The Meta-Environment API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IWriteMultiplexer

Uses of IWriteMultiplexer in toolbus.adapter

Methods in toolbus.adapter that return IWriteMultiplexer
 IWriteMultiplexer ToolConnectionHandler.getWriteMultiplexer()

Uses of IWriteMultiplexer in toolbus.communication

Classes in toolbus.communication that implement IWriteMultiplexer
 class SocketReadWriteMultiplexer
          This class handles the multiplexing of socket channels that we are registered for either read or write operations.
 class SocketWriteMultiplexer
          This class handles the multiplexing of socket channels that we are registered for write operations.

Methods in toolbus.communication that return IWriteMultiplexer
abstract  IWriteMultiplexer AbstractConnectionHandler.getWriteMultiplexer()
          Returns a reference to the write multiplexer.

The Meta-Environment API