The Meta-Environment API

Uses of Class

Packages that use Atom
toolbus This package implements the ToolBus coordination architecture. 

Uses of Atom in toolbus

Fields in toolbus with type parameters of type Atom
private  java.util.List<Atom> AtomList.elements

Methods in toolbus that return types with arguments of type Atom
 java.util.Iterator<Atom> AtomList.iterator()

Method parameters in toolbus with type arguments of type Atom
private  void ToolBus.calculateToolSignatures(java.util.List<Atom> atomSignature)

Constructors in toolbus with parameters of type Atom
AtomList(Atom a)

Uses of Atom in toolbus.atom

Subclasses of Atom in toolbus.atom
 class Assign
 class Create
 class Delta
 class Print
 class ShutDown
 class Tau

Methods in toolbus.atom with parameters of type Atom
 void Atom.copyAtomAttributes(Atom a)

Uses of Atom in toolbus.atom.msg

Subclasses of Atom in toolbus.atom.msg
 class MsgAtom
 class RecMsg
 class SndMsg

Uses of Atom in toolbus.atom.note

Subclasses of Atom in toolbus.atom.note
 class NoNote
 class RecNote
 class SndNote
 class Subscribe
 class UnSubscribe
          The unsubscribe atom

Uses of Atom in toolbus.atom.tool

Subclasses of Atom in toolbus.atom.tool
 class AckEvent
 class Connect
 class DisConnect
 class Do
 class Eval
 class Event
 class Execute
          Execute a tool
 class GetPerfStats
 class RecPerfStats
 class RecRequest
 class RecVal
 class SndKill
 class SndResponse
 class Terminate

Uses of Atom in toolbus.matching

Fields in toolbus.matching with type parameters of type Atom
private  java.util.List<Atom> MatchStore.atomSet

Method parameters in toolbus.matching with type arguments of type Atom
 void MatchStore.initialize(java.util.List<Atom> atomSet)
          Initializes this match store with the given set of atoms.

Uses of Atom in toolbus.tool

Method parameters in toolbus.tool with type arguments of type Atom
 void ToolDefinition.calculateToolSignature(java.util.List<Atom> atoms)

The Meta-Environment API