The Meta-Environment API
Class RStoreFactType

  extended by java.util.Observable
      extended by

public class RStoreFactType
extends java.util.Observable

This class represents the FactTypes which are used within facts. It will be used to couple FactTypes to visualisation plugins. This class acts as a container in which the visualisation plugins are added. When a new visualisation is added all the member Facts are notified so they can update there view.

Renze de Vries

Field Summary
private  java.lang.String factType
private  java.util.ArrayList<VisualisationPlugin> visualisationPlugins
Constructor Summary
          This is the default constructor and is mainly used as a failsafe.
RStoreFactType(java.lang.String factType)
          The constructor with the factType which looks for example like this: or something similar.
Method Summary
 void addVisualisationPlugin(VisualisationPlugin visPlugin)
          This method makes it possible to add a visualisation plugin to the container.
 java.lang.String getFactType()
          Return the FactType string for comparison elsewhere
 java.util.ArrayList<VisualisationPlugin> getVisualisationPlugins()
          This method returns the list with all the visualisation plugins
Methods inherited from class java.util.Observable
addObserver, clearChanged, countObservers, deleteObserver, deleteObservers, hasChanged, notifyObservers, notifyObservers, setChanged
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private java.lang.String factType


private java.util.ArrayList<VisualisationPlugin> visualisationPlugins
Constructor Detail


public RStoreFactType()
This is the default constructor and is mainly used as a failsafe. The constructor to use is the following: RStoreFactType(String factType)


public RStoreFactType(java.lang.String factType)
The constructor with the factType which looks for example like this: or something similar.

factType - The FactType
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getFactType()
Return the FactType string for comparison elsewhere

The String FactType


public void addVisualisationPlugin(VisualisationPlugin visPlugin)
This method makes it possible to add a visualisation plugin to the container. When a plugin is added notify all the observing Facts. When the new VisalisationPlugin is added to the container we need to resort the container. This is so the VisualisationPlguins are always displayed in the same order.

visPlugin - The plugin to add to the container.


public java.util.ArrayList<VisualisationPlugin> getVisualisationPlugins()
This method returns the list with all the visualisation plugins

The List with visualisation plugins

The Meta-Environment API