Steven Pemberton : Views and Feelings ←↑→
This is a series of articles that I have written and published. If I have a
blog then this is it. There is an RSS feed.
- Ten and the art of
computer-power maintenance: the ten €/$/£ computer.
A contemplation on values.
Why XML parsing is advantageous and why XHTML is relevant.
- Why you should have a
website: it's the law!
Why Web 2.0 is bad for the web, and how we can fix it.
- Newsnight interviews Gutenberg on the invention of the book
After the success of their interview with Tim Berners-Lee, BBC's Newsnight decided to interview Johann Gutenberg.
- Things
that Stay Us from the Swift Completion of Our Appointed Tasks
A decade ago I tried to predict how much mail I would be receiving now. Was
I right?
- The Power
of Two
Available computing power doubles every 18 months. Why aren't we taking
advantage of it?
- Scratching
someone else's itch
Why open source can't do usability
- So Big,
So Bad, So Often
Badly designed programming languages cause viruses.
- Hotel
Why are hotel booking sites on the Web so terrible?
- Letter
Writing, Telephones, and Television
So is the net bad for human relationships?
- Restrictive practices
Region codes on DVDs are a stupid idea.
- The Kiss
of the Spiderbot
The economic value of making websites accessible.
- A Pixel
is not a Point
Screen resolution (pixel density) is increasing. Don't use pixels as a
measure of font size if you want people to continue reading your web
- Go
Web sites that don't care if you can see their content
- Choose
one: fast, correct, or pleasurable
On the definition of usability.
- Electric
What will it mean for the user if Internet comes out of the electric
- Did
convergence kill the clock?
Will devices converge to one all-powerful device, or will they stay
separate and learn to communicate?
- The
culture of uncertainty
A proposed explanation of why some websites are apparently so wilfully hard
to use.
- In
search of the killer app
Successes and failures of the mobile Internet.
- The
design of notations
Many eyes make UI bugs shallow, too.
- Photocopy this article!
Why publishers should be encouraging digital copying like Napster.
- Abusus
non tollit usum
Is it OK to use the word "Affordance" about aspects of screen
- So
much for WYSIWYG
Horror stories from a multi-lingual environment.
- The accidental death of reviewing
Peer-review has structural problems that may just go away
- It rings
for me
How our interactions with devices live in the fringes of unanticipated
- The demise of the book
If you're one of those people that thinks there's nothing like the feel and
smell of a lovely book, come over to my house sometime and smell mine.
- Local Optima
Before you design an interface, you need to observe your users
- Image
image: Image Image Image
One day we will all be glad that there are accessible websites
- Our
subliminal art
Zen and the Art of Interaction Design
- The Screen is not Paper
Why you shouldn't use PDF for documents intended for the screen
- Mysteries Worth Pondering
Inconsistencies within and between systems
- Teenagers, Sex Education and Microsoft
The sad state of platform interoperability.
- Flags are not Languages
So don't use flags as icons representing languages.
- Hell and Documentation
Why documentation should be designed using user interface techniques
- Programmers are Humans Too, 2
Why are programming languages so bad?
- If
Six Were Nine
'Smart' software. Ha!
- Quick!
The Future is Coming!
If technological advances of computing are so easy to predict, why are we
so short-sighted?
- Never is
a Long Time
Why screens will replace paper eventually
- Beep
Sound in the user interface
- Programmers Are Humans Too
Why is it so hard to write a GUI program?
- Metaphorically Speaking
Wrong use of terminology
- Things that Stay Us from the Swift
Completion of Our Appointed Tasks
Why are mail readers so uniformly bad?
- Gbldgk
Why notations should be designed using user interface techniques
- No
Such Number, No Such Zone
The pains of telling computer systems what your address is
- Let
Vs Coniectvre VVhat the VVorld VVovld Be Liqe Had the Roman Empire Not
Character sets, and how badly most of the world is supported
- A Word of Encouragement
An argument for blind reviewing
- Parallel Worlds
What sort of mess would we be in if filestores had developed in the same
way that user interface software has?
Steven Pemberton, CWI, Amsterdam
Last modified: Wed Sep 21 11:42:00 W. Europe Daylight Time 2005