Old ins2 projects are also still available. Note that Steven now works officially for INS0.
Current projects
CHIP (P4246)
Full name: CATCH/CHIP: Cultural Heritage Information Presentation
Contact: Lloyd Rutledge
Project page: http://www.chip-project.org/
Project proposal: http://www.cwi.nl/~media/proposals/accepted/CHIP/
Public RDF
The CHIP project investigates enriching user interaction with digitized Dutch cultural heritage by applying personalized adaptation. Our research includes the adaptation of content selection, topic navigation and display. As this adaptation must vary with different users, we explore what systems must know about their users to perform this adaptation, how systems can best learn this, and how to maximize further use of the resulting user profiles. We apply these techniques to digitized cultural heritage.
With the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam as CHIP's cultural heritage partner, digitized museum collections are our primary application area. We aim to make websites that engage users to become more involved with the knowledge that museums hold, and thus with museums themselves. This engagement includes quickly guiding users to what interests them, allowing them to capture and express these interests, and letting them share this with others, thus extending collective knowledge of the museum' collection. As CHIP is part of the CATCH program, we aim also to apply these techniques beyond the Rijksmuseum to other museums and other types of cultural heritage. Thus, we aim to further engage users with culture by personalizing their interaction with a unified and integrated multiple-institute heritage collection.
For more information see The CHIP Project Website
DELOS (P4131)
Full name: DELOS
Contact: Jacco van Ossenbruggen
Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Lynda Hardman
Project page: http://delos-noe.iei.pi.cnr.it/
Public RDF
European Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries. INS2 is in the User Interface cluster of DELOS, INS1 is particpating in two other clusters. Temporal Website for UI Cluster
K-Space (P4247)
Full name: K-Space
Contact: Raphael Troncy
George Anadiotis
Project page: http://www.k-space.eu
Project proposal: http://www.cwi.nl/~media/group-www/projects/K-Space/
Public RDF
European Network of Excellence on The Knowledge Space of Technology to Bridge the Semantic Gap. INS2 is involved in various Work Packages and leads the "Semantic-based Interaction with Multimedia" activity.
MultimediaN (P4243)
Full name: MultimediaN
Contact: Jacco van Ossenbruggen
Alia Amin, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Lynda Hardman, Michiel Hildebrand, Raphael Troncy
Project page: http://e-culture.multimedian.nl/
Project proposal: http://www.cwi.nl/~media/proposals/accepted/MultimediaN/
Public RDF
NL OC&W funded BSIK project from ICES-KIS money. INS2 is in the N9c e-culture project of MultimediaN, INS1 is participating in two other projects (N3 Ambient databases, N5 Semantic Access (together with PNA4) and M Software Matrix). Public demo and test server are available.
NASH (P4211)
Full name: Networked Adaptive Structured Hypermedia (NASH)
NWO projectnumber: 612.060.112
Contact: Jacco van Ossenbruggen
Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Joost Geurts
Project page: http://db.cwi.nl/projecten/project.php4?prjnr=143
Project proposal: http://www.cwi.nl/~media/proposals/accepted/nwo2001-NASH.pdf
Public RDF
Nash aims at improving structured adaptive hypermedia presentations on the Web by combining Semantic Web, Adaptive Hypermedia and Multimedia Database technology. Research builds on top of the infrastructure provided by Eindhoven's HERA project and CWI's Cuypers testbed.
