolbus.atom that return AtomList
 AtomList Atom.getAtoms()

Uses of AtomList in toolbus.process

Fields in toolbus.process declared as AtomList
private  AtomList ProcessInstance.elements

Methods in toolbus.process that return AtomList
 AtomList LeftBiasedAlternative.getAtoms()
 AtomList Iteration.getAtoms()
 AtomList DynamicProcessCall.getAtoms()
abstract  AtomList ProcessExpression.getAtoms()
 AtomList RightBiasedAlternative.getAtoms()
 AtomList Disrupt.getAtoms()
 AtomList Alternative.getAtoms()
 AtomList LetDefinition.getAtoms()
 AtomList Merge.getAtoms()
 AtomList Sequence.getAtoms()
 AtomList IfElse.getAtoms()
 AtomList ProcessCall.getAtoms()

Methods in toolbus.process with parameters of type AtomList
 void ProcessInstance.deregisterCommunicationAtoms(AtomList atoms)

The Meta-Environment API