The Meta-Environment API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use StateElement
toolbus This package implements the ToolBus coordination architecture. 

Uses of StateElement in toolbus

Fields in toolbus with type parameters of type StateElement
private  java.util.IdentityHashMap<StateElement,java.lang.Boolean> State.cache
private  java.util.List<StateElement> State.elements

Methods in toolbus that return StateElement
 StateElement State.getLastExecutedStateElement()
          Returns the last executed state element in the current state.

Methods in toolbus that return types with arguments of type StateElement
 java.util.List<StateElement> State.getElementsAsList()
 java.util.List<StateElement> State.getUnhandledMessages()

Methods in toolbus with parameters of type StateElement
 void State.addElement(StateElement a)
 boolean StateElement.contains(StateElement elem)
          Check whether a StateElement contains another StateElement.
 boolean State.contains(StateElement a)
 void State.delElement(StateElement a)
 State StateElement.gotoNextStateAndActivate(StateElement elem)
          Get the successor of the StateElement for a given other StateElement elem.
 State State.gotoNextStateAndActivate(StateElement a)

Uses of StateElement in toolbus.atom

Classes in toolbus.atom that implement StateElement
 class Assign
 class Atom
          The class Atom forms the basic building block of Tscripts.
 class Create
 class Delta
 class Print
 class ShutDown
 class Tau

Methods in toolbus.atom with parameters of type StateElement
 boolean Atom.contains(StateElement b)
 State Atom.gotoNextStateAndActivate(StateElement b)

Uses of StateElement in toolbus.atom.msg

Classes in toolbus.atom.msg that implement StateElement
 class MsgAtom
 class RecMsg
 class SndMsg

Uses of StateElement in toolbus.atom.note

Classes in toolbus.atom.note that implement StateElement
 class NoNote
 class RecNote
 class SndNote
 class Subscribe
 class UnSubscribe
          The unsubscribe atom

Uses of StateElement in toolbus.atom.tool

Classes in toolbus.atom.tool that implement StateElement
 class AckEvent
 class Connect
 class DisConnect
 class Do
 class Eval
 class Event
 class Execute
          Execute a tool
 class GetPerfStats
 class RecPerfStats
 class RecRequest
 class RecVal
 class SndKill
 class SndResponse
 class Terminate

Uses of StateElement in toolbus.process

Classes in toolbus.process that implement StateElement
 class DynamicProcessCall
 class LeftBiasedAlternative
          LeftBiasedAlternative implements the the asymmetric choice operator operator <+.
 class Merge
 class ProcessCall
          ProcessCall implements a call to a process P(f1, f2, ...).
 class RightBiasedAlternative

Methods in toolbus.process that return StateElement
 StateElement DynamicProcessCall.getExecutedStateElement()
          Returns the last, by this process call, executed state element.
 StateElement ProcessCall.getExecutedStateElement()
          Returns the last, by this process call, executed state element.

Methods in toolbus.process that return types with arguments of type StateElement
 java.util.Set<StateElement> ProcessInstance.getStateElements()
          Returns a complete list of state elements in this process instance.

Methods in toolbus.process with parameters of type StateElement
protected  void ProcessExpression.addToFirst(StateElement a)
 boolean LeftBiasedAlternative.contains(StateElement a)
 boolean DynamicProcessCall.contains(StateElement a)
 boolean RightBiasedAlternative.contains(StateElement a)
 boolean Merge.contains(StateElement a)
 boolean ProcessInstance.contains(StateElement a)
 boolean ProcessCall.contains(StateElement a)
 State LeftBiasedAlternative.gotoNextStateAndActivate(StateElement se)
 State DynamicProcessCall.gotoNextStateAndActivate(StateElement se)
 State RightBiasedAlternative.gotoNextStateAndActivate(StateElement se)
 State Merge.gotoNextStateAndActivate(StateElement se)
 void ProcessInstance.gotoNextStateAndActivate(StateElement se)
 State ProcessCall.gotoNextStateAndActivate(StateElement se)

Uses of StateElement in toolbus.viewer

Fields in toolbus.viewer with type parameters of type StateElement
private  toolbus.util.collections.ConcurrentHashSet<StateElement> DebugToolBus.stateElementBreakPoints

Methods in toolbus.viewer with parameters of type StateElement
 void DebugToolBus.addStateElementBreakPoint(StateElement stateElement)
          Adds a breakpoint on the given state element.
private  void Viewer.fillVariables(StateElement stateElement)
 void DebugToolBus.removeStateElementBreakPoint(StateElement stateElement)
          Removes the breakpoint from the given state element (if present).
 void AbstractViewerAdapter.sourceBreakPointHit(StateElement stateElement)
 void Viewer.sourceBreakPointHit(StateElement stateElement)
 void IViewer.sourceBreakPointHit(StateElement stateElement)
          Informs the viewer that a registered breakpoint on a sourcecode coordinate was hit.
 void AbstractViewerAdapter.stateElementBreakPointHit(StateElement stateElement)
 void Viewer.stateElementBreakPointHit(StateElement stateElement)
 void IViewer.stateElementBreakPointHit(StateElement stateElement)
          Informs the viewer that a registered breakpoint on a state element was hit.
 void AbstractViewerAdapter.stepExecuted(ProcessInstance processInstance, StateElement executedStateElement, ProcessInstance[] partners)
 void Viewer.stepExecuted(ProcessInstance processInstance, StateElement executedStateElement, ProcessInstance[] partners)
 void IViewer.stepExecuted(ProcessInstance processInstance, StateElement executedStateElement, ProcessInstance[] partners)
          Fired after the successfull completion of a step.

The Meta-Environment API