Ontoweb (P4234)
Full name: Ontoweb
Contact: Frank Nack
Frank Nack, Jacco van Ossenbruggen
Project page: http://www.ontoweb.org/
Public RDF
Currently computers are changing from single isolated devices into entry points into a worldwide network of information exchange and business transactions. Support in data, information, and knowledge exchange is becoming the key issue in current computer technology. Ontologies will play a major role in supporting information exchange processes in various areas. They will enable the semantic web which provides on-line access to large volumes of information and knowledge based on machine-processable semantics of data. In consequence, there is a large interest in these topics from various sites. Different research communities develop their subject into this direction; many commercial agents encounter the economical potential of the topic and many funding agencies are willing to provide significant support for its development. Still the different communities are scattered and have not yet found enough interactions to fully employ the potential of this new technology. It is the delighted goal of the OntoWeb network to bypass communication bottlenecks between these various and heterogeneous interest groups. As first steps into this direction, we set up a homepage (url), a mailing list (url), and organized an European workshop coordinating projects proposals for the next open calls of the European Union IST funding. Ontoweb is submitted as a thematic network proposal to the European commission.
Passepartout (P4245)
Full name: Passepartout
Contact: Željko Obrenović
Frank Nack, Željko Obrenović
Project page: http://db.cwi.nl/projecten/project.php4?prjnr=190
Project proposal: http://www.cwi.nl/~media/group-www/projects/Passepartout/
Public RDF
The availability of sensor data from numerous sources offers interesting challenges for the usage of user profiles, personalization and adaptive user interfaces. The Dutch Passepartout project researches frameworks for achieving Ambient Intelligence in combination with a Mass-Customization Box and potential applications of these systems. This research is carried out in cooperation with Philips PDSL, Stoneroos, TU/e Chartoon and the international Passepartout partners.
The core of the Dutch Passepartout project is researching the generation of personalized multimedia content and automatic generation of suggestions using dynamically built user profiles, so that the user always has control over the Mass-Customization Box and how it finds and presents interesting content. This personalized advice can then be used to make content available on TV screens, projectors or portable devices and players in a wireless in-home network. The system continually and automatically updates the user profile during long-term monitoring of the user's interactions and program choices. The project also researches mechanisms for incremental authoring of content on top of the existing broadcast content and its subsequent components with other participants via the Internet and video chat groups. In addition, the project researches the usage of standards such as SMIL, MPEG4/7, SVG and XMT as the basis for new forms of content distribution and peer-to-peer sharing environments (P2P).
INS2's primary contribution to the Passepartout project is the investigation of the creation of explicit semantics from sensor data to generate personalized hypermedia presentations in the Passepartout framework. In addition, INS2 researches architectures that enable integration of existing and novel personalized hypermedia systems into Passepartout framework. Some of the research topics include the definition of user profiles and the definition of flexible mapping among the data from Pasepartout user, device and context models to the parameters of concrete adaptive multimedia systems. INS2 collaborates with CWI theme SEN5, which is also a partner in Passepartout.
Passepartout deliverables and drafts thereof are accessible at TU/e's Passepartout BSCW site
ToKeN2000/CHIME (P4212)
Full name: Cultural Heritage in Interactive Multimedia Environments (ToKeN2000/CHIME)
NWO projectnumber: 634.000.011
Contact: Frank Nack
Frank Nack, Kateryna Falkovych
Project page: http://www.cwi.nl/~media/projects/CHIME/
Project proposal: http://www.cwi.nl/~media/proposals/accepted/chime.pdf
Public RDF
The goal of the CHIME project is to investigate the use of semantic models for tailoring the presentation of cultural information extracted from existing repositories to different types of users. While database query and full text search interfaces are able to provide access to the information, they do not take into account the richness of expression of multiple media types. In this project we will build on the presentation generation framework developed in previous ToKeN2000 work and focus on the user and domain modelling aspects, paying particular attention to the knowledge representation problems introduced by multimedia aspects. The research in the project will concentrate on the creation of ontological descriptions of the domain which can be revealed in different levels of detail to different users, on the creation of user profiles to facilitate both this process and the hypermedia presentation generation process. Experience gained in the use of the user profiles and domain ontologies during the presentation generation process can then feed back into their development.
