The Meta-Environment API

Uses of Class

Packages that use Environment
toolbus This package implements the ToolBus coordination architecture. 

Uses of Environment in toolbus

Methods in toolbus with parameters of type Environment
static aterm.ATerm Functions.checkType(aterm.ATerm t, Environment env, boolean quoted)
static aterm.ATerm Functions.eval(aterm.ATerm t, ProcessInstance pi, Environment env)
 aterm.ATerm TBTermFactory.fullSubstitute(aterm.ATerm t, Environment env)
          Replaces all variables in an ATerm by their value.
 boolean TBTermFactory.match(aterm.ATerm left, Environment leftEnv, aterm.ATerm right, Environment rightEnv)
 boolean TBTermFactory.matchPatternToValue(aterm.ATerm left, Environment leftEnv, aterm.ATerm right)
 boolean TBTermFactory.patternMatchesToValue(aterm.ATerm pattern, Environment patternEnv, aterm.ATerm value)
private  boolean TBTermFactory.performMatch(aterm.ATerm left, Environment leftEnv, java.util.List<Binding> leftDeltaEnv, aterm.ATerm right, Environment rightEnv, java.util.List<Binding> rightDeltaEnv)
private  boolean TBTermFactory.performPatternMatch(aterm.ATerm pattern, Environment patternEnv, aterm.ATerm value, java.util.List<Binding> deltaEnv)
 TBTermVar TBTermFactory.replaceAssignableVar(TBTermVar v, Environment env)
 aterm.ATerm TBTermFactory.replaceFormals(aterm.ATerm t, Environment env)
          Replace the formals in ATerm t by their values using Environment env.
 void StateElement.setTest(aterm.ATerm test, Environment env)
          Add a test to this state element.
 void State.setTest(aterm.ATerm test, Environment env)
 aterm.ATerm TBTermFactory.substitute(aterm.ATerm t, Environment env)
          Replace all variables in an ATerm by their value.

Uses of Environment in toolbus.atom

Fields in toolbus.atom declared as Environment
private  Environment Atom.env
 Environment Atom.Test.testEnv

Methods in toolbus.atom that return Environment
 Environment Atom.getEnv()

Methods in toolbus.atom with parameters of type Environment
 void Atom.replaceFormals(Environment e)
 void Assign.replaceFormals(Environment env)
protected  void Atom.setEnv(Environment env)
 void Atom.setTest(aterm.ATerm test, Environment e)

Constructors in toolbus.atom with parameters of type Environment
Atom.Test(aterm.ATerm test, Environment env)

Uses of Environment in toolbus.environment

Methods in toolbus.environment that return Environment
 Environment Environment.copy()

Uses of Environment in toolbus.process

Fields in toolbus.process declared as Environment
private  Environment DynamicProcessCall.env
private  Environment LetDefinition.env
private  Environment IfElse.env
private  Environment ProcessCall.env
private  Environment DynamicProcessCall.testEnv

Methods in toolbus.process with parameters of type Environment
 boolean ProcessInstance.getNoteFromQueue(aterm.ATerm pat, Environment env)
 boolean ProcessInstance.noNoteInQueue(aterm.ATerm pat, Environment env)
protected  void LeftBiasedAlternative.replaceFormals(Environment env)
protected  void Iteration.replaceFormals(Environment env)
protected  void DynamicProcessCall.replaceFormals(Environment e)
protected abstract  void ProcessExpression.replaceFormals(Environment env)
protected  void RightBiasedAlternative.replaceFormals(Environment env)
protected  void Disrupt.replaceFormals(Environment env)
protected  void Alternative.replaceFormals(Environment env)
protected  void LetDefinition.replaceFormals(Environment e)
protected  void Merge.replaceFormals(Environment env)
protected  void Sequence.replaceFormals(Environment env)
protected  void IfElse.replaceFormals(Environment e)
protected  void ProcessCall.replaceFormals(Environment e)
 void LeftBiasedAlternative.setTest(aterm.ATerm test, Environment env)
 void DynamicProcessCall.setTest(aterm.ATerm test, Environment env)
 void RightBiasedAlternative.setTest(aterm.ATerm test, Environment env)
 void Merge.setTest(aterm.ATerm test, Environment env)
 void ProcessCall.setTest(aterm.ATerm test, Environment env)

Uses of Environment in toolbus.tool

Methods in toolbus.tool with parameters of type Environment
 boolean ToolInstance.getEventFromTool(aterm.ATerm pattern, Environment env)
          Attempts to find a event that matches the given signature.
 boolean ToolInstance.getPerformanceStats(aterm.ATerm aTerm, Environment env)
          Attempts to find performance statistics that match the given signature.
 boolean ToolInstance.getRequestFromTool(aterm.ATerm pattern, Environment env)
          Attempts to find a request that matches the given signature.
 boolean ToolInstance.getValueFromTool(aterm.ATerm pattern, Environment env)
          Attempts to find a value that matches the given signature.

The Meta-Environment API