ToKeN2000/I2RP (P4210)
Full name: Intelligent Information Retrieval and Presentation in Public Historical Multimedia Databases (ToKeN2000/I2RP)
NWO projectnumber: 634.000.002
Contact: Lynda Hardman
Stefano Bocconi
Project page: http://db.cwi.nl/projecten/project.php4?prjnr=144
Project proposal: http://www.cwi.nl/~media/proposals/accepted/token-i2rp.pdf
Public RDF
BSCW Shared Workspace Server:http://wwwis.win.tue.nl/bscw/bscw.cgi/0/190
The work of CWI will focus on the presentation aspects of personalized, media-centric hypermedia-interfaces. The Cuypers proof-of-concept prototype, constructed in the first phase of ToKeN2000, currently focuses on the adaptation of hypermedia presentations to various end-user devices. For example, a desk-top computer, a hand-held device or a mobile phone. This device-driven approach was developed to validate our constraint-driven approach to hypermedia presentation generation. In the following phase of ToKeN2000, the device-driven approach will be integrated with a more user-centric approach, based on explicit user profile information. In order to adapt hypermedia presentations to an individual user's task and preferences, adequate user models need to be developed. Research to address this issue will be carried out in cooperation with KI/RUG in the context of the Optima project. To be able to convey the results of a multimedia database query to a user effectively, the individual multimedia objects need to be related by placing them in the context of a unified hypermedia presentation. This process of enriching the database content requires a number of steps. First, research is needed into appropriate rhetorical and narrative discourse structures to guide the overall flow of the presentation. Second, research is needed into the process of mapping the discourse structures onto hypermedia presentation patterns. This process is driven by high-level hypermedia design rules which also have to be developed. Finally, research is needed into the realization of these hypermedia patterns in terms of a concrete hypermedia presentation format driven by lower-level design rules and qualitative and quantitative presentation constraint processing (DISC is the discourse-driven Cuypers extension currently under development).
Topia (P4237)
Full name: Topia
Contact: Lloyd Rutledge
Lloyd Rutledge, Stanislav Pokraev
Project page: http://db.cwi.nl/projecten/project.php4?prjnr=147
Public RDF
The Topia project is developing a system that generates presentation structure around media objects returned from semantic-based queries. Current developments in three research areas -- semantic annotations, narrative structure and hypermedia presentation -- form three phases in one document processing chain. Emerging and established Semantic Web technologies provide computable descriptions of archived media. Formalized components of narrative theory serve as the basis for computer-generated and computable structure defining the structured progression of presentations. Hypermedia presentation devices for these narrative constructs guide the programming of transforms from structured progression over media to hypermedia presentations. This project's system will automatically process Semantic Web annotations for media into structured progressions that in turn transform into hypermedia presentations.
NRHM journal
The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia
Editor : Douglas Tudhope
Editorial board member : Lynda Hardman
Project page: NRHM Jounal
W3C AC Rep
Lloyd Rutledge is CWI's Activity Committee (AC) representive to the W3C. As such, he represents CWI's visions and interests in the W3C and in the development of its recommendations (its standards). CWI colleagues are welcome to contact Lloyd regarding their interests in the W3C and its various projects.
Contact person: Lloyd Rutledge
Timesheet Codes
Code | Reason | Reden |
0001 | Ill | Ziek |
0002 | Holiday | Vakantie |
0003 | Buitengewoon verlof | |
0004 | Institute Closed (christmas, new year) | Extra verlof i.v.m. feestdagen |
0005 | ADV | ADV |
0006 | Administrative Work | Administratieve Werkzaamheden |
0007 | Ondernemingsraad | |
0008 | Clusterleiding | |
0009 | Themaleiding | |
0010 | Conference visit | Conferentiebezoek |
0011 | Detachering extern onbetaald | |
0012 | Onderschapsverlof | |
0013 | Sabatical leave | |
0014 | Senioreneregeling | |
0015 | Onbetaald verlof |
Java: 1.5.0
Sesame: 1.2.2
Xalan Java 2.7.0
Xerces-J 2.7